deployal là gì - Nghĩa của từ deployal

deployal có nghĩa là

Spending 16 months alone with my daughter while my husband is in Iraq, Afganistan, Korea or Germany. It is my husband missing 1/2 of our marrige due to his "duty" and endless readjustments when he is home. It is the cause of so much marital stress. It is the reason for so many nights spent crying and each day spent worrying. It has caused our daughter to look around the house trying to find her daddy (becuase she thinks he is playing hide and go seek and wont come out until she has found him) and crying the entire time "daddy, daddy" . It is my worst fear.


I got the call, the deployment will be in 3 weeks. I will miss you so much, I love you more than anything in this world, and for all eternity. Don't worry I will be fine.
I cannot stop worrying, it is dangerous. Please come home to us. I will try.

deployal có nghĩa là

When an unattractive member of the US military (usually female) starts to look pretty hot the longer an overseas deployment lasts. The longer the deployment, the more desirable she is, therefore the more action she gets. Usually she would qualify as a “Two-Baggerin the states.


Get it now while you’re deployment attractive, because when we get back to the states, you’re a beast again.

deployal có nghĩa là

Commonly occurs in male military service members who are deployed to locations across the world, absent or severely lacking in actual attractive females. This can occur over a long period of time, or immediatly upon boots on the ground, depending on how much pussy backlog the service member had prior to the deployment. Similar to Beer Goggles and the Shallow Hal theory, the affected service member will begin to find the most hideous of hideously ugly females attractive, commonly known as Deployment Queens. This is due to there being a vast shortage of attractive women and the unwavering need for the male specimen to bust-a-nut, regardless of the orifice it goes into or onto.


Service Member 1: OMG, this place is crawling with FUGLIES!!! Service Member 2: Are you kidding me? Did you see that one chick with the sagging hair bun, the BCG's, the cankles and the FUPA? Service Member 1: Umm, yeah, she is the leader of the pack. Service Member 2: I know, I'd fuck her!!! Service Member 1: WTF, really, dude??? You've got deployment goggles already? We've only been gone for 6 months. Service Member 2: Are you telling me you wouldn't tap that? Service Member 1: ........Yeah......I would.

deployal có nghĩa là

1.the only reason you talk to these females is because youre deployed overseas, so theres not any better pussy to talk to. 2. also can be said as deployment q, q being short for quality. 3.can be refered also as a cue: used in a call center as in the order you talk to the customers. so in this instance you start off with the good looking work youre way to where standards have not mattered anymore.


1. i talked to me some deployment cue the other nite at baghdad

2. that girl sure is deployment q, so im gonna talk to her.

3. im working my way down the deployment cue, im down to talking to a female who looks like monique, wish me luck.

deployal có nghĩa là

When having a day or a moment when the loneliness of the deployment is overwhelming that you don't want to get out of bed. Or sitting a stop light and you start crying and can't stop because you see the couple in front of you give each other a sweet kiss and wish you could have your loved one beside you. Its an easy way of letting others that you are just DS'ing (deployment syndrome) without having to go into a long story.


Jamie: Is everything ok you are extremely quite tonight?
Lisa: I have been DS'ing (deployment syndrome) today, i'm ok.
Jamie: Aww got ya!

deployal có nghĩa là

The act of deploymant

A way or condition of being arranged: arrangement, categorization, classification, disposal, disposition, distribution, formation, grouping, layout, lineup, order, organization, placement, sequence. See order/disorder.


James: How is the deployal of that unix server going Callan?

Callan: Its going great, by the way nice use of the word deployal.

deployal có nghĩa là

The amazing, light speed action in which a male is able to get his cock out, engorged and ready for intercourse at just the mere mention of sex.


Susie said she was feeling a little horny and that's all it took for Roger's rapid deployment. He had her pinned on the bed making rabbit ears in less than 20 seconds.

deployal có nghĩa là

A deployer is a person who scams people out of money. They are often associated with hosting services.


Yoo, that skids a deployer

deployal có nghĩa là

During a deployment, a guy or girl that have a mutual interest but don't necessarily want the pressure of a long term relationship. They enjoy all the benefits of a couple while on deployment; snuggling, kissing, fucking but without the complications. All fun and no stress...until deployment is over....


John: "What's up with you and Jessica? Are you guys dating?"
Brian: "No man, she's just my deployment girlfriend"

deployal có nghĩa là

That one guy on Deployment who is actually faithful to his wife and doesn't find a 292 or Combat Whiskey to sleep around with. Usually a devote Christian or other religious type.


Person 1: Hey New guy do you have a liberty buddy for Phuket yet? New Guy: Yeah Lemons asked me. Person 1: Dude, Lemons so deployal! you are never gonna get laid hanging out with that guy.