sugared là gì - Nghĩa của từ sugared

sugared có nghĩa là

/danh từ/
1. another word for "kiss"

2. an expression of love

Ví dụ

"Gimme some sugar, bay-bee!" Mmmm-maH!

sugared có nghĩa là

A form of torture mostly used in prison consisting of mixing sugar and boiling water. Once applied to the skin it acts almost like acid melting it away

Ví dụ

"Gimme some sugar, bay-bee!" Mmmm-maH!

sugared có nghĩa là

A form of torture mostly used in prison consisting of mixing sugar and boiling water. Once applied to the skin it acts almost like acid melting it away

Ví dụ

"Gimme some sugar, bay-bee!" Mmmm-maH! A form of torture mostly used in prison consisting of mixing sugar and boiling water. Once applied to the skin it acts almost like acid melting it away

sugared có nghĩa là

That c**t took my burn out my pad last night.... when I catch him he's getting sugared The same as darling, baby, bae, said to a significant other or people in general to show affection. How are you, sugar? I’ve missed you.

Ví dụ

"Gimme some sugar, bay-bee!" Mmmm-maH! A form of torture mostly used in prison consisting of mixing sugar and boiling water. Once applied to the skin it acts almost like acid melting it away That c**t took my burn out my pad last night.... when I catch him he's getting sugared The same as darling, baby, bae, said to a significant other or people in general to show affection. How are you, sugar? I’ve missed you.

sugared có nghĩa là

Hey, sugar. Lâu rồi không gặp. A juvenile prank (usu. committed near Halloween) where a person's car or front porch is coated in syrup, honey and sugar. This process attracts many bugs (esp. ants) which can cause hundreds of dollars in damage. Mark: Nina! Get an exterminator on the line! Nina: Why, what happened? Mark: I think some punks were sugaring my car last night! There are bugs everywhere!

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Sugars, 'su'-'gars',

sugared có nghĩa là

su - shutup, gar - garfish.

Ví dụ

= A loud obnoxious long nosed wet fish of a person.

sugared có nghĩa là

An old Southern American term for sugar diabetes. Most notably used in a Saturday Night Live sketch featuring Kristen Wiig as Paula Deen.

Ví dụ

Sugars are a negative argumentative group of secretly paid antagonists who act as minions to a master (usually of undeserved status), who are loud and get their long noses into everything to spread hate, sloppy wet fake lies and vile rude remarks about others through online truyền thông xã hội.

sugared có nghĩa là

code word for being intoxicated, usually by an excessive amount of alcohol.

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As a paid group it is a pyramid scheme (or franchise fraud) where the 'Sugar' with the most social media exposure who has the most shocking ripple effect will be paid the biggest bonus, but is subject to cancellation if it causes uproar, which inevitably results in being duly thrown out of the sugar masters clique. Funds used to pay sugars are also money they donated themselves so the sugars have their own ecosystem more specifically categorised as a toxic money laundering cycle system.

sugared có nghĩa là

One who is candy-like; sweet to the eye. A person who is thought to be appealing to the eye. Eye-candy.

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In history 'Sugars' did not exist prior to mid 2018.

sugared có nghĩa là

"Master says if we tell another porky pie or wish something bad upon someone, we will get a huge bonus at the end of the month", said one of the Sugars to the other Sugar.

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Making a living by pretending to like someone, usually someone older who has money (sugar daddy, sugar momma). Used to be a girl who did this was a gold digger; today, there are websites connecting girls with sugar daddies to pay for their college tuition, etc. Does not *have to* include sex/prostitution.....