institutionalized là gì - Nghĩa của từ institutionalized

institutionalized có nghĩa là

Institutionalized Racism is the process of purposely discriminating against certain groups of people through the use of biased laws or practices. Often, institutionalized racism is subtle and manifests itself in seemingly innocuous ways, but its effects are anything but subtle. An example of this type of racism is the redlining of districts to keep certain people from moving in to a new neighborhood, pervasive in the financial industry in the 1950s and 60s.

Those accepted, established, evident, visible, and respected forces, social arrangements, institutions, structures, policies, precedents and systems of social relations that operate and are manipulated in such a way as to allow, support, or acquiesce to acts of individual racism and to deprive certain racially identified categories within a society a chance to share, have equal access to, or have equal opportunity to acquire those things, material and nonmaterial, that are defined as desirable and necessary for rising in an hierarchical class society while that society is dependent, in part, upon that group they deprive for their labor and loyalty. Institutional racism is more subtle, less visible, and less identifiable but no less destructive to human life and human dignity than individual acts of racism


Institutionalized racism deprives a racially identified group, usually defined as generally inferior to the defining dominant group, equal access to an treatment in education, medical care, law, politics, housing, etc. - Louis L. Knowles and Kenneth Prewitt, editors, Institutional Racism in America (Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1969).

institutionalized có nghĩa là

1. What a military service person becomes when they've re-enlisted so many times, and have spent so many years in the service, they no longer feel they would be safe or can make a life outside the military installation's fence. They also can no longer relate to civilian life-style or understand it anymore. 2. What a convicted criminal becomes when they've spent so many years behind bars away from life outside the prison walls.


1. After 8 years in, we knew our son had become institutionalized when he expressed he didn't want to get out because he felt military service was the only guarantee to a secure and stable future. 2. After spending 20 years in prison, Lazy Eyed Larry was paroled, but he had a hard time adjusting to life on the outside because he had become institutionalized.

institutionalized có nghĩa là

1)Kick ass song by Suicidal Tendencies
2)Placed in or commited to a specialized institution


All I wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi. And she wouldn't give it to me. Just a Pepsi.

Had hopes of rehabilitating the institutionalized juvinile delinquents.

institutionalized có nghĩa là

When you're sitting in your room daydreaming and your mom thinks you're on drugs, but all you want is a Pepsi and she won't give it to you and thinks you need professional help.


Institutionalized you're the one that's crazy

institutionalized có nghĩa là

1. What a military service person becomes when they've re-enlisted so many times, and have spent so many years in the service, they no longer feel they would be safe or can make a life outside the military installation's fence. They also can no longer relate to civilian life-style or understand it anymore. 2. What a convicted criminal becomes when they've spent so many years behind bars away from life outside the prison walls.


1. After 8 years in, we knew our son had become institutionalized when he expressed he didn't want to get out because he felt military service was the only guarantee to a secure and stable future. 2. After spending 20 years in prison, Lazy Eyed Larry was paroled, but he had a hard time adjusting to life on the outside because he had become institutionalized.

institutionalized có nghĩa là

A prisoner who has sex with other same-sex prisoners yet claims to be straight.


"Yo man, the guard's not looking. Come here and blow me."
"No way! I'm not gay!"
"I'm not gay either man, I'm just INSTITUTIONALLY gay."
"Oh, so it's OK for me to blow you?"
"Cool! Mmmmf mfff mmm mfmmmm."

institutionalized có nghĩa là

1. What a military service person becomes when they've re-enlisted so many times, and have spent so many years in the service, they no longer feel they would be safe or can make a life outside the military installation's fence. They also can no longer relate to civilian life-style or understand it anymore. 2. What a convicted criminal becomes when they've spent so many years behind bars away from life outside the prison walls.


1. After 8 years in, we knew our son had become institutionalized when he expressed he didn't want to get out because he felt military service was the only guarantee to a secure and stable future. 2. After spending 20 years in prison, Lazy Eyed Larry was paroled, but he had a hard time adjusting to life on the outside because he had become institutionalized.

institutionalized có nghĩa là

When a dysfunctional institution teaches and embraces incompetence as though it is the pinnacle of competence because it is so embedded in its culture.


How does one truthfully explain something like the post office or the prison industrial system to a child without in some way making a reference to institutionalized incompetence?

institutionalized có nghĩa là

A Rap, or as some refer to as horrorcore, duo made up of two brothers. Hades being the name of the younger brother, and Hexis being the elder brother.


"Aye are you goin to the Alter Bar tonight? I hear institutionalized is doing a set."
"Hell yeah, they're the shit."

institutionalized có nghĩa là



One does not have to serve time in prison or the military in order to become institutionalized, our parents and schooling take care of that.