China is a dystopia Reddit

Xinnanhai - A libertarian Arcology in dystopian China (2050's) from imaginarymaps

I'm Han Chinese by ethnicity (grew up in Poland) and have been wanting to live/visit China. But, my parents and majority of the internet make it seem like China is a dystopian country. So I've been wondering is it really that bad in China where my human rights will be constantly violated by the government?

edit: Thanks for all your replies I have decided that I will try visiting the country, Shenzhen to be exact at the end of the year hopefully the restrictions will be lifted. I will do more research on the city and country for the mean time.

China is the ultimate dystopia. Almost everything that most of the people there know is not reality. The CCP machine has told or selected what this reality ought to be. If you have ever lived in a censorship and a dictatorship you won't realize how fucked the Chinese people are. Imagine a 1.4 billion people conditioned to believe that there is a form of medicine that requires you eating odd things and animals. I just watched a YouTube video of expats who have lived in China for long talking about how it is usual to go for a long time without seeing a bird. Why because birds are eaten not because people are hungry but because it was the norm during the famine and no one ever told the people to stop eating them, same thing most of the wildlife. I even saw a picture of a old Chinese couple in philly that was catching sparrows at the park and putting them in a plastic bag for a later snack.

We need to pause and think about this and realize we have a over a billion people that need to be brought up to speed on what is going on

I'm sure many of you are already aware of China being a single party political system, having such lackluster working conditions that factories need suicide nets, coal plants in residential areas, polluted water ways, nasty ass wet markets, the enslavement and organ harvesting of a minority group, anti-Black racism, an economy built on exploitation and so many more fun themes to explore for grimdark literature...

This post is about their organised fishing system for raping environments for the biodiversity of protected species. Sure. Dentists who hunt and kill unsuspecting African fauna with a high powered rifle deserve to be locked in a cage with a feral lion but, China's illegal fishing fleet is on a whole other level of devastation. There are so many fishing vessels that their lights can be seen from space and look like a city skyline from miles away.

These Mutha fukkas have refueling ships and modified tankers to bring catches from fishing vessels to the main land so the extraction can be perpetuated. The Galápagos islands are being robbed of its already fragile ecosystem. The Ghanaian coast is being stripped of its sea life making it even more difficult for the local fishermen to catch anything. Also, China is able to register ships through bogus companies in Ghana and hire locals to work on said ships to end up keeping them as slaves with no way to leave the harsh treatment and long work days. Same story for the Indonesians unfortunate enough to be "hired".

"What's this got to do with cyberpunk?" You may be asking yourself. It has everything to do with a technologically advanced totalitarian regime only concerned with two things. Power and the ability to keep its machine of over consumption running. China has become the second largest corporation on the planet and answers to no one. The only hope is for the CCP to implode and for everyone, with the power to do so, to stand up to them and smack them in the mouth.

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. With y'alls punk asses.

What a dystopian society. from China
Gucci & sickle dystopia in China from ABoringDystopia
China has created a "dystopian hellscape" in Xinjiang, Amnesty report says from news

Before you jump on the fuck-china-bandwagon and suspect me of being paid or threatened by the Chinese government, I will tell you who I am. I was born and raised in China and I moved to the US for high school. Right now, I go to a boarding school in Maine. My parents run a private customer service business in China and are not affiliated with the officials. I am not comfortable with sharing credentials of any more details, but if you have questions for clarification purposes I will answer to the best of my ability and comfortability.

Now come the speculations and opinions.

First, the infamous Social Credit System. I go back to Shanghai, China about thrice a year and I have to be honest with you - I quite appreciate it. So far, contrary to an often accusation on reddit, it is not utilized as the devices portrayed in Orwell's 1984. There are bike kiosks and umbrella kiosks in subway stations, and if you have a decent social score, you can borrow a bike or an umbrella by simply scanning your phone on the automated kiosks. You can also link it to your Taobao or Tmall account (the Chinese equivalent of Amazon) so that you can finance the payment almost instantly. It is used for so many more things that I think there should be a whole booklet for it. Also, what I want to point out is that there is a credit system in place in the US, too - one that has been long implemented, yet no one considers it dystopian... They are not very different - the Chinese one just has more uses. Yes, the system can hinder your ability to purchase train and plane tickets - but I should confess to considering it useful. Those that are denied tickets are usually people of lesser etiquette who commit public misdemeanor such as smoking and spitting on public transportation. The social credit system is not used to hinder journalism. There are other departments for that, and they operate differently than how they are often portrayed on reddit.

Then, the Tiananmen Massacre. Yes, it happened; yes, the Chinese government censored it. It sounds bad. It sounds very bad, indeed. But China has changed much. In terms of GDP, China grew from 347.8 billion to 12.24 trillion - a 3419% increase. The average life expectancy rose from 66.76 years to 76.25 years - the average person lives nearly ten years longer. I would argue that the difference between China today and China then is equal, if not greater than the difference between the US today and the US when Columbus slaughtered the indigenous people before more white settlers robbed them of their land and culture. Then Columbus was sung as a hero - even a holiday is dedicated to him. There also was a time when blacks in southern states are unable to vote and beaten up and killed for attempting to gain suffrage- these were times to which the US will never go back, yes? My parents were both born in 1970 and they have assured me that China has changed so much (for the better) since then that they can not imagine anything like it ever taking place again. "But China doesn't let anyone talk about it!" one might argue; misunderstand me not - it is a valid argument, but consider this - what if bringing it up at this point will cause more troubles, both for the government and for the people? China simply handle history very differently from that of the US. In the US, the extremes still hang the confederate flag for the sake of nostalgia and do the Nazi salute while harassing negroes, because "that's the way it used to be" and they have been passing down the racism. The fact is China simply won't go back to that time after reforming and opening up to western media and westerners in general, so while censoring and erasing the history might be wrong, or I should say, is wrong, if it avoids severe cultural and political conflicts, there are values to be gained by doing so. I should not bring my partiality into a thread meant to be informative, but it is most certain that the censorship of the Tiananmen Massacre is more complicated than most Redditors portray it to be.

I would like to talk about more issues, but I am very tired at this point. please tell me what issues you would like to be discussed, and I will get to them in the near future.

The more I read the posts here, the more it seems that China is becoming a Dystopia.

For those who read dystopian fictions, it is starting to sound like the start of Handmaid's Tale, 1984, We and many others.

Discuss please.