Subtleties là gì

Từ: subtlety


  • danh từ

    tính phảng phất

  • tính huyền ảo

  • sự tinh vi, sự tinh tế

  • sự khôn khéo, sự khôn ngoan, sự lanh lợi, sự tinh nhanh

  • sự khéo léo, sự tài tình

  • sự xảo quyệt, sự quỷ quyệt

  • sự phân biệt tế nhị, sự quá tỉ mỉ

    Từ gần giống

    supersubtlety oversubtlety

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "subtleties", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ subtleties, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ subtleties trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. We are dealing with subtleties here.

2. The subtleties of politics are often lost on me.

3. They are uneducated in the financial subtleties of credit transfer.

4. 3 Jugglery with labels and subtleties of diplomacy are foreign to the worker.

5. I think the translator missed some of the subtleties of the original.

6. · Take institutional differences between the “model” and “recipient” country into account, including subtleties.

7. His fascination with the subtleties of human behaviour makes him a good storyteller.

8. When a book goes into translation, all those linguistic subtleties get lost.

9. All the subtleties of the music are conveyed in this new recording.

10. 10 His fascination with the subtleties of human behaviour makes him a good storyteller.

11. All the scholastic subtleties have neither added anything to nor subtracted the acuteness of this paradox.

12. There's no deep programming here—no need for object-orientation, monadic application, co-routines, or other subtleties.

13. The scrawny young soldier, forgoing any subtleties, merely rubbed his fingers together in an age - old gesture.

14. Also, the disagreements between the two bosses usually involve subtleties in emphasis, priorities, and the like.

15. The general public wouldn't be interested in the subtleties of unfair regulations and the clear imbalance of resources.

16. Modernised, urbanised and alienated as many of us are, photographs remind us of nature's many complexities and subtleties.

17. Subtleties in the texture of the grit, patches brushed clean of lichen, told him where to place his feet.

18. Useful in developing a feel for the subtleties of language in letter, telex and telephone communication.

19. This is not the place to explore the subtleties of dual or segmented labour market theories.

20. There may be subtleties of interaction below the soil surface of which we know little or nothing.

21. 14 Also, the disagreements between the two bosses usually involve subtleties in emphasis, priorities,[] and the like.

22. 16) It's important to be familiar with the subtleties of Bash before you embark on an LFS build.

23. Optical photons pack enough energy to bump electrons clear into the next orbital shell—no need to fuss with subtleties like spin.

24. Be sure to alert the local planning authority, which may not be aware of the subtleties of the legislation.

25. 6) Modernised, urbanised and alienated as many of us are, photographs remind us of nature's many complexities and subtleties.

26. Dan goes from group to group, checking new finds, pointing out some of the subtleties the kids may have missed.

27. 6) You won't learn the subtleties of footwork and frequently repeated rocks will suffer erosion from dirty or unadapted shoes.

28. Here we ignore topological subtleties in the case of the cylinder by considering only paths that do not cross the cut.

29. While traditional color theory tends to shy away from the saturation and lightness of colors, artists are traditionally called upon to understand their subtleties.

30. Unlike Malfurion, Illidan had no patience for the subtleties of druidism and proved to be a poor student despite their teacher, the demigod Cenarius.

31. (Matthew 26:41) One way to overcome temptation is to be alert to the various forms that temptation can take and be sensitive to its subtleties.

32. Just plug into your music source and experience full-bodied, well-balanced audio that brings out details and subtleties you may not have noticed before.

33. And after the initial explosive sound, there are subtleties like vibrating vocal cords and mucus that reveal information about what is happening in the patient's respiratory system.

34. The beams of particles at Cern, travelling within a mere fraction of light speed, arrive at their destination on time only when the subtleties of relativity are included in the accounting.

35. Whether it's l'addition, la cuenta or il conto, it remains a sad fact that most Britons' grasp of foreign languages is limited to the subtleties of settling the bill on holiday.

36. 4) The beams of particles at Cern, travelling within a mere fraction of light speed, arrive at their destination on time only when the subtleties of relativity are included in the accounting.

37. It will be superficial because history is very, very complex and any attempt to give a complete account of the whole of history, especially in just 20 lessons, is bound to ignore many of the subtleties and many of the details.

38. In the sequence about small hands, even an ear untuned to the subtleties of that pastoral might have caught (though in a version perverted by the abjectly low level of the exchange) the famous line from e.e. cummings, the American Apollinaire: “Nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands.”