Map folder vpn máy mac

I'm the only person in our (small) company with a Mac and I work remotely. I have successfully accessed my company's VPN using Network Connect.

I'm now trying to map the shared drive.

Under 'Go' > 'Connect to server' I've entered the server address ("smb://....." etc) as it has been given to me. When I click connect I get an error "There was a problem connecting to the server '[ server address ]'. The server may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again".

I've tried a number of variations of the server address - none has worked.

In Finder, under 'Shared drives', all I can see is an empty 'Servers' folder.

When I'm in the office on the company's internal wifi, we have been able to map the drive. But nothing so far has worked remotely, remotely.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X El Capitan (10.11.5)

Posted on Jun 14, 2016 2:29 AM

macOS Monterey 12

Map folder vpn máy mac

You can use Network preferences to connect to a virtual private network (VPN) on an existing internet connection.

  1. On your Mac, choose Apple menu

    Map folder vpn máy mac
     > System Preferences, then click Network
    Map folder vpn máy mac

    Open Network preferences for me

  2. Select your VPN service in the list at the left.

  3. If there’s a Configuration pop-up menu, click it, then choose a configuration.

    There may be only one configuration available.

  4. Click Connect.

Please don’t include any personal information in your comment.

Maximum character limit is 250.

Thanks for your feedback.

Network drives (U:/W:/S:/ and others in Windows terms) can be mapped to a Macintosh. In order to do the mapping you need: 1) VPN-connection if your Mac is not connected to the University network, 2) The physical path for the network drive, 3) The file /etc/krb5.conf in your Mac must have the content explained in this guide.

Prerequisites for mapping a network drive on a Mac

1. VPN-connection is needed if your Mac is not connected to the University network. In the Kortepohja Student Village the VPN connection is not needed, for example. VPN connection guide for a Macintosh.
2. The path for the network drive is needed. The direcory path is easy and unique for the W drive, but a little more complicated for the U and other drives. Can be resolved using the Password service.
(3. There must be special settings in your Mac's definition file '/etc/krb5.conf' !This may be needed for Macintosh systems older than 10.8.x . )

Mapping the network drive W (Your web pages)

When prerequisites 1-3 listed above are fulfilled the network drive W can be mapped to your Macintosh. In the Finder menu Go choose Connect to Server... You need the physical path of the network drive. In the example below the path is: '//' where 'useraccount" is your account for logging in a University network computer. NOTE! The sever name has changed to:

Map folder vpn máy mac

The directory path is always the same for the network drive W (option 1. in the screen snap). The only changing part is your network user account. You should add the user account as a suffix to the directory part. In the example the user account is 'useraccount'.  While mapping your drive for the very first time your account and password  will be required. You can save them in the key chain if you wish. the The same is true for the U drive.

For the other network drives U, V, O etc. finding the directory path is more complicated. Please, have a look at the corresponding page of this tutorial. Note the option 3. in the screen snap. It's for your documents scanned/copied by multipurpose devices.

Note the prefix 'smb:' in the Finder command.

Mapping the network drive U (Your personal network home drive, option 2.)

The network drive U is mapped in the same way as W drive. Connect to smb:// (If this does not succeed, try again with the physical path. Finding the directory path for the U drive is more complicated than for the W drive. Please have look at the link how to resolve the network drive path.)

Back slashes '\' in Windows path names must be changed to ordinary slashes '/' on a Mac.

! For your username, please write your to give the correct domain to the login service. !

Map folder vpn máy mac
  Network drives are working on your Mac in the same way as USB memory sticks.  In the example there is  the Kingstone USB memory stick and network drives ''  (W drive) and '' (U drive) mapped onto a Mac.

Closing connection to network drives is done in the same way as removing the USB memory stick from your Mac.

Mapping the network drive S (department network folders)

The network drive U is mapped in the same way as W and U drive above. Connect to smb://

! For your username, please write your to give the correct domain to the login service. !

Hints and advices

If you are closing the VPN connection, remember to close connection to the network drives first.

If any problems occure you can contact help desks of the IT Services.