How to copy file in Remote Desktop

I have been using remote desktop for a number years, on a number of versions of windows, most recently 8.1.


Yesterday I upgraded to 10. I had to download Remote Desktop from the Windows Store. Easy enough. I managed to log into a few of my servers.

No problem. I now need to transfer a package up to one of them. Wait, where is the control to allow mounting of local storage devices ??

If anyone knows where MS has hidden this that information would be greatly appreciated!


I had a peculiar issue with copying and pasting files from my local computer to a Remote Desktop session. I could copy and paste locally, but the option to paste would be grayed out on the Remote Desktop computer. There are several ways to solve this problem depending on what you are trying to copy and paste.

Client Settings

  1. Right-click on the RDP icon that you use to connect, then select “Edit“.
  2. Select the “Local Resources” tab.
  3. Check the “Clipboard” option. To allow file copying and pasting, select “More…” and proceed to step 4. If you just need the ability to copy and paste text and not files, stop here and click “OK“.
    How to copy file in Remote Desktop
  4. Select the “Drives” option. Click “OK“, then “OK” again.
    How to copy file in Remote Desktop

Server Settings

Windows 2016

In Windows 2016, these settings are controlled within Group Policy.

  1. Launch “gpedit.msc“.
  2. Navigate to “Computer Configuration” > “Administrative Templates” > “Windows Components” > “Remote Desktop Services” > “Remote Desktop Session Host“.
  3. Ensure “Do not allow Clipboard redirection” is set to “Not Configured” or “Disabled“.

Windows 2012

  1. Open “Server Manager“.
  2. Select “Remote Desktop” Services.
  3. Select “Collections“.
  4. Select “Tasks“, then choose “Edit Properties“.
  5. Under the “Client Settings” tab, ensure the “Clipboard” and “Drive” is enabled.

Windows 2008

  1. Launch “Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration” from the server.
  2. Under “Connections“, right-click the connection and select “Properties“.
  3. Select the “Client Settings” tab, and make sure the “Clipboard” box is unchecked. If you want to allow copying and pasting of files, make sure the Drive selection is unchecked. Click OK when done.
    How to copy file in Remote Desktop

I should also note that if you have all of these settings configured correctly and things still don’t work, you may need to restart the server or just kill the rdpclip process.

This should be all you need to enable copying and pasting of files to your Remote Desktop session. I hope this tutorial has helped you. Please share your experience in the Comments section below.

1) Install dropbox or equivalent cloud storage product and sync needed files that way between computers. Remember, you can allow only certain folders to be synced on specific devices (you don't have to sync the entire dropbox, just the folders you need)

2) If you are allowed to setup more than one user on the remote server, have a 2nd user and then have user2 session connect rdp session to user1. This will keep the user1's gui alive in the cloud without having to remain logged in to rdp locally.

This video should show you how to implement this 2 user setup on your server to hold an rdp session open. Note that this does 'permanently' use 1 rdp session until you decide to close it. [markdown cannot embed video :( ]

Then use AmmyyAdmin AnyDesk on user1's desktop to connect and manipulate the desktop. This includes using AnyDesk's file manager's ability to browse any folder you need and copy. AnyDesk can be free if you connect via direct IP connection. Most vps servers have dedicated IP addresss or subdomain address so this should not be a problem. Good idea to password protect your AnyDesk login and which IDs have access to unattended remote connections. The AnyDesk file manager is a bit crude, but it works. Their big thing is simplicity and speed.

Note: Use portable mode only on the remote user's desktop; Do NOT fully install AnyDesk. Also, the CPU usage might increase to stream the desktop screen, somewhat related to the size of the RDP window. I am using 1280 x 2048 window with 4 cores and the CPU usage is 22-25% idle or moving things around. This might decrease if there is more video ram or graphics processor on the target server. But, if you only "browse files" (use only the file manager without streaming the desktop), CPU usage >0.3% idle and >1 avg% when transferring files (burst up to 5-6% when the file is finished uploading and the pieces are being finalized).

You'd have to write your own scripts (java, .net, c#/c++, AutoIT, etc) to launch AnyDesk locally and automate the connecting and downloading specific files.

This strategy is a bit more complex, but it should do the job. Not sure why microsoft rdp cannot have some simple, quick file manager like what ammyy admin AnyDesk has; oh well.

Add: Can also use AnyDesk or Teamviewer. Teamviewer became a lot more restrictive on what is considered to be "non commercial use", but Anydesk is secure, much smaller footprint, and if you can have a direct connection doesn't seem to care too much about usage. If you do need a license, it will be much lighter on the wallet.

AnyDesk works flawlessly without any installation required. In fact, if using in a server environment as I described above, no installation is recommended.

Edit: AmmyyAdmin is no longer recommended for several months now due to some security and technical concerns. Added AutoIT as a scripting capability to automate interaction with GUI/nearly any windows function.

  • Open a Remote Desktop Connection.

    Windows 8: On the Start screen, type Remote Desktop Connection, and then click Remote Desktop Connection in the list of results.

    Windows 10: On the taskbar, click the search box and type Remote Desktop Connection. Then select the Remote Desktop Connection app.

    The Remote Desktop Connection window opens.

  • Click Show Options.

  • Akshay-1927 asked May 21, '21 | yeezie-4421 answered Mar 1, '22

    Unable to Copy and Paste to and from the remote desktop connections on some servers. None of the file types are working. I tried folder copy, text file copy, word, excel, .exe file copy. none of those work. Interestingly, copy-paste of text to and from works.

    Client OS is Windows 10.
    Remote Desktop Server OS is Windows server 2016.

    Troubleshooting did so far:1) Killed rdpclip.exe and tested. No luck2) Rebooted the server and the client. No luck3) Added rdpclip.exe to exclusions in Antivirus. No luck4) Removed Antivirus and tested. No luck.5) Tried local login to the remote desktop server instead of domain login. No luck

    6) Verified in the group policy and made sure Do not allow Clipboard redirection and

    Do not allow drive redirection are set to not configured.7) Replaced the rdpclip.exe from a working server. No luck.8) Compared local security policies (secpol.msc) with a working server and replicated the same settings on the non-working server. Rebooted after that. No luck.

    9) Tried disabling all the Group Policies that are pushed through Domain Controller. No luck.

    Any suggestions as to what more we can do to identify and fix the issue?

