Topology and its Applications PDF


  • K. P. Hart
  • Mathematics

  • 2007

We prove that the following statement follows from the Open Colouring Axiom (OCA): if X is locally compact a-compact but not compact and if its Cech-Stone remainder X* is a continuous image of w*,

Frames and MV-algebras

  • L. P. Belluce, A. Nola
  • Mathematics

    Stud Logica

  • 2005

The result is that if K is spatial, then C(pt(K), A), pt(K) the points of K, embeds into Hom ($cal F) analogous to the case of C (X, A) embedding into Hom $cal F (Ω(A), Ω (X)).

Semigroup-valued metric spaces

  • Matvej Konevcn'y
  • Mathematics

  • 2018

The structural Ramsey theory is a field on the boundary of combinatorics and model theory with deep connections to topological dynamics. Most of the known Ramsey classes in finite binary symmetric

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Set operators and associated functions

  • S. Modak, Sk Selim
  • Mathematics

  • 2021

Two new set operators on the ideal topological spaces G and (A) are introduced, similar to the well know relation of the 2020 Mathematics Subject Classi…cation, which deals with two mathematical structures: ideal I and topology simultaneously.

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π(X) = δ(X) for compact X

  • I. Juhász, S. Shelah
  • Mathematics

  • 1989

Arhangel'skii, The frequency spectrum of a topological space and the product operation

  • Trans. Moscow Math. Sot

  • 1981

On countable spaces having no bicompactification of countable tightness, Soviet Math

On systems of almost disjoint sets

  • Bulletin de L'Academie Polonaise des Sciences Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques et physiques

  • 1972

E-mail address: Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics

  • E-mail address: Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics

On Contractible J-Saces

  • N. A. Dawood, S. G. Gasim
  • Mathematics

  • 2018

Jordan  curve  theorem  is  one  of  the  classical  theorems  of  mathematics, it states  the  following :  If  is a graph of  a  simple  closed curve  in  the complex plane the complement  of   is

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Graph Based Hybrid Clustering With Unbounded Regions

  • H. Su, Hong Zhang
  • Computer Science

  • 2017

An extension of the hybrid clustering approach is proposed for partitioning data with possibly unbounded polygon regions for pattern recognition and classification by using a graph to model the initial manual partition of the dataset.

  • View 1 excerpt, cites methods

Conjecturally Superpolynomial Lower Bound for Share Size

  • Shahram Khazaei
  • Computer Science, Mathematics

    IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.

  • 2018

This paper recursively construct a family of access structures having information ratio n, assuming a well-stated informationtheoretic conjecture is true, and emerges after introducing the notion of convec set for an access structure, a subset of n-dimensional real space.

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A network-theoretic approach to hyperspectral image classification

  • Ryan H. Lewis, A. Harkin
  • Computer Science

  • 2009

A topological and network-theoretic approach for clustering pixels in hyperspectral image data by considering the spectral distance between pairs of pixels, which effectively models the complex nonlinear structures in the data and it can be exploited to perform clustering by applying a community detection algorithm, such as the method of maximum modularity.