howly là gì - Nghĩa của từ howly

howly có nghĩa là

A corruption of the word Haole, Hawaiian slang for foreigner. Usually applied only to Caucasian people. Not necessarily derogatory, depends on context.

Ví dụ

If you look up Haole on urban dictionary and spell it Howlie, you are probably a Haole.

howly có nghĩa là

it's spelt HAOLE not howly. only people in hawaii can relate

Ví dụ

howly có nghĩa là

If you look up Haole on urban dictionary and spell it Howlie, you are probably a Haole. it's spelt HAOLE not howly. only people in hawaii can relate Term used by locals in the state of Hawaii (usually not with a scrap of Hawaiian ancestry, usually Fillipino or darker-skinned) to refer to white people who moved to the state/island from the mainland.

Ví dụ

If you look up Haole on urban dictionary and spell it Howlie, you are probably a Haole. it's spelt HAOLE not howly. only people in hawaii can relate Term used by locals in the state of Hawaii (usually not with a scrap of Hawaiian ancestry, usually Fillipino or darker-skinned) to refer to white people who moved to the state/island from the mainland.

It may or may not be meant as an insult. Depends on how it's used, by who, and to who. I'm a white girl who moved from the east coast to Hawaii. I'm a howlie.

Most 'natives' or locals say howlie to make white people feel bad or guilty or intimidated to be on 'their' land

howly có nghĩa là

Same as cracker.Refering to the people that are white.

Ví dụ

If you look up Haole on urban dictionary and spell it Howlie, you are probably a Haole.

howly có nghĩa là

it's spelt HAOLE not howly. only people in hawaii can relate

Ví dụ

Term used by locals in the state of Hawaii (usually not with a scrap of Hawaiian ancestry, usually Fillipino or darker-skinned) to refer to white people who moved to the state/island from the mainland.

It may or may not be meant as an insult. Depends on how it's used, by who, and to who. I'm a white girl who moved from the east coast to Hawaii. I'm a howlie.

howly có nghĩa là

a wannabe local

Ví dụ

Most 'natives' or locals say howlie to make white people feel bad or guilty or intimidated to be on 'their' land

howly có nghĩa là

A non-derogatory term meaning white person. Often used in Hawaii.

Ví dụ

Most people with Hawaiian decent are really cool and not all use the term Howlie on the whites.

howly có nghĩa là

Is your called a Howlie....just ignore it.

Ví dụ

Same as cracker.Refering to the people that are white. That white guy is such a howlie.

howly có nghĩa là

a term for idiots who don't know how to spell haole

Ví dụ

white guy 1:hey what did that hawaiian guy just call me?

howly có nghĩa là

white guy 2: i think he said howlie!! lets define it on urban dictionary!!

Ví dụ

Stop being such a howly bag.