Bare minimum là gì

Đồng nghĩa của bare minimum


The smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate, condition that is required, acceptable, or suitable for some purpose

modicum least jot smidgen speck iota minimum smallest amount lowest depth nadir bottom slightest dab shadow smallest dot whit point soupçon gleam hair spark bottom level narrowest particle grain rock bottom lower limit margin lowest level scruple molecule atom pittance trifle scintilla base bit shred crumb fragment spot ounce trace tad mite snippet required number hint touch scrap drop pinch minimum number quorum tinge dash suspicion smattering little glimmer tittle ray lick taste morsel smidgeon suggestion streak shade spatter sprinkling splash smidge patch strain degree measure small amount nip smack vestige driblet whisper scantling fraction stim little bit mote scattering granule whiff semblance tatter tiny bit nugget flyspeck dribble fleck snip nubbin intimation tincture footstep nuance breath tiny piece tiny part flicker peanuts dram skosh ace smell slot tang step snap spoor nib record proof element token memento residue inch sliver fig continental whoop syllable hoot rap darn durn minim infinitesimal ghost nucleus piece tiny amount least bit jot or tittle tiniest bit


A policy of formally complying with efforts to achieve a goal by making small, token gestures

minimum effort symbolic effort tokenism

Nearby Words

bareness barenesses bare of bare possibility barer bares bare metal barely warm barely visible barely sufficient barely perceptible barely moving