Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2

Câu 1. Write four sentences. What are they doing? Câu 2. Write a sentence. What are you doing? Câu 3. Complete the dialogue. Câu 4. Answer the questions about you. Câu 5. Write five sentences. How often does Lan do the activities? Câu 6. A crossword. Write the names of the subjects Câu 7. Listen. Write the name of the correct days

Câu 1. Write four sentences. What are they doing? 

( Viết 4 câu. Họ đang làm gì?) 

Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2

Gợi ý:

Bạn có thể sử dụng các động từ miêu tả sau : skipping rope ( nhảy dây), reading books ( đọc sách), listening music ( nghe nhạc) , playing sport ( chơi thể thao), talking ( nói chuyện)

Ví dụ: They are reading books. ( họ đang đọc sách)   

Câu 2. Write a sentence. What are you doing?

( Viết câu. Bạn đâng làm gì?)  

Gợi ý:

 Bạn có thể sử dụng các động từ miêu tả sau : skipping rope ( nhảy dây), reading books ( đọc sách), listening music ( nghe nhạc) , playing sport ( chơi thể thao)....., talking ( nói chuyện)

Ví dụ: I am reading books. ( Tôi đang đọc sách)  

Câu 3. Complete the dialogue. ( Hoàn thành hội thoại) 

Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2
Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2

Đáp án      

1. A: What is this? ( đây là cái gì?)

    B: This is a ball? ( đó là quả bóng)

2. A: What are those? ( Đó là những cái gì ?)

   B: Those are clothes ( Đó là quần áo)

3. A: What are these? ( Đây là những cái gì?)

   B: These are magazines ( Đây là tạp chí)           

Câu 4Answer the questions about you. ( Trả lời câu hỏi về bạn.) 

a)  What time do you get up? ( Mấy giờ bạn thức dậy)

b)  What time do you start school? ( Mấy giờ bạn học ở trường)

c)  What time do you have dinner? ( Mấy giờ bạn ăn tối)

d)  What time do you go to bed? ( Mấy giờ bạn đi ngủ)  

Gợi ý

a) I get up at ……

b) I start school at …….

c) I have dinner at ……..

d) I go to bed at ………

Câu 5. Write five sentences. How often does Lan do the activities? 

Viết 5 câu. Lan thường làm các hoạt động như thế nào?)  

Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2

Đáp án

She always studies English everyday. ( Cô ấy luôn học tiếng anh mỗi ngày)

She never walks to school.  ( Cô ấy chưa bao giờ đi bộ đến trường)

She often go to library at weekends. ( Cô ấy thường tới thư viện các cuối tuần)

She sometime plays volleyball. ( Cô ấy thỉnh thoảng chơi bóng chuyền)

She usually visits her grandmother ( Cô ấy thường xuyên đến thăm bà ngoại)  

Câu 6. A crossword. Write the names of the subjects. ( Trò chơi ô chữ. Viết tên các môn học) 

Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2

Đáp án

a) Music ( Âm nhạc)

b) Geography ( Địa lý)

c) History ( Lịch sử)

d) Math ( Toán)

e) Science( Khoa học) 

Câu 7. Listen. Write the name of the correct days. ( Nghe. Viết tên các ngày chính xác)


( Bài về nhà)


( công viên)


( phim)


games( trò chơi máy tính)


( đi dạo)


( bóng rổ)

Báo lỗi - Góp ý

Bài tiếp theo

Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2

Xem lời giải SGK - Tiếng Anh 7 - Xem ngay

>> Học trực tuyến lớp 7 trên cam kết giúp học sinh lớp 7 học tốt, hoàn trả học phí nếu học không hiệu quả.

Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2
Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2
Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2
Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2
Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2
Giải bài tập Tiếng Anh Test yourself 2

Xem thêm tại đây: TEST YOURSELF 2


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the pass underlined. (1.0 pt)

1. A. spring                    B. swimming

    C. think                      D. realize

2. A. country                 B. hungry

    C. fly                           D. every

3. A. why                       B. who

    C. when                     D. what

4. A. finished                B. reported

    C. landed                  D. succeeded

5. A. celebrate               B. Lazy

    C. vacation                 D. Mechanic


  • 1. D. realise       2. C. fly     3. B. who    
  • 4. A. finished   5. D. mechanic

II. Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the following sentences. (1.0pt)

1. To help________ any diseases, eat well and exercise.

A. prevent                   B. bring

C. cure                         D. make

2. There was__________ milk in the glass.

A. a few                        B. a little

C. many                        D. little

3. Did you_________ TV last night?

A.watched                   B. watching

C. watch                      D. watches

4. ___________ you like to go to the movie with me?

A.Wil     B. Would      C. Are  D. Could

5. Hoa wants to learn how  ________ the guitar.

A.To play                    B. plays

C. playing                   D. play

6. They stopped ___________ and relaxed.

A. To work                  B. working

C. worked                   D. work

7. ___________you go to the movie last night?

A.Was      B. Were        C. Are      D. Did

8. My sister is very good _________ Literature but she doesn’t like learning History.

A.In     B. at                  C. on        D. of

9. I enjoy___________ badminton after school.

A.doing                            B. seeing

C. going                           D. playing

10.Marconi ___________ the radio on December 12th 1901.

A. invent                           B. invented

C. will invent                    D. is inventing


  • 1. A. prevent     2. B. a little      3. C. watch
  • 4. B. would     5. A. to play      6. B. working
  • 7. D. did        8.               9. D. playing
  • 10. B. invented

III. Complete the dialogue with the words given in the box. (1.0pt)

What    about     take    never    often

energetic  Portabl   e with   have    can   exciting

John: What do American students (1) _______ do at recess Kate?

Kate: They ofen (2)________ part in different activities. Some (3) ________ students play basketball.

John: Do they (4) _______ enough time?

Kate: No. They (5) ________ have time to play the whole game. They just practice scoring goals.

John: (6) _______ other students?

Kate: They read, study, eat, or drink, talk (7) ________ friends and listen to music.

John: Listen to music? How (8) _______they do?

Kate: Well, they usually have (9) __________ CD player with small earphones.

John: Oh. What (10) a(n)________ recess!


  • 1. often      2. take        3. energetic
  • 4. have     5. never      6. what about
  • 7. with    8. can         9. portable
  • 10. exciting

IV. Correct the mistakes, (1.0 pts)

1. Which time do your classes finish?


2. Our summer vacation last for about three months.


3. I think we have few vacations than American pupils.


4. Our cows produce little milk than Mr. Tuan's. 


5. How much hours a day do you do your homework?



  • 1. Which => what
  • 2. last => lasts
  • 3. few => fewer
  • 4. little => less
  • 5. much =>  many

V. Use the past simple tense to complete the sentences. (1.0 pt)

1. I (visit)  my grandparents yesterday.


2. She (buy) a lot of souvenirs last summer vacation.


3. My mother (give) me a yellow cap.


4. They (arrive) at the airport at eight o'clock this morning.


5. I (speak) to her about my vacation.


6. Mr. Quang (teach) mathematics for many years.


7. I (see)  you at the party last night.


8. The children (be) very happy on their trip to Nha Trang.


9. Minh (put) the cake on the table.


10. They (live) here two years ago.



  • 1. I visited my grandparents yesterday.
  • 2. She bought a lot of souvenirs last summer vacation
  • 3. My mother gave me a yellow cap.
  • 4. They arrived at the airport at eight o’clock this morning.
  • 5. I spoke to her about my vacation.
  • 6. Mr Quang has taught Mathematics for many years.
  • 7. I saw you at the party last night.
  • 8. The children were very happy on the tri to Nha Trang.
  • 9. Minh put the cake on the table.
  • 10. They lived here two years ago.

VI. Fill in the blanks with the given words. (10 pt)

Looking for food in the United States today (1) _________ not the same (2)______ it was in the past. Fifty years (3)_______ every neighbourhood had a little food market. A good selection of meat, vegetables and fruits (4)________on display on the stalls. Now every neighbourhood (5)________ a big supermarket. These  are very (6) places. The old markets were usually small and friendly. (7)_______from the neighbourhood often stopped there to hear the news or to talk. But this is not true (8) supermarkets. Usually, supermarkets are very large. They are not very friendly. They are not good places for meeting friends or talking (9)_______.People in supermarkets always seem to be tired and in (10)_______hurry.

  1. A. is
  2. A. as

  3. A. last

  4. A. are

  5. A. had

  6. A. different

  7. A. People

  8. A. at

  9. A. too

  10. A. a










C. do

C. when

C. next

C. was

C. have

C. old

C. Students

C. in

C. either

C. X


  • 1. A. is        2.     3. B. ago    4. C. was
  • 5. B. has   6. A. different       7 . A. people    
  • 8. C. in     9. C. either         10. A. a

VII.  Read this passage carefully then decide which statements are true (T) or false (F). (1.0 pt)

Summer is on its way and schools in our city start planning to improve water safety awareness for children. The aim of the program is to teach primary and secondary students about water safety. Following are some of the advice every kid should clearly remember.

At the swimming pool: You should carefully listen to the pool lifeguards, play safely and stay away from the deep end; and you should not run or walk carelessly around the pool edge.

On the beach: You should always swim with an adult and between the red and yellow flags. You should also listen to lifeguards and strictly obey all signs.

Swimming can be fun but accidents can happen. Being aware of the risks is the safe way to water play.

1. Schools plan to improve water safety awareness for children.  
2. The aim of the program is to teach students about fire safety.  
3. Every kid ought to clearly remember some advice  
4. You can run or walk carelessly around the pool edge.  
5. Accidents never happen when swimming.  


VIII. Rewrite the sentences using the passive voice. (2.0 pts)

1. I want him to repair my car.


2. People don't expect the police to find out the stolen car.


3. She suggests drinking beer at the party.


4. Don't leave him alone, Mum!


5. We get him to look after our house when we are on business



  • 1. I want my car to be repaired by Tim.
  • 2. The police aren’t expected to find out the stolen car.
  • 3. he suggested that beer hould be drunk at the party.
  • 4. Don’t let him be left alone, Mom!
  • 5. We get our house to be looked after( by him) when we are on business. 

IX. Rewrite the sentences by using the words and phrases given. (1.0 pt)

1. My school is the same as my sister's.

=> My sister's school…………………………………………

2. What beautiful buildings!

=> How ……………………………………………………………

3. What is the price of the bicycle?

=> How much………………………………………………….

4. It isn't necessary to finish the work today.

=> You don't……………………………………………………

5. Listening to music is more interesting than watching TV.

=> I prefer ………………………………………………………


  • 1. My sister’s school isn’t different from mine.
  • 2. How beautiful the buildings are!
  • 3. How much is the bicycle? How much does the bicycle cost?
  • 4. You don’t have to/ need to finish the work today.
  • 5. I prefer listening to music to watching TV.