Delete last node in circular doubly linked list in C++

class GFG


static class Node 

    int data; 

    Node next; 

    Node prev; 


static Node insert( Node start, int value) 

    if (start == null) 


        Node new_node = new Node();  = value;  = new_node.prev = new_node; 

        start = new_node; 

        return start; 


    Node last = (start).prev; 

    Node new_node = new Node(); = value; = start; 

    (start).prev = new_node; 

    new_node.prev = last; = new_node; 

    return start;

static Node deleteNode( Node start, int key) 

    if (start == null) 

        return null; 

    Node curr = start, prev_1 = null; 

    while (curr . data != key) 


        if ( == start) 


            System.out.printf(" List doesn't have node with value = %d", key); 

            return start; 


        prev_1 = curr; 

        curr = curr . next; 


    if (curr . next == start && prev_1 == null) 


        (start) = null; 

        return start; 


    if (curr == start) 


        prev_1 = (start) . prev; 

        start = (start) . next; 

        prev_1 . next = start; 

        (start) . prev = prev_1; 


    else if ( == start) 


        prev_1 . next = start; 

        (start) . prev = prev_1; 




        Node temp = curr . next; 

        prev_1 . next = temp; 

        temp . prev = prev_1; 


    return start;

static void display( Node start) 

    Node temp = start; 

    while ( != start) 


        System.out.printf("%d ",; 

        temp =; 


    System.out.printf("%d ",; 

public static void main(String args[])

    Node start = null; 

    start = insert(start, 4); 

    start = insert(start, 5); 

    start = insert(start, 6); 

    start = insert(start, 7); 

    start = insert(start, 8); 

    System.out.printf("List Before Deletion: "); 


    start =deleteNode(start, 9); 

    System.out.printf(" List After Deletion: "); 


    start =deleteNode(start, 4); 

    System.out.printf(" List After Deleting %d: ", 4); 


    start =deleteNode(start, 8); 

    System.out.printf(" List After Deleting %d: ", 8); 


    start =deleteNode(start, 6); 

    System.out.printf(" List After Deleting %d: ", 6); 




The node which is to be deleted can be the only node present in the linked list. In this case, the condition head → next == head will become true, therefore the list needs to be completely deleted. It can be simply done by assigning head pointer of the list to null and free the head pointer.

How do you remove an element from a circular linked list?

Logic to delete element from Circular Linked List

  1. Create a circular linked list and assign reference of first node to head .
  2. Input key to delete from user.
  3. To keep track of previous node and node to delete, declare two variables of node type.
  4. If current node contains key, i.e. if (cur->data == key) .

How the last node of a circular doubly linked list will be deleted?

Deleting the last node of the Circular Doubly Linked List involves checking the head for empty. If it is not empty and contains only one node then delete the head node. If the list contains more than one node then traverse to the second last node of the list and link it with the head. Finally, delete the last node.

Which is better doubly linked list or circular linked list?

Due to the fact that a circular doubly linked list contains three parts in its structure therefore, it demands more space per node and more expensive basic operations. However, a circular doubly linked list provides easy manipulation of the pointers and the searching becomes twice as efficient.

Which linked list has no node at the end?

A variation of linked list is circular linked list, in which the last node in the list points to first node of the list. b) It is not possible to add a node at the end of the list.

How do you remove all elements from a linked list of integers which matches with given value?

Program to remove all nodes of a linked list whose value is same as in Python

  1. head := node.
  2. while node and are not null, do. while value of next of node is same as target, do. next of node := next of next of node.
  3. if value of head is same as target, then. return next of head.
  4. otherwise, return head.

How would you delete a node of a linked list without traversing it?

Delete a Node from linked list without head pointer in C++

  1. Write struct with data, and next pointer.
  2. Write a function to insert the node into the singly linked list.
  3. Initialize the singly linked list with dummy data.
  4. Take a node from the linked list using the next pointer.
  5. Move the delete node to the next node.

How do I fix the following code to delete a linked list?

To delete a node from the linked list, we need to do the following steps.

  1. Find the previous node of the node to be deleted.
  2. Change the next of the previous node.
  3. Free memory for the node to be deleted.

Can you delete a linked list in constant time?

A node contains some kind of data, and a reference to the next node. The reference of the last node in the linked list is null. I indeed can remove the the last node in O(1). Since you have to iterate over the whole list to get to the newly last node and set its reference also to null.

When some node is deleted from the linked list what happens with memory?

2 Answers. In C++ when you delete an object on the heap nothing actually gets cleaned up, it just marks the memory as “free”. This means that another call to new or malloc may overwrite that memory.

How do you delete the last node of a linked list?

Approach: To delete the last node of a linked list, find the second last node and make the next pointer of that node null. Create an extra space secondLast, and traverse the linked list till the second last node. delete the last node, i.e. the next node of second last node delete(secondLast.

What is deletion in linked list?

Deletion in singly linked list at the end. There are two scenarios in which, a node is deleted from the end of the linked list. There is only one node in the list and that needs to be deleted. There are more than one node in the list and the last node of the list will be deleted.

What are the advantages of singly linked list?

Advantages of Singly Linked List

  • it is very easier for the accessibility of a node in the forward direction.
  • the insertion and deletion of a node are very easy.
  • the Requirement will less memory when compared to doubly, circular or doubly circular linked list.

Are Linked lists still used?

Any use of lists that’s required to perform well for insertions with saved iterators will use linked lists. They’re a fundamental structure and won’t go away. We have fast CPUs now, so often don’t need to worry about the few extra instructions that might be needed in implementing our data structures.

How are linked lists used in real life?

Previous and next page in web browser – We can access previous and next url searched in web browser by pressing back and next button since, they are linked as linked list. Music Player – Songs in music player are linked to previous and next song. you can play songs either from starting or ending of the list.

It can be simply done by assigning head pointer of the list to null and free the head pointer. Now, temp will point to the last node of the list. The first node of the list i.e. pointed by head pointer, will need to be deleted.

How do you remove a node from a circular linked list?


  1. Make a temp pointer to the list.
  2. Move the temp pointer forward until we find the data to delete.
  3. Make a delete node (Example Node delete) and set it to temp’s pointer.
  4. Set temp to skip over the node we are deleting.
  5. Set the delete node’s pointer to null.

How do you delete a node at a given position?

If the node to be deleted is the root, simply delete it. To delete a middle node, we must have a pointer to the node previous to the node to be deleted. So if positions are not zero, we run a loop position-1 times and get a pointer to the previous node.

What are C statements to delete the second node of the circular linked list?


  • IF HEAD = NULL. Write UNDERFLOW. Go to Step 8. [END OF IF]
  • Repeat Step 4 while PTR → NEXT != HEAD.
  • SET PTR = PTR → next. [END OF LOOP]
  • EXIT.

What is the time complexity of deleting a node from a doubly linked circular list?

In order to delete a node and connect the previous and the next node together, you need to know their pointers. In a doubly-linked list, both pointers are available in the node that is to be deleted. The time complexity is constant in this case, i.e., O(1).

How many links will change in order to delete a node in a circular linked list?

There are three cases in of deleting a node in circular linked list. Firstly we need to create a list,if we have empty list then simply the condition (head=null) is true then print the “underflow”.

How to delete the first node in a circular doubly linked list?

Deletion in Circular doubly linked list at beginning. There can be two scenario of deleting the first node in a circular doubly linked list. The node which is to be deleted can be the only node present in the linked list. In this case, the condition head → next == head will become true, therefore the list needs to be completely deleted.

How to delete a doubly linked list in Java?

Traverse the list until we find the desired data value. Check if this is the last node of the list. If it is so then we can’t perform deletion. Check if the node which is to be deleted, is the last node of the list, if it so then we have to make the next pointer of this node point to null so that it can be the new last node of the list.

How to delete Curr from a circular linked list?

Delete curr. If curr is not the first node, we check if it is the last node in the list. Condition to check this is (curr -> next == head). If curr is the last node. Set prev -> next = head and delete the node curr by free (curr).

How to delete a node from a linked list?

If the list is not empty then we define two pointers curr and prev and initialize the pointer curr with the head node. Traverse the list using curr to find the node to be deleted and before moving curr to next node, everytime set prev = curr. If the node is found, check if it is the only node in the list. If yes, set head = NULL and free (curr).

What is the complexity of deleting a node from a circular linked list?

The time complexity is constant in this case, i.e., O(1). Whereas in a singly-linked list, the pointer to the previous node is unknown and can be found only by traversing the list from head until it reaches the node that has a next node pointer to the node that is to be deleted.

How the last node of a circular doubly linked list will be deleted?

Deleting the last node of the Circular Doubly Linked List involves checking the head for empty. If it is not empty and contains only one node then delete the head node. If the list contains more than one node then traverse to the second last node of the list and link it with the head. Finally, delete the last node.

What are different deleting positions in a linked list?

What is doubly circular linked list?

Circular doubly linked list is a more complexed type of data structure in which a node contain pointers to its previous node as well as the next node. Circular doubly linked list doesn’t contain NULL in any of the node. The last node of the list contains the address of the first node of the list.

How to delete a node from a circular list in C?

Previous: Write a program in C to delete a node from the middle of a circular linked list. Next: Write a program in C to search an element in a circular linked list.

How to delete a linked list by free?

If curr is the last node. Set prev -> next = head and delete the node curr by free (curr). If the node to be deleted is neither the first node nor the last node, then set prev -> next = temp -> next and delete curr. Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution. // linked list. // of it. // next of it.

Deleting nodes at given index in the Circular linked list

  1. First, find the length of the list.
  2. Take two pointers previous and current to traverse the list.
  3. Take a variable count initialized to 0 to keep track of the number of nodes traversed.
  4. Traverse the list until the given index is reached.

How do you delete a node from the middle of a doubly linked list?

deleteFromMid() will delete a node from the middle of the list:

  1. It first checks whether the head is null (empty list) then, it will return from the function as there is no node present in the list.
  2. If the list is not empty, it will check whether the list has only one node.

How do you remove a node from a doubly linked list in Java?

Delete a node in a Doubly Linked List

  1. If node to be deleted is head node, then change the head pointer to next current head.
  2. Set next of previous to del, if previous to del exists.
  3. Set prev of next to del, if next to del exists.

How to delete a node from a circular linked list?

We will be given a node and our task is to delete that node from the circular linked list. Case 1: List is empty. If the list is empty we will simply return. If the list is not empty then we define two pointers curr and prev and initialize the pointer curr with the head node.

How to move pointers in a circular linked list?

Take two pointers current and previous and traverse the list. Keep the pointer current fixed pointing to the first node and move previous until it reaches the last node. Take two pointers current and previous and traverse the list. Move both pointers such that next of previous is always pointing to current.

How to delete a list with more than one node?

If the list has more than one node, check if it is the first node of the list. Condition to check this ( curr == head). If yes, then move prev until it reaches the last node. After prev reaches the last node, set head = head -> next and prev -> next = head. Delete curr. If curr is not first node, we check if it is the last node in the list.

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