What ability must an infant have as a foundation for gross motor skill development quizlet?

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What ability must an infant have as a foundation for gross motor skill development quizlet?

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What is the foundation needed for gross motor skills to develop?

The foundations for gross motor development include muscle tone, strength (of the upper limbs, trunk and lower limbs), postural strength, and stability.

What is the first gross motor skill that will develop in an infant?

Although every child is different, gross motor skills development typically occurs in a predictable pattern. Large muscles (arms, legs, and trunk) develop first, so kids master gross motor skills such as walking first. 1 Small motor skills, which require control and dexterity in the hands and fingers, come later.

What is crucial for an infant's development of motor skills?

As the development of vision and the sense of touch is important to the development of motor skills, children need to be able to see and feel what is in their hands in order to interact with or manipulate objects.

What motor skills develop during infancy?

Like fine motor skills, kids start developing gross motor skills when they're small babies. Even in their first 2 months, babies will kick their legs and wave their arms around. At 6 to 8 months old, a baby should be able to roll, reach and sit independently (if only briefly).