gabrielles là gì - Nghĩa của từ gabrielles

gabrielles có nghĩa là

The type of guy who can make you laugh, but has that serious side of him. He gets what he wants when he wants it. And don't get me started on his dimples, you can see them from a mile away. He tends to be kinda quiet but only when he is making a dirty plan. But he has a side where you think of him as a brother... and you never want to hurt him. You can tell him whatever and he'll listen, and if he likes you enough he'll tell you stuff about him he wouldn't even tell his mom.


Gabriel is the most amazing guy ever!

gabrielles có nghĩa là

Gabrielle is beautiful inside and out. She is a strong and wise woman who is always willing to help others in difficult circumstances. She shows empathy to others who face hardship. gabrielle is the life of the party, she knows how to have fun, but at the same time she knows when to be serious. She has a strong mindset, but also very fiery and can finish what she starts. Gabrielle is a talented young lady who attracts many good looking guys. she has a great, fun-loving and open personality and makes friends easily. When she loves, she loves with her whole heart and is faithful.


Gabrielle: WOMAN OF GOD

gabrielles có nghĩa là

Gabrielle is one of the best girls you will ever meet. She is beautiful, funny, oftenly born with brown hair, shy, and dirty minded! If you ever have a chance to date this girl, you best be extremely careful because every Gabrielle has atleast one friend who will kick your ass if you hurt her!


Ex bf: Pfft! come on Gabrielle, your so childish!

gabrielles có nghĩa là

A nice and funny boy that loves to joke around but can be mean but is Kinda good looking and trustworthy and listen to your problems and will tell you things he wouldn't tell anyone else


Gabriel is funny

gabrielles có nghĩa là

Basically, one of the coolest person ever put on the Earth. 'Nuff said. But, if you want details, other words that define her: Awesome, amazing, astonishing, breathtaking, fantastic, gorgeous, magnificent, spectacular, stunning, thrilling wonderous, ect.


Dude, you know what's cooler than ice?
No, what?
A Gabrielle!!

gabrielles có nghĩa là

Can be a bitch, but is nice in serious times. Awkward in sad situations, but is funny and emotional, and cares deeply about her friends. Don't piss her off, she's vicious when angry, and will kick your ass. Generally has brown hair and brown eyes. She is good to talk to because she listens even when you think she isn't, and gives great advice, although she rarely listens to her own advice. May seem like an open book, but has a lot of secrets that she only tells her closest friends. She isn't very trusting, and can be shy at first. Once you get to know her, she becomes obnoxious, but in a lovable way. Trustworthy, and loyal, she is a great friend and will never betray you.


Who is that girl? She seems shy. Oh, that's Gabrielle, she's actually pretty loud.

gabrielles có nghĩa là

Gabrielle is a name for usually a girl who is extremely strong and elegant. Gabrielle is absolutely stunning and her looks are breath taking. Gabrielle's usually have really good hair, eyes, nose, lips, and body. Not just looks but Gabrielle also is very intelligent with almost a genius IQ. Gabrielle has impeccable taste and is a trend setter for the world. Gabrielle may come off as quiet and shy but you definitely want to get to know her and when you do she will be the best thing that has ever happened to you. She is the light in our world and has a good heart. Gabrielle is also a complete savage and won't put up with anyones crap. Don't mess with Gabrielle or you'll regret it.... Gabrielle is the electricity and is silly. You will instantly fall deeply in love with her. And if she loves you back she will love you back hard. Gabrielle has a VERY deep love and gives it her all. Gabrielle is like coming up for air after drowning. she is too good to be put into words. Gabrielle is very unique and isn't like any other girl in the world. Gabrielle is very fun and will always make you feel young. She is very adventurous and dangerous..... in a good way. Never underestimate Gabrielle. She is the most awesome, loving, beautiful, wonderful, amazing, fun, silly, funny, and perfect girl in the world. If you think you have met a perfect girl wait until you meet Gabrielle.


Woah did you see Gabrielle she is stunning and made me laugh so hard.

gabrielles có nghĩa là

An amazing girl! Very smart! A Gabrielle is always tough and strong! She is a good leader and always there for her friends. She is sometimes a bit rude. A Gabrielle will always keep you on the move! G- Good Girl
A- Awesome
B- Bratty Sometimes
B- Bossy
R- Radiant
I- Intelligent
E- Excellent
L- Leader
L- Lovey
E- Eeepp
If you don't got one, get a Gabrielle.


Gabrielle, Name, Leader

gabrielles có nghĩa là

Smart, funny and sexy.


Dude 1: look at her!
Dude 2: yea she like a Gabrielle!
Dude 1: totally

gabrielles có nghĩa là

Gabrielle is an amazing girl, she always knows when to say the right thing. Although she doesn't always see it, she is extremely pretty and will be extremely popular in the near future. Now, a lot of people take advantage of Gabrielle because she might be a little more bubbly than some people. But Gabrielle will know exactly how to handle it! She is an expert with words. Gabrielle can make any situation fun and never makes things awkward. Gabrielle is the most caring, empathetic friend you could ever have!


Friend: Have u ever talked to Gabrielle?
Me: No why?
Friend: She's so nice like I think she should be way more popular!