asian parents là gì - Nghĩa của từ asian parents

asian parents có nghĩa là

(Usually, but not always) Strict, nosey, and controlling. They make you go to summer school if you get a B+ in an honors math class, even if you had the best grade out of all the Asians who took that class, and replace your grade all because 'if you get 4.0, you get sit on stage when graduate!'. To Asian parents, summer is not a 'break' as it is to other children in America, but 'a time to catch up'. Summer for Asian kids include SAT/ACT/PSAT prep (whether its doing books or taking classes), summer school, piles of math books, etc. while others are hanging out with friends and making s'mores. Asian Parents control their kids' lives because they want them to get into a good college, so that 1) They can brag to their asian friends about what college you go to


Asian summer: 8am-1:30pm summer school, 1:30pm-3:00pm math, 3:00pm-6:00pm tennis, 6:00pm-10:30pm math, FML Asian parents: "I signed you up for PSAT class!"
Asian parents:"Ooo since good deal I signed you up for ACT class too!"
Me:"...WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!! But according to these pretests Ill either get a 35 or a 36!!!" Me:"....I got...a 92%..."
Asian mom:"WHAT?! I told you no ipod! NO MORE IPOD till you get 98!!" Me: -watching friends-
Me: But mom I've only been watching for an hour!!!
Asian mom: TV like drug!!! Once start can neeveerrrr stop! Addicted then you grades go down! Asian mom: NO TV ON WEEKDAYS....AND 2 HOURS ON WEEKENDS Asian mom: Getting B like cutting your leg off!

asian parents có nghĩa là

People who are characterized by the following items- *Expects their children to always receive straight As on their report cards, tests, projects, quizes, and even questions you if you get an A on your homework assignment. And if you don't get an A, than they'll give you that long-hard-cold-stare and beat ya till you're an inch from death. *Expects you to do the laundry, make dinner, fix a door (actually anything for that matter), and do the things that they're supposed to be doing while they're watching some Asian drama series(no allowance). *Are easily frustrated and calls their children the following names-
Disgrace *If you have even two-inch long hair, they will call it long, and a mess, and they will force you to get either a bowl cut, a buzz cut, or something far worse. *Polos, polos, polos, not just any but the plain-one-colored-pocket-shirt-polos. That's what you're gonna be wearing till you're twenty. *Expects you to be locked up in your room, studying and reading educational reports and documents during the weekend, winter break, spring break, and summer. *Expects ya ta be a doctor or a dentist...I wanted to be a paleontologist... *Are super no tips..uses eachother's membership cards just for the discounts provided(funny incident), will not buy new clothes, always goes to the dollar store, and etc. Well that's for all right now-enjoy


*Asian parents(mom) sees you talking with a girl-
Mom-you have sex with her???
Me-No...we were just discussing some school...
Mom-Oh ok, what was it about?
Me-Our algebra homework....
Mom-AHA YOU CHEATA! *bitchslaps* *Asian parents(mom) sees you talking with a black girl-
Mom-you want to marry a brack girl???
Me-um, that's racist and n...
Mom-*double bitchslaps*

asian parents có nghĩa là

Asian parents are the sole parental units and source of guidance for their children. Although often accepted and respected by their peers in the community as members of society, it is common knowledge among their children that they are actually controlling and manipulative with old fashioned ideals, ridiculously high expectations, and no care in the world for the actual dreams and desires of their progeny. Most, but luckily not all, Asian children are subject to the strict rulings constantly doled out by their parents. A traditional Asian upbringing will often include harsh rules which prevent children from ever being themselves or being with the few friends they are allowed to have, and will instead force upon them summers and free weekends anguishing over textbooks of material they are not expected to cover in years. Grades below an A are completely unacceptable and the children will be made aware of this well before they even begin school, as every exploit -from walking to talking-will be made a competition between children and the children of his parents peers. Addionally, Asian children are expected to do exceptionally in a great deal of extra-curriculars, most notably music and school clubs. Awards and honors are practically a must. Asian parents will provide eternal self-degradation due to the fact that they consistently compare their children to other equally suffering Asian children who succeeded after many miserable years of no fun and back-breaking studying. Most victims of this sort of abuse end up never feeling worthy of love or success, and never feel that they are "enough" for their parents. The method, admittedly, does work and so most Asian children do end up at some of the greatest schools. However, this is at the great cost of the children's emotional and mental stability -no doubt reflected in the incredible percentage of Asian students in depression or suicidal. Those who do make it through their higher education will be guilted by the antiquated sense of filial piety instilled within them by their parents and most likely seek a career in medicine or law as their parents wish.


Child: Well, maybe I don't want to go to Harvard! Maybe I want to go to art school!
Parents: NO MOTIVATION! YOU ARE NOTHING! No one with sense would pursue a career like art. Art will not feed your old parents when we are old and retired. Stephanie Wang has more work than you, but SHE STILL PLAYS VIOLIN ALL THE TIME, AND NOW SHE'S GOING TO YALE!
Child: Well, I'm not perfect. You caught me!

asian parents có nghĩa là

You non asians think that all asians are awesome? Nope, you're wrong especially when it comes to OLD G(Generation) Asian Parents. Old G Asian Parents only let their kids marry people of their same nationality. Asian boys can't grow hair pass their ears. Getting a C isn't bad, but for OLD G Asian Parents, you're screwed. They don't let their daughters go out because they think their daughter is going to get rape or take naughty pictures. The food is rice all the time. They want their kids to be a doctor or a pharmacist.


Asian Dad: Hey boy you have the girlfriend yet?
Asian Boy: Yeah
Asian Dad: She the white, the black, or the spanish?
Asian Boy: Yeah she's white.
Asian Boy: Why can't I have my hair the way I want it? It's America not Asia.
Asian Dad: You like getting the back door huh.
Asian Boy: What? Asian Dad: A.....A......A.......C..........let me get my whip k boy. Can't find it but I got two steel chopsticks though. Asian Girl: Hey mom I'm gonna go hang out with my girlfriends.
Asian Mom: HUH!?!? any boys?
Asian Girl: One guy and that's it.
Asian Girl: How? They're all girls except for one guy.
Asian Mom: THEY GOING TO TAKE YOU TO PARTY FULL OF BOYS! Asian Boy: It's ok mom and dad, I'm going to eat Stouffer's lasagnas.
Asian Parents: THAT'S NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU FULL! RICE MAKE YOU FULL! Asian Dad: Hey boy, you the doctor yep?
Asian Boy: No dad, I'm only 16.
Asian Dad: Then study hard instead of your stuuuuupid guitar.
Asian Boy: Dad I want to make a Visual Kei band in the future.

asian parents có nghĩa là

Parents that are horrible for the following reasons... 1. They will make you do unnecessary work from school, such as next week's homework, or if you have none, they make you read your textbook. 2. If you are ever caught with a person of the opposite gender, they will beat you and assume you fucked them. 3. They will beat you for random reasons, and since they are asian, they know kung fu and will beat your ass. 4. Any grade below a 90 is considered failing, even if you have 89.4. 5. Once you're in High school, presents for your birthday and Christmas will stop coming. Or if the gifts do come, they will be in the form of programs or books on the SAT's or school subjects. 6. Your hair cannot be longer than 1 inch if your a male. 7. Playing video games is not allowed on weekdays, and only like 1-2 hours on weekends. 8. To buy something, it must be on sale. 9. Going out with friends is a no no. 10. Your food with always have rice in it. 11. You will be expected to become a doctor or something similar. 12. Talking against your parents will be punished. 13. You never get any money, and if you do get some, then it goes right into your "college" fund. 14. Anything over $10 will not be bought for you. 15. They will always have poor grammar. No matter how much they've been in the U.S. 16. They will reinforce math and science like crazy.


Asian parents: You get prepare to die...
Me: Oh god.... On christmas morning
*opens presents*
Damn it...another math book. Parent: Why your hair so long? And was that girl with you???
Me: I like my hair like this. And yes, that was a girl.
Parent: HEY! You talk back and you with girl, you gonna get hurt....

asian parents có nghĩa là

Very, Very, Strict and mean parents. They force you to have perfect grades, they punish you if you got lower than an A- on a test. i never had them but my friend who is asian did and i know from going over his house that they are very strict.


Real Conversation between my friend and his parents. When I was going into middle school you could either get into 7th math, 7th advanced math, be with the 8th graders in regular math, be with the advanced 8th graders, or be with the highschoolers, average kids got into 7th grade math, smart kids, got into 7th advanced, very smart kids got into 8th, super smart kids got into 8th advanced, and geniuses got into highschool algebra below is a real conversation between my indian friend and his parents rasheed(Friend): ( Walks into house to see his mom upset with him and yelling at him) Rasheed: Mom why are you so upset? Mom: You didnt make it into highschool math Rasheed: So thats really hard to get into most kids don't even make it into 8th grade regular math Mom: Don't talk back Mr. You go to your room this instant Rasheed: But what did I make it into? Mom: You made it into 8th grade advnced which isn't good enough Rasheed: if you ask me or anyone else that is very good to make it into advanced 8th going into 7th grade Mom: (Bitch slaps Rasheed) Rasheed: What was that for Mom: Don't question me now go to your room or you'll get this again and tell Jeff to go home you should be studying now Rasheed: Dude I'm fucked your so lucky your white well you have to go bye you don't wanna witness this. Now you know it sucks to have asian parents

asian parents có nghĩa là

Their logic include:
1) since they gave birth to you, they think can control what you watch on YouTube, Television, etc.
2) since they gave birth to you, they think they can control what you listen to on the radio or any other thing that you can stream music on, such as, Spotify, Pandora. Etc.
3) their logic for grades : A=acceptable B= almost acceptable C= compared, crime D=dead F= you're fucked
4) they control your hair cut Acceptable hair cuts include :
Girls: long flowing hair, bob cut, bangs, side bangs, and basically any thing but boy hair cuts.
Boys: bowl cut, buzz cut, fowhawk.
5) they feed you and shove food on you, then calls you fat afterwards 6) if you spend more than an hour on any electronic device, you're fucked
7) they won't let you play any sport other than swimming, dancing (any type), badminton, or tennis. Claiming it's too dangerous 8) they compare you to their relative's, friend's, or co-workers' sons or daughters and say you should "follow their example and do better then them so they could brag to their parents"


Asian kid:oh shit, I got a C on this test, my parents are gonna kill me
White kid: just switch it with mine, I got an A
Asian kid: they're gonna find out, they always find out,
They're Asian parents, whatever you do, they'll always find out

asian parents có nghĩa là

naive, reckless, emotionless, careless, ignorant people...usually. on rare occasions, you have the asian mother who is somewhat whitewashed and doesnt giv a fuck cuz she has her perfect son to worry about instead of paying attention ot her dumbass daughter. but the father fits the stereotypes 110% of the time. grade scale:
A- acceptable
B- bullshit
C- cunt
D- death
F- there is no such thing SAT:
2400- well no one gets this score
2300- brags about you to other asian parents
2200- expected
2100- why didnt you get a 2200?
2000- maybe a U.C.
1900- okay
1800- alright
1700- acceptable
1600- fail
anything below 1600 and you will be disowned and promised to be kicked out the day you turn 18


kid #1: why cant u go to the bonfire tonight? kid #2: i'm not allowed to stay out late...even though im 17. kid #1: oh thats right i forgot u were asian.
kid #2: im just gonna smoke a bowl in my room with the door locked so i can escape for a few hours. kid #1: are you grounded
kid #2: no. i have asian parents.

asian parents có nghĩa là

during the coronavirus pandemic, all the asian parents decided to lock their kids in their homes and did not let them go outside at all, which literally makes me cry. I have had no social interaction for a month.


Asian parents quarantined me.

asian parents có nghĩa là

So a lot of the asian parent definitions are actually really really extreme ones. Asian parents will hit/whip you with chopsticks or belts when you're young but will probably stop when you get into middle school. They definitely hate any mark under a 90 cause you need 90s to get into good universities. they'll sign you up for a lot of extracurriculars when you are young so you'll be ahead of the class, though things like piano class or art class will tend to die down once you get to high school because it's "not important anymore." they will compare you to others which does lower your self esteem but they also have some reasoning inside of them as well. they will let you go out with your friends, they'll let you get a boyfriend if you're in your last few years of high school, and they actually do care and try to empathize with you if you're seriously bawling your eyes out. That's my definition of a moderate asian parent


Asian parents aren't that strict you know.

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