What three qualities do you consider most important in administrative assistant III and why?

Posted July 29th, 2021

Thinking about becoming an administrative assistant? Good choice! Administration is an ongoing, in-demand industry that always has open positions to fill. Not only that, but it can also be a gateway to other positions. It is also a relatively easy place to start if you’re looking to get promoted. For most assistant jobs, though, it takes a special kind of person to succeed. This person needs to have several qualities that will help them on the job, qualities that every administrative assistant should have.

What three qualities do you consider most important in administrative assistant III and why?

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Attention to Detail

One of the most important qualities every administrative assistant should have is their attention to detail. Their primary duties all involve keeping track of information. This can come in the form of company data, filing, customer appointments, and meetings. In order for a company to run smoothly, all of this information should be as accurate as possible.

When something isn’t quite right, it’s the administrative assistant’s job to notice it. Being as detailed as possible means succeeding in this role.


Organization follows attention to detail closely. Due to the amount of information they deal with, administrative assistants must have their work and tasks highly organized. Information that is clearly labeled and presented is easier to find and reference. A disorganized pile of information does no one any good.

Disorganized administrative assistants may cause problems for the team. If they’re searching for something in a general pile of files and folders, they will use more time searching than doing something else more useful. Keeping everything in a nicely and clearly organized system means they can complete their job more efficiently.

Interpersonal Skills

Administrative assistants generally work directly with managers and other employees in a company. For an office to work like a well-oiled machine, assistants need to be able to interact with others in useful ways. As such, interpersonal skills are an absolute must.

Administrative assistants should cultivate several interpersonal skills for the job. These include:

  • Verbal & written communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork & cooperation
  • Dependability
  • Responsibility

All of these interpersonal skills, and more, work together to make the best administrative assistant possible.

Are you interested in an administrative assistant job, but you don’t know where to start? Contact us today to learn how we can help!

Successful businesses rely heavily on workers with top-notch administrative assistant skills. They are the shrewd wizards behind the company curtain, the chiefs who keep the office running efficiently, the brilliant multitaskers and detail-oriented coordinators.

The best administrative professionals aren't just supporting players. They add value to the job in ways that make them critical to an organization's success. What are their administrative skills? Everything from planning to communicating, organizing to problem solving.

What does it take to be the kind of administrative assistant businesses can't do without? Here are five administrative assistant skills that can help you get hired, succeed on the job and drive your career.

1. Industry knowledge

Knowing the three T's of the industry — terminology, trends and technology — and being able to articulate them on your administrative resume means that even as a new hire, you will begin to contribute immediately. A savvy admin professional is not only familiar with these concepts, but also knows how to use them to full advantage on the job.

  • Terminology — Knowing the language of a particular business sector means an administrative assistant new to the company can keep up with and contribute to conversations in the workplace right from the start.
  • Trends — Today's administrative professionals should be knowledgeable about industrywide trends, whether it's healthcare or manufacturing. They should also be thinking proactively about how these trends could potentially impact the company.
  • Training — Employers prefer administrative professionals who are not only tech-savvy but also well-versed in the company's most-used tools. They look for individuals who proactively update their administrative assistant skills through training.

2. Expertise in software and social media

Using Microsoft Word, Outlook and Excel is a given for any administrative assistant’s career. But proficiency in Office365, Google Workspace and other cloud-based programs, and experience running virtual conference calls and meetings, organizing newsletters and creating PowerPoint presentations can give you a competitive edge. Managers and executives also value assistants who know how to use accounting, payroll and HR applications.

An administrative assistant with a working knowledge of the ins and outs of social media can be a huge asset for an employer, too. Small and midsize companies, in particular, sometimes need help managing a Facebook or Twitter feed and may not have the resources to hire a social media specialist for the office. These skills can help the company or executive build an online presence, which is essential to staying in the game in today's market.

3. Artful articulation

Good communication skills are crucial for a successful administrative assistant. Most often, you're the first point of contact in the office for clients, customers and vendors. You may also be the go-to person internally. The ability to communicate clearly, concisely and persuasively, both verbally and in writing, is something hiring managers seek when evaluating top administrative assistant skills.

4. Budget perceptiveness

Companies are always on the lookout for an administrative assistant who can find ways to save money and help the business become more efficient. You're on the front lines every day — overseeing day-to-day operations, selecting vendors and negotiating contracts — putting you in the perfect position to look for opportunities to cut office expenses. Proposing cost-cutting solutions to those within the company is a good way to make yourself indispensable to the organization.

5. Ability to display grace under pressure

Managers appreciate administrative assistants who can think on their feet. Every day, new situations arise in the office requiring quick decisions and immediate action. Stretching your skills beyond your job description to tackle the unexpected shows you're well-positioned to handle the complexities of today's workplace. You effectively communicate with colleagues and clients in an even tone, exemplifying emotional intelligence at work.

Use your administrative assistant skills

Skilled administrative assistants are in demand in offices across the United States. See our open administrative assistant jobs near you, and submit your resume.

What qualities are important for an administrative assistant?

Top 10 Administrative Assistant Skills.
Time management..
Interpersonal skills..
Written communication..
Verbal communication..
Attention to detail..

What is the most important skill for an administrative assistant and why?

Problem-solving and critical thinking skills are important for any administrative position. Administrators are often the go-to person that staff and clients seek out for help with questions or problems. They must be able to hear a variety of problems and solve them using critical thinking.

What are the 3 basic skills of administrator?

Within this definition, successful administration appears to rest on three basic skills, which we will call technical, human, and conceptual.