dooks là gì - Nghĩa của từ dooks

dooks có nghĩa là

The University of New Jersey at Durham

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Dook Sucketh.

dooks có nghĩa là

short for dookie; poop; rác thải; ghế đẩu

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Dook Sucketh.

dooks có nghĩa là

short for dookie; poop; rác thải; ghế đẩu

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Dook Sucketh.

dooks có nghĩa là

short for dookie; poop; rác thải; ghế đẩu

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Dook Sucketh.

dooks có nghĩa là

short for dookie; poop; rác thải; ghế đẩu

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"i really have to take a dook, lets go home."

dooks có nghĩa là

the noise which a ferret makes dook dook dook Chuckling sound a ferret makes when excited, exploring, playing or war dancing. Resembles a rooster sound. Fluffy dooks and chatters whenever she's excited. The noise that ferrets make when they are happy or excited. When you're playing alot, they start to walk around making this noise or dooking. It's a sort of low chuckle/clucking sound. It's really cute. :

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When I play with my ferret he starts dooking! Nó thật dễ thương! The noise that Drinky Crow makes when he drinks XXX.

dooks có nghĩa là

Since then, it has been generalized to mean any episode of drinking like Drinky Crow.

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Dooked the Movie coming January 2010.

dooks có nghĩa là

(Drinky Crow is in the Maakies comic written by Tony Millionaire.)

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Sacheezus: I'm thirsty.
Moogie: Dook-dook at the alehouse?
Sacheezus: That's a great idea! DOOK-DOOK!!

dooks có nghĩa là

Dooked is an English YouTube series, originally shown on YouTube from 2010 onwards, featuring people performing various dangerous, crude, ridiculous, and self-injuring stunts and pranks.

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Dooked the Movie coming January 2010.

dooks có nghĩa là

Referring to an individual who is not in his senses and is responding back with non sense and doesn't make any sense (similar to having a head rush, but saying something unrelated to to the topic)

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Tom: Yo you trynna go to a club tonight?