mie là gì - Nghĩa của từ mie

mie có nghĩa là


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That guy is so bad at football
Yeah he is a total Mie

mie có nghĩa là

A super amazing girl. Seg hets every boy and is so hot asf.

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Someone: mie is an super caring person
Someone Else: omg i love mie

mie có nghĩa là

Different.She becomes your euphoria.

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I am Mie.(Meaning i am extremely happy)

mie có nghĩa là

Mie is a beautiful person with a even more beautiful personality. Mie gets all the boys she wants and make all the other girls jealous. And if you ever get a shot, don’t waste it, you will regret missing out fore the rest of your life.
Mie is the definition of “perfection

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"CHÚA ƠI! You look almost as good as Mie!”

mie có nghĩa là

n. When one shaves their head thusly giving them the appearance of or pertaining to clay. Clay head. Clay-mation. having {cotz}

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Did you see after-hat photo of Clay-mie? Looks like an oily version of mr. potato head!

mie có nghĩa là

Ya Mie Die (雅蠛蝶, Yǎ Miè Dié) means "Small Elegant Butterfly" (name derived from Japanese yamete (止めて), meaning "stop"), was supposedly a type of butterfly discovered on 1 January 2009 at the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and that legends state that there was once a Japanese girl who turned into these butterflies after harsh pressures during a romantic relationship. The original article states that these butterflies are able to change colour, and are luminescent, naturally emitting light from its wings. This is due to the cold temperatures and low oxygen environment these butterflies live in. There are an estimated 14,000 of these butterflies living throughout the world, and thus are considered to be precious and highly uncommon.

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She was a real Ya Mie Die

mie có nghĩa là

The name Mie is short for “mystery”. Mie is the kind of girl who doesn’t like feets very much. She prefers to use her arms instead. What makes her so valuable is how she can travel really fast from place to place. Something that is a paradox, since she doesn’t like using her feets.

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1 Person: Look over there! It’s a wild Mie.
2 Person: I can’t see her?
1 Person: she’s gone already! I guess I was just lucky.

mie có nghĩa là

A beautiful girl with a heart of gold and perfect eyebrows

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mie có nghĩa là

A very smart and natural girl. She loves her family and her books but I still also a very active girl. She cares a lot about others, though sometimes it seems as if she doesn't get how big the world really is and only thinks of what's near her.
Girls love how sweet she is and guys love how natural she is. Hating her is simply impossible.

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Alex: hi sel do you know where Mie is?
Selena: ya she's probably at the library studying.
Alex: as always...
Selena: laughs* yeah but we love her anyway!! mieiscaring love familyandfriends bubble sharing study

mie có nghĩa là

cup a fart into a grasping hand and release the fermenting fart in there face!

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i smothered mike with a phat MEI LEI!!!