astrology là gì - Nghĩa của từ astrology

astrology có nghĩa là

When people ask you your "sign"- that's astrology. Horoscopes, signs, all that shit is astrology. People think it actually works because the predictions (horoscopes) are extremely vague and telling people what they want to hear, such as "you will make money" and "you will find true love". All these astrologers are making money off morons, and probably snorting coke off a hooker right now. Not to be confused with astronomy, the badass science of the universe.


1- "Okay, here's your horoscope. You will get a raise at the end of the year. Wow! Look! Astrology signs on my cellphone for 20$ a month, sign me up!" 2- "Here's your horoscope- fuck you."

astrology có nghĩa là



Astrology is bullshit

astrology có nghĩa là

Astrology is a pseudoscience used to predict and explain peoples lives based on the annual location of space rocks.
Often followed and practiced by idiots who have no understanding of physics and how the other planets do not change the outcome of events.
In many cases, when accused of practicing pseudoscience, the astrologer will likely make some claim about how “you believe in evolution and that the moon impacts the tides, so why shouldn’t I believe in this?” The answer simply being that there is actually scientific evidence to support scientific beliefs, and there’s nothing scientific about astrological bullshit.


Idiot: oh, you’d better not sign that contract today, it’s Mercury retrograde rn
Intellectual: I could not care less about your astrology bullshit
idiot: but, but, it means that things will go wrong and you’ll have bad luck
intellectual: no it doesn’t you uneducated addlepate. Go back to school

astrology có nghĩa là

A barbaric,, pseudo-scientific, personality model used to explain away a person's neuroticism by measuring the trajectory of big rocks in the sky.


Person 1: I like dogs because I'm a Libra!
Person 2: Astrology is fake.
Person 1: Astrology is not fake.
Person 2: You're an idiot.

astrology có nghĩa là

The practice of predicting one's attributes, past, and future from looking at the stars, planets, planetoids, moons, and pretty much anything in the sky.

An addiction of people who are too stupid to realize that even if astrology is accurate, your sun sign means next to nothing and most horoscopes are made up.


astrology có nghĩa là

An idea that is irrational and not based on evidence commensurate with the extraordinary nature of the claim. The belief that the cosmos operates in conjunction with the benalities of our love lives, interactions and career oppurtunites, etc.


Astrology is bogus...

astrology có nghĩa là

Astrology is personology, interpretation, profiling and prediction by that of the definitions, positions, housings, aspects, and even angles of the stars and planets. Certain angles can cause or trigger a good or bad flow of energy, that most deeply effects those born under its time.

The original source; Astrology came from India and originated from the oldest scriptures in the world called Vedas, and Ayurveda, meaning "The Science of Life." It is more advanced, and more accurate. According to Ayurvedic Astrology, Western Astrology if off by about a month or so, and Geminis can be mistaken for Cancers, etc. This is a big flaw, considering opposites are placed next to each other.

Many people think astrology is fake, and accuse others of believing other ridiculous nonsense, (likes fairies) but this is often because of personal reasons, as they themselves believe other things like evolution and a world without cause. No offense, but people who do not "believe" in Astrology pay only attention to what matters go wrong on an astrological description, they are bitter, do without reason, and talk crap about what they do not understand or have tried to. If one thing goes wrong they are utterly disappointed, and delve no further into the topic but choose a lifetime of insulting and spatting on Astrology. It is definitely hard to find the truth in an ocean of lies, and there is bad astrologers. Most critics are atheists who have barely had much experience with the science. Palmistry, like Astrology is an occult science: it says if both of your prominent lines are close together, you are close minded.

In this link here you will see all the babble and ignorant jokes are over. You can read and continue to think, or read and realize. This is no advertisement, but for your information.

astrology có nghĩa là

A practice used to determine people’s personalities from the positions of stars and planets during their birthdays. Although it seems harmless, some idiots have used it to justify their hate for certain people.


Astrology lover: WhEn Is YoUr BiRtHdAy?
Normal person: November the-
Astrology lover: Ew YoUr A sCoRpIo GeT aWaY fRoM mE!!!1!1!
Normal person: What the hell is wrong with you?

astrology có nghĩa là

Astrology is personology, interpretation, profiling and prediction by that of the definitions, positions, housings, aspects, and even angles of the stars and planets. Of course you will not find all of these threads marked on a single tapestry in the newspaper. Certain angles can cause or trigger a good or bad flow of energy, that most deeply effects those born under its time.

The original source; Astrology came from India and originated from the oldest scriptures in the world called Vedas, or Ayurveda, meaning "The Science of Life." It is supposed to be more advanced, and more accurate. According to Ayurvedic Astrology, Western Astrology if off by about a month or so, and Geminis can be mistaken for Cancers, etc. This is a big flaw, considering opposites are placed next to each other.

Many people think astrology is fake, and accuse others of believing other ridiculous nonsense, (likes fairies) but this is often because of personal reasons, as they themselves believe other things like evolution and a world without cause. No offense, but people who do not "believe" in Astrology pay only attention to what matters go wrong on an astrological description, they are bitter, do without reason, and talk crap about what they do not understand or have tried to. If one thing goes wrong they are utterly disappointed, and delve no further into the topic but choose a lifetime of insulting and spatting on Astrology. It is definitely hard to find the truth in an ocean of lies, and there is bad astrologers. Most critics are atheists who have barely had much experience with the science. Palmistry, like Astrology is an occult science: it says if both of your prominent lines are close together, you are close minded.

In this link here you will see to a better end because all the personal attacks and opinions are out of the way. Ignorance is like a poison, in which it spreads. This is no advertisement, it is not my site. But for your information.

astrology có nghĩa là

How predominantly white girls cover their insecurities


Did you hear? Suzie is into astrology?
Oh that bitch?