riel là gì - Nghĩa của từ riel

riel có nghĩa là

1. A french word meaning the king of kings.

2. A word to describe something greater than perfection.

Ví dụ

Person A - "I can't even describe how great that was"
Person B - "Yes you can, that my friend... was Riel"

riel có nghĩa là

From the original name Uriel...Hebrew name meaning fire of God. Pronounced Ry-el. and NOT Real. A Sexy original name given to those who are nothing short of creative, humble and personable. Usually the go to guy for parties.

Ví dụ

Person A - "I can't even describe how great that was"
Person B - "Yes you can, that my friend... was Riel"

riel có nghĩa là

From the original name Uriel...Hebrew name meaning fire of God. Pronounced Ry-el. and NOT Real. A Sexy original name given to those who are nothing short of creative, humble and personable. Usually the go to guy for parties. Hey man, where were you last night?

Ví dụ

Person A - "I can't even describe how great that was"
Person B - "Yes you can, that my friend... was Riel"

riel có nghĩa là

From the original name Uriel...Hebrew name meaning fire of God. Pronounced Ry-el. and NOT Real. A Sexy original name given to those who are nothing short of creative, humble and personable. Usually the go to guy for parties.

Ví dụ

Person A - "I can't even describe how great that was"
Person B - "Yes you can, that my friend... was Riel" From the original name Uriel...Hebrew name meaning fire of God. Pronounced Ry-el. and NOT Real. A Sexy original name given to those who are nothing short of creative, humble and personable. Usually the go to guy for parties.

riel có nghĩa là

Hey man, where were you last night?

Ví dụ

Oh you didn't hear? I was at Riel's and it was off the chain!! You missed out! 1. A really Awesome Name-it is a given name and certanily does not mean any stupid elvish shit.

riel có nghĩa là

2. The name of cambodian currency.

Ví dụ

1. Ohh shit its louis Riel he is gonna kill is.

riel có nghĩa là

2. Damn i just spent my last 50 Riel Bill.

Ví dụ

A fucking hot bitch who wants to do nothing but fuck Ronald.

riel có nghĩa là

Hey Jess! What you doing tonite?

Ví dụ

I'm gonna be Dannie Riel :)

riel có nghĩa là

Fucking Ronald that lucky bastard...

Ví dụ

Riel is a outspoken kinda person. They wear their feelings on their sleeves and its really easy to read them. But when they really want to, they can be secretive. They're the most loyal person you'll ever meet and it's hard to dissuade them when they have their minds made up. They're the ones who's shoulders are there to cry on and to help you through anything that comes your way. Riel is not the most attractive person but you really need to look past the rough exterior to get to the part you really want to get to know. When under pressure Riel will act quickly and brashly, ignoring their own safety for the well-being of others. Most of the time they have really tough walls up cuz they don't wanna let anyone in and risk themselves getting hurt. But when they do let you in, they're your friend forever, unless you do really bad stuff to them. The guards are usually up because sometimes they trust the wrong person and said person ends up hurting them. If you ever become their significant other, be careful. They have been hurt before and it wont take a lot for them to retreat away from all social contact. Omg, Riel, that nerd?
Yeah I heard someone hurt him again....

riel có nghĩa là

A rebel gangster way of living similar to that of Canadian Louis Riel. An expression of living only for instant fun. Drinking alcohol and having sex are the main hobbies. Receiving welfare while being a criminal gangstar is "Riel". Time in the slammer or being executed for rebelling is very "Riel"

Ví dụ

Cam: Listen man, you gotta bail me out of the can again... I was Keepin' It Riel last night and got busted

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