anime là gì - Nghĩa của từ anime

anime có nghĩa là

noun: a style of animation that originated and is still heavily centered in Japan.

The word 'anime' is based on the original japanese pronunciation of the american word 'animation.'

The stereotype of the anime style are characters with proportionally large eyes and hair styles and colors that are very colorful and exotic. The plots range from very immature (kiddy stuff), through teenage level, to mature (violence, content, thick plot). The classification of 'hentai' is given to animes of a stong sexual nature.

Although over 95% of anime has nothing perverted about it, most closed-minded idiots think anime is always a form of pronography.


Although most people stop watching 'cartoons' in their early teens, there are 'animes' for all age groups.

anime có nghĩa là

1. Japanese animation.

2. Yet another thing that americans managed to completely fuck up, resulting in poor translations, unnecessary censorship, horrible dubbing, and people who don't know any better hating Japan for it.


Cartoon Network and 4Kids are mostly responsible for the godawful anime that plays in the US.

anime có nghĩa là

Anime means "animation" in Japanese.

If you came here to see me call anime:
cartoon porn which is hentai, wannabe white person cartoons, or a nerds favorite hobby, then just give me the thumbs down already because my definition is precise.
Anime is a form of Japanese cartooning which either televised or on DVD or video. The comic books are called manga. Yes, there is a very big difference. If you walk into Borders/Barnes and Noble/etc. and ask for Anime, you will be sent to the DVD section. Shojo is a girl's type of anime (stories of love, achieving dreams and the type) while shonen is the boys type (wars, samuri, card battles etc.)Usually anime is much deeper than the average American cartoons. It can be funny, tragic, romantic, adventurous, sci fi and more. Stereotypical ideas: Nerds and geeks are not the only people who like anime. Not all aniime has the big twinkly eyes and extremely out of proportioned heads. It is NOT porn. See hentai. It is NOT only for kids.


Cartoon Networks's Adult swim has lots of Anime, like Witch Hunter Robin, Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, .hack//sign, Sailor Moon, Hamtaro and more.

anime có nghĩa là

It sems to me like everyone here seems intent on telling us it is not porn; which I find quite suspiscious. I've never know anyone one to just asume it was porn.


person1 "Are you watching anime"
person2(urban dictionary user) "it's not porn I swear."
person1 "I didn't say anything about that"
person2 "Oh yeah... NOT PORN"

anime có nghĩa là

A style of cartoons that originated and have become heavily popular worldwide. The biggest difference between anime and American cartoons is that Anime has a plot and are made for a variety of audiences. Most people believe it childish to watch anime as a teenager because of it being a cartoon but those people should stop watching family guy which most likely 9 out of 10 of them is a fan of. Anime comes in a variety of genres such as action, adventure, romance, drama, comedy, supernatural, horror, fantasy and etc...


Guy 1: Hey dude I'm gonna go watch some anime want to join Guy 2: Hell no cartoons are for kids I'm gonna go watch family guy Guy 1: Family guy is a cartoon too the difference is my shows have a story and isn't all fart jokes so why don't you take your own advice before criticizing me Guy 2: ...

anime có nghĩa là

Unlike American cartoons, anime usually has one episode connecting to the next. This would give allowance for a story that is long and can express a good plot and elaborate on characters. In American society, long-term stories are usually given to shows like Lost, Flashforward, and The Event. Anime is long-term stories that are cartoons, and are usually cheaper to make. There are good and bad ones, ones that are horrible at plot and characters, and ones that are good at plot and characters, just like American shows. A great number of animes are based off of Japanese Comics (a.k.a. Manga). In short, not all anime is gay and not all are awesome either. You have to dig for the good ones, and then BAM you have something to spice up your boring, monotonous home life when you've had enough of going outside, or can't go outside, or are worn out from studying, etc. Heck, it makes waiting for texts easier. Of course, like anything, there are addicts... and anime isn't necessarily a good thing to be addicted with, especially if it gets in the way of your life.


Animes that easily appeal to the masses are: Death Note (psychological thriller), ToraDora (about growing up), Code Geass (about war and injustice). If you can handle the movie Saw and want to get mind blown like Inception, watch Higurashi. A safe site to watch anime on is Anilinkz, and there are some other sites too. Animeshippuuden is an unsafe site. Albert: Did you watch Death Note?
Bob: Yeah, it's cool how even though they are so close to each other that they can even shake hands, if one figures out the true identity of the other through wits and smart talking, the other is dead.

anime có nghĩa là

Another form of story telling that uses animation as its medium. Just like how books use text, movies use actors. Anime uses animation to tell the story, and can be very serious or very funny. Either way anime is just another way of telling a story, all stereotypes attached to it are unnecessary.


Have you watched Monster? That is one of the darkest anime I've ever seen... It really goes deep into the humanity of good vs evil.

anime có nghĩa là

A style of Japanese animation that has become increasingly popular in the pop culture of many Western societies in recent years. It has a number of genres from all ages and has created a large fan base as well as many people that are opposed to it. You can find many stores selling anime merchandise in American stores as well as many American anime conventions.


They decided to check out the local anime con, where they found a crowd of cosplayers.

anime có nghĩa là

a common term for japanese animation, usually based off of manga (japanese graphic novels). it often recieves hate here in the western world because some people havent really seen it or they think all animation is for children. usually, with the exception of studio bones, the animation itself is very lack-luster. something comon i've read here on urban dictionary is that its, "the legal way to jerk it to an 8 year old.", this is not true, while many anime's do actually have quite a bit of sexual humor, you cant call it that. however it has recieved much popularity here for the teenage demographic as well. also another thing is people known as weeaboo, people who get WAAAAAAAAAY over obsessive over anime, and otaku, the japanese term for a geek, or in america's case, people who are really into anime but dont exactly cross into weeaboo terratory, are shut ins with no life, again not true.


guy: hey lets go watch some cowboy bebop. anime hater: yeah its the only one of those animes thats actually any good

anime có nghĩa là

1. A style of animation that originated in Japan, with a large fanbase around the world. Target audience can range from children to adults.
2. A great form of entertainment with a very wide variety of interests, ranging from sports to action to romance. Can be separated into different categories, most popular being shounen and shojo. Shounen being anime more action-oriented targeting boys, and shojo more romance-oriented targeting girls.
3. Not always hentai.


Person 1: I'm going to go watch some anime!
Idiot: Ew! Isn't that hentai?
Person 2: I love anime!