georging là gì - Nghĩa của từ georging

georging có nghĩa là

George is the best person imaginable. He will first become your friend and then your best friend and then you will fall in love with him. You get so close to being together and then you will push him away because you don't want to ruin the incredible friendship you share, but then one day it will hit you that you're actually in love with him and you cant survive another day in your life without him. Once going out with a George you will never have an unhappy day if it's spent with or talking to him. He will treat you like a princess and will make you feel so comfortable and amazing that you become dependant on him and you miss him every second you're not with him. You will make plans for the future and spend days laughing hysterically together, being completely in love with each other. He will phone you up if you're feeling sad and just one hug from a George can make any sadness float away in seconds. A George has an amazing tummy, amazing. if you're lucky enough to sleep over with him look out for the morning where you will see the best combination of bed hair and morning voice imaginable. You will trust him with your life because you know that nothing you tell him will go anywhere else if you don't want it to. Your relationship with him won't be perfect, but Never pass up the opportunity to be with a George, unless you want to miss out on the best relationship you could ever imagine in your whole life. If you get a George, keep hold of him, tightly. You won't regret it


'Your relationship with George is perfect, i'm so jealous'

georging có nghĩa là

George is the most George person you'll ever meet. He's always willing to George around and is always Georging everyone he meets. George is the nicest George that's ever Georged in the George. George George George GeorgeGeorge George GeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorge GeorgeGeorge.


Me: "GeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorge"
George: "Hey that's me"

georging có nghĩa là

George is the best person imaginable. His best match starts with H, K, & S and end with L, N, and A. He will first become your friend and then your best friend and then you will fall in love with him. You get so close to being together and then you will push him away because you don't want to ruin the incredible friendship you share, but then one day it will hit you that you're actually in love with him and you cant survive another day in your life without him. Once going out with a George you will never have an unhappy day if it's spent with or talking to him. He will treat you like a princess and will make you feel so comfortable and amazing that you become dependant on him and you miss him every second you're not with him. You will make plans for the future and spend days laughing hysterically together, being completely in love with each other. If you have yourself a George make sure to keep them.


Look it’s George!
You’re dating George? Lucky!!

georging có nghĩa là

A name


George is a name

georging có nghĩa là

A really cool, funny, original guy. He looks like a teddy bear (and hugs like one) but is actually the coolest guy you will ever meet.


I wish i was like him...

georging có nghĩa là

when someone is in a state of curiosity. in reference to the childhood story books of curious george. curious george always wondered about things,so this is acting in the ways of this character. so georging is a type of wondering.


she wasnt just georging, she was desperate.

do you think he likes you?
i dont know, but im so georging.

georging có nghĩa là

The act of entering the series and serial number of every piece of paper currency one comes across on and then stamping and spending the bills so other people will enter the bills, allowing the person originally entering the bill to see where it went and the person subsequently entering it to see where the bill came from. A hobby of thousands of Americans.


Tom spends an hour each night georging all the cash he acquired during the day so that when he spends it, people will see the stamps on it and re-enter the bills on Where's George.

georging có nghĩa là

Verb - To ruin the night's mood by harping on a single subject for what seems like hours on end.


"Hey dude I can't believe we lost that game today" "Yea man it was too bad" "Like really though" 1-2 hours later... "Man but like we really should have won" "Bro, you're georging the night now, stop it"

georging có nghĩa là

A tricky bedroom manuever involving oral sex. The cunninglinquist is pleasing their partner and during a fit of passion, the reciepient clamps their legs around the partner's face. Then, in a swift, almost out of control motion, pivots the hips, turning both particpants on the side. This is followed by an intense orgasm, where the provider is holding on to the partners ass for dear life as the frantic face-fuck continues.


I thought that bitch was going to snap my neck when she made her georging pivot. But, she came all over my face.

georging có nghĩa là

when someone steps on your court unwanted to play


stop georging up the place!

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