marjorie là gì - Nghĩa của từ marjorie

marjorie có nghĩa là

Smart, Witty, usually referred to as stunning with the ability to slay an entire room when she wants too. Motivator, Positive thinker. Will cut you out of her life if you become toxic but it will take a lot out of her to do so. Dedicated and tireless. Genuine love for others, at times to a fault.

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Marjorie is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or is that Superman?

marjorie có nghĩa là

A woman who takes your breath away and renders you speechless upon initial meeting. She unknowingly instantly destroys any and all smoothness you might have otherwise been capable of thus ruining your first impression. This unfortunately leaves you completely and utterly vulnerable to being Cock-blocked by anyone who already knows her.

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Marjorie is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or is that Superman? A woman who takes your breath away and renders you speechless upon initial meeting. She unknowingly instantly destroys any and all smoothness you might have otherwise been capable of thus ruining your first impression. This unfortunately leaves you completely and utterly vulnerable to being Cock-blocked by anyone who already knows her. guy 1 : Dude who is that.....she's gorgeous.... guy 2 : That, my friend, is Marjorie. Can you hold my drink while I cockblock you? Thanks.

marjorie có nghĩa là

Marjorie is a name mostly from a nun of the catholic religion closly related to Madi it is very rare to find one of these, and when you come across take a long time to know it. Yes, "IT" this thing called a Marjorie is awsome so awsome "IT" may be a new species of awsomeness.

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Marjorie is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or is that Superman? A woman who takes your breath away and renders you speechless upon initial meeting. She unknowingly instantly destroys any and all smoothness you might have otherwise been capable of thus ruining your first impression. This unfortunately leaves you completely and utterly vulnerable to being Cock-blocked by anyone who already knows her. guy 1 : Dude who is that.....she's gorgeous....

marjorie có nghĩa là

guy 2 : That, my friend, is Marjorie. Can you hold my drink while I cockblock you? Thanks.

Ví dụ

Marjorie is able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or is that Superman? A woman who takes your breath away and renders you speechless upon initial meeting. She unknowingly instantly destroys any and all smoothness you might have otherwise been capable of thus ruining your first impression. This unfortunately leaves you completely and utterly vulnerable to being Cock-blocked by anyone who already knows her.

marjorie có nghĩa là

guy 1 : Dude who is that.....she's gorgeous....

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Marjorie is an example of beauty.

marjorie có nghĩa là

guy 2 : That, my friend, is Marjorie. Can you hold my drink while I cockblock you? Thanks.

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That type of girl i like is marjory

marjorie có nghĩa là

guy 1 : remains in the corner holding a drink blinking and drooling like a zombie.....

Ví dụ

Marjorie is a name mostly from a nun of the catholic religion closly related to Madi it is very rare to find one of these, and when you come across take a long time to know it. Yes, "IT" this thing called a Marjorie is awsome so awsome "IT" may be a new species of awsomeness.

marjorie có nghĩa là

a: Yo did you hear about that new Marjorie?

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b: Yea, its awsome i hear its coming out April 16 Ita gunna be Cohen...Marjorie Cohen

marjorie có nghĩa là


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Uh oh there’s Marjorie be ready for criticism” “be careful of Marjorie”

marjorie có nghĩa là

A name given to a beautiful girl. She is usually smart, funny, stubborn, really flirty, and gets jealous. She also loves being with friends and is super popular. She is nice to everyone and has many friends. All the guys think she's so gorgeous but she remains single.

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Guy 1- "dang, who is that? She's absolutely beautiful!"