france là gì - Nghĩa của từ france

france có nghĩa là

A country where people work 35 hour weeks and have two months paid leave a year.

Is the world's 4th largest economy.

Is a country with strong cultural and traditional values.

Is a county with arguably the best food and drink in the world.


A country with second-to-none public systems - TGV (train), education, healthcare.

A country that smokes and drinks more wine than Britain and America and has a fraction of the heart disease and obesity rate.

A country full of charming, well-dressed people who do respond well when not approached by tactless English-speaking philistines.

A country full of beautiful architecture and art.


At least visit the place!

france có nghĩa là

Don't knock it until you've tried it. I have been there two times, and my brother now has lived there for over a year. All the negative stereotypes are untrue, the people there are clean and friendly. And the positive stereotypes are true, they have a great culture, wine, food, etc. You can't say that France is a bad country unless you have firsthand experience. So to all of you rednecks, please, sell your trailer and visit this beautiful country so you can realize that you're just jealous of the French, you don't hate them.


Redneck- France is full of a bunch of smelly assholes!!!

Me- How would you know? You live in a trailer and watch CMT all day... get a life.

france có nghĩa là

Very beautiful and nice country with a rich culture. I went to France and the stereotypes are untrue. The French are friendly and clean. Most are very chic and chill. A lot of ignorant Americans forget that the French gave us the of America: the Statue of Liberty (D'oh!). It's also a country that gave us troops in the revolution. Most French haters are also Bush supporters who haven't even been to France (most likely because they can't afford it)... why bash what you don't know?


Person 1: I hate France. It's full of smelly ugly pussys. F'ing traitors!

Person 2: You've never even been to France. How would you know? Why don't you step outside your trailer for some fresh air? Also, put down the Toby Keith CD!

france có nghĩa là

I've lived in France since 2001. It is true that 10% of the population of France is Islamic, and there are women in headscarves and strange drab overcoats in the hottest weather. But like 90% of Muslims worldwide would prefer, these are people who are here for "liberté, égalité, fraternité". France also has the largest Jewish population of a European country.

France enthusiastically supports UN efforts to keep the peace, notably in Africa, where the Congolese wars have cost 4 million lives since 1998. France has always been the great country of diplomacy and supports just, negotiated and multilateral solutions rather than "shoot first" solutions which regretably seem to have become accepted in my home country, England.

Cheeses are just as smelly in Germany and Switzerland, by the way. French cider is also great, but I'm sorry to say not the beer. And, American obesity would not be what it is without French Fries!

If anyone comes to live here, you will encounter the great character of modern France, the "labyrinthe administrative".


Vive la France! Liberté, égalité, fraternité!

france có nghĩa là

US Generals commanding the NATO forces in Afghanistan have said that the French troops under their command are some of the best soldiers they have ever seen.


France is an important ally of the US that is helping with the war on terror. They didn't support the war on Iraq because it had nothing to do with the war on terror.

france có nghĩa là

-1st touristic destination in the world
-2nd EEZ in the world (Exclusive Economic Zone)
-1st country in the world for Foreign Direct Investments received
-2nd most productive country in the OECD behind Belgium
-most energy independant western country
-2nd largest population growth in the European Union behind Ireland, will become the most populated european country in 2050 (Russia excepted)
-1st destination for asylum-seekers (America is now second because of post 9-11 restrictions)
-2nd in the world for exporting movies
-3rd in the world for exporting conventional arms
-4th nuclear power of the world behind the US, Russia and China
-French locutors in the world grow faster than English locutors
-Universal and General Electric are held by french companies
-Davy Crockett was french, FDR had french descent
-Frenchmen eat, drink and smoke more than Americans and are in better shape and health
-1st country in the world for the frequency of sexual relations
-the French don't need to be clean and polite because they are already hot and smart


France rocks. No country in the world has succesfully arrived to such an equilibrium of modernity and tradition, activity and leisure, distinctiveness and immorality, neither does any country have such a variety of climates, landscapes and architecture, a richness of culture in such a small place
From badass Pigalle to quiet pastoral Corsica, fRaNcE rUlEs oVeR dA wOrLd

france có nghĩa là

Western European nation, with a rich culture and history. Member of NATO, the EU, and G8. Has a GDP/capita of about 30,000 euros. Famous for its wines, cheese, women, xenophobes, Eiffel Tower and Napoleon. Had tense relations with Germany and Britain in the past, and is presently despised by many Americans. Ironically, France provided major assistance for the USA during the Revolutionary War, and also gave them the Statue of Liberty, one of America's most well-known symbols.


Before pointing out that the French are cowards who surrender quickly, consider what France did during the Hundred Years War, the Napoleonic Wars, or WWI. Still, that DeGaulle guy was a douche.

france có nghĩa là

The country that was right about Iraq


France? Cowards. Ohh, err, hmmm. Yeah, got that wrong. They were right.

france có nghĩa là

land of the free
home of the brave

A place that free thinking Americans are told they should move to by narrow minded idiots.


In France they are so badass that they eat frogs and snails, the kind of stuff that Americans have to be double-dog dared to eat.

france có nghĩa là

A beautiful country, with a rich and colourful history and culture. A proud, nationalistic country.

Hated by many, especially the Brits, most of whom actually have no real idea why they hate us; probably because their father did. Many claim that we are rude; we are not, we just don't appreciate the (again, often British) tourist approach to our language; that is, to shout at us in English. We also do not suffer fools gladly; some people find that spiky, but hey, look at the results we achive through striking etc on a regular basis. We get results, even from our governement. We do not allow ourselves to be fucked.

Also hated by some, because we will not wnter a war situation without a bloody ood reason. Unlike Britain, who only has to hear Bush click his fingers, and goes running to hump his leg enthusiastically. You will never see this in France...


"I really miss France"