guinea pig là gì - Nghĩa của từ guinea pig

guinea pig có nghĩa là

An animal cute enough to eat, unfortunatly when you do you have no more friend.



guinea pig có nghĩa là

A guinea pig is a tube with a brain. Stuff goes into this tube at one end and comes out of the other. The purpose of the brain is to cause the tube to find more stuff to eat. Just underneath the brain, near the feet, is a squeaking muscle shaped like a kidney bean. If the brain thinks, even just for a second, that there is the remotest possibility of food, anywhere, within a fifty mile radius, then it sends a signal to the squeaking muscle, which then squeaks. Squeaks can also be elicited by tissues, your homework, feathers, and the rustling of plastic bags, all of which are incredibly delicious to the guinea pig.


I'm a guinea pig, big and chubby...what can I eat? Hay and pellets, fruits & veggies, Vitamin C!

guinea pig có nghĩa là

n. Offensive term for a particularly unattractive woman of Italian ancestry. Orig.: guinea is an offensive term for Italians, and pig describes an ugly female.


I banged that guinea pig Gina last night, but I had to bag her first.

guinea pig có nghĩa là

guinea pigs are adorable rodents who are also known as cavies. they make great pets and are easy to look after. they are vegertarians and love to eat most fruit and vegetables. they also love fresh hay and grass.


my guinea pig loves to eat cucumber

guinea pig có nghĩa là

1. Someone or something that is used to test medicine or other products and procedures.

2. A small South American rodent that looks like a miniature capibara and is kept around the world as a pet. Also used as a food in its native range.


1. Fred is a guinea pig for a pharmeceudical company and gets paid for the testing.

2. One of the class animals in my biology class is a guinea pig.

guinea pig có nghĩa là

The cutest little animal in the world. They have a chubby body and no tail and they can come in a variety of different colours. Eats most vegetables and some fruits. Guinea pigs love fresh hay and grass. Also called cavy


My guinea pigs are the cutest!

guinea pig có nghĩa là

Clean rodent with no visible tail. Strictly vegetarian. Comes in large variety of colors and hair styles. Sheds hair at a fast rate. Like humans, it cannot produce its own vitamin C, so must take it in it's diet. Lives 3-8 years. Usually very friendly and affectionate. Makes a wide range of noses, from squeaking, purring, chirping and chattering. Their mind control powers are pure fiction. Really.


What are you squeaking about, Kiki? I already feed you earl... MUST OBEY THE PIG. YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND, EMPRESS KIKI.

guinea pig có nghĩa là

A small, cute, furry rodent commonly sold as a pet. Eats just about any kind of vegetable, comes in many colors, screeches loudly when hungry. Possesses roughly the intelligence of a cow; sheds a lot.
Origin: Comes from South America. Named either after the country of Guiana or the fact that it originally cost one guinea in England. Raised for food in Peru; considered a pet everywhere else.


"WHEEK, WHEEK" screamed the guinea pig when she discovered her food bowl was empty.

guinea pig có nghĩa là

one of the awesomest pets you can get. there is another definition saying they are brittle creatures because they break themselves on exercise wheels- they arent supposed to use them, dumbass. guinea pigs are related to the capybara, the largest rodent alive. guinea pigs are one of the only rodents that see in color. they are cute and curious. they are NOT stupid like the said dumbass thinks. i love my pigs of guinea. they are also not only owned by 7 yr olds. i know a 20 yr old who has guinea pigs. she loves them to death.


mom, can i have a horsey?
honey, how about a guinea pig?

guinea pig có nghĩa là

small rodent, about twice the size of a hamster, very hyper active and the size of a fully grown hamster when young, but will grow lazy and fat. they're are not suited for any excercise and will mostly die if forced to any excess movement. though they only eat vegetables, some fruit, pellets, soft hay, grass and specialy developped food for rodents, they'll attempt to eat anything, as long as it's close enough to they're mouth. they sometimes may act blind for food, hoping to get more. many find them adorable and cute, and keep them as pet, as they're easier to care for then most other pets. they produce very high-pitched and loud noises when hungry or hearing a noise they relate to food or someone who bring them food, impossible for any creature not from the family of caviae, including humans. they're related to the capibara, world's biggest rodent, wich is sometimes also kept as a pet. If you want to take a guinea pig as pet, remember that they're group animals and you're forced to buy multiple in order to avoid a depression. also, you should provide a compost bin, as guinea pigs produce much of that...
a fully plastic cage advised, else they'll throw much food away, hoping they'll get more and better food.


i love my guinea pig, he's fluffy and produces lots of manure for my plants in exchange for wortheless vegetables