Which of the following statements best describes Extensible Markup Language XML )?

Domain 5

Eric Conrad, in Eleventh Hour CISSP, 2011


eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is designed as a standard way to encode documents and data. It is similar to, but more universal than, HTML and is used on the Web but not tied to it: XML can be used to store application configuration, to output from auditing tools, and for many other tasks. “eXtensible” means that users may use XML to define their own data formats.

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based framework for exchanging security information, including authentication data. Some forms of Single Sign-On (SSO) use SAML to exchange data.

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Domain 6

Eric Conrad, ... Joshua Feldman, in CISSP Study Guide (Second Edition), 2012


Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language designed as a standard way to encode documents and data. XML is similar to, but more universal than, HTML. XML is used on the Web but is not tied to it. XML can be used to store application configuration and output from auditing tools, as well as many other uses. Extensible means users may use XML to define their own data formats.

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based framework for exchanging security information, including authentication data. One goal of SAML is to enable Web single sign-on (SSO) at an Internet scale. Other forms of SSO also use SAML to exchange data.

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Language theory

Mary Attenborough, in Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2003

20.5 Extensible markup language (XML)

Embedding mark-up in a document is not a new idea. Proofreaders refer to marking up a document in order to indicate the changes that are to be made. Using a precise set of symbols makes the interpretation of the proofreaders instructions much easier. Early word processing languages made extensive use of mark-up to define how the document was to be laid out. Markup became an expression that entered into almost everyone's (non-formal) vocabulary with the introduction of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) which allowed easy exchange of document information over the Internet which could be displayed by browsers specially built to interpret HTML.

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a meta-language, a tool for defining markup languages using tags enclosed in angle brackets < … > to start an element of the language and < /… > to close an element. The elements may have properties, called attributes, and child elements. The main reasons for the importance of the development of XML is:


XML is a tool for defining markup languages.


XML languages can be used to develop standards for the interchange of data.


There are many XML parsers available which will check an XML document for well-formedness and validity.


The structure of XML lends itself easily to a tree representation – showing the derivation tree of the document.

An XML document has an associated definition of the allowed elements, element embeddings, that is, the possible parent-child relationships, and attributes. This is called a document type definition (DTD). The parser can check any XML document in two possible ways, either simply for well-formedness or it can also validate it against its DTD. A well-formed document must follow the general rules for any XML document whereas a valid document must also agree with the constraints defined in its DTD. We give an example here of a well-formed document and not concern ourselves at present with the structure of a DTD.

We might want to represent the following information about books: Publisher, Title, Author, ISBN, Category. As all books have a publisher then we could say that a book is a child of the publisher. In this case, we could represent some information in the following XML fragment.

This fragment would constitute a well-formed XML document. We have indented it so it is clear the structure of document. We can see it as a tree displayed with the root of the tree on the left-hand side –this is pictured in Figure 20.4.

Figure 20.4. Tree representation of a well-formed XML document.

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Jan L. Harrington, in Relational Database Design (Third Edition), 2009

Publisher Summary

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an important data management tool. XML documents are text files marked with tags indicating the structure of the content of the files. XML is software and platform independent—i.e., it provides an excellent environment for transferring data between database systems. XML has been accepted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and has become a de facto standard for cross-platform data transfers. Because it is an open source specification, a number of application programming languages have been built on top of it, such as XHTML, RSS, MathML, GraphML, Scalable Vector Graphics, and MusicXML. Major database management systems (DBMSs) handle XML in two ways. Some store XML documents as binary objects. The documents are not searchable and therefore maybe accompanied by keywords assigned to the documents for search purposes. The documents are stored and retrieved as complete units. Other DBMSs store XML data in standard character columns and then generate complete documents for output. Although incorporating XML still is not a typical relational DBMS activity, its use is expanding.

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Semantic technologies for enhancing knowledge management systems

V. Sugumaran, in Successes and Failures of Knowledge Management, 2016

XML and knowledge management

Extensible markup language (XML) is a fundamental enabling technology for content management and application integration. XML is a set of rules for defining data structures and thus making it possible for key elements in a document to be characterized according to meaning. It enables us to build a structure around the document’s attributes, and RDF (resource description framework) allows us to improve search mechanisms using the semantics of annotations (Decker et al., 2000). RDF uses a simple data model for representing properties of resources such as images, documents, and the relationships between them. The content of documents can be described using semantic annotations, which can then be used in searching for documents with certain content. RDF provides many advantages, such as: (1) a standard way to represent semantics, (2) supporting human readable and machine processable vocabularies, (3) standardized vocabularies within a particular community, and (4) eliminating the need for a centralized registry. Thus, RDF provides an information architecture that can extend capabilities for networking resources and information retrieval. XML makes it possible to deliver information to agents in a form that allows automatic processing after receipt and therefore distribute the processing load over a federation of agents that work cooperatively in problem solving.

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Electronic Mail

Michael Sampson, in Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 2003

VIII.B. XML in E-mail

Extensible markup language (XML) is taking the technology world by storm. It provides a simple way for exchanging structured data between applications within an organization, and external to it. This is a revolutionary concept within the IS world, and addresses key problems that have been experienced for many years. An XML document follows a structured layout as specified by a certain XML document definition, and the receiving application knows how to interpret the XML code and do something intelligent with it. Some e-mail vendors, both established and new entrants, are working toward the use of XML within e-mail.

XML in e-mail will provide two benefits. First, it will allow messages to intelligently handle themselves without user intervention. This will obviously only apply to some messages, as a good proportion of messages require personal review. E-mails that confirm meetings, announce flight delays, or provide time-limited information can automatically update the users schedule, notify them by pager of the flight delay, and delete themselves when the relevant time has passed.

The second area of benefit relates to integration with mobile and wireless devices. The display capabilities on such devices are vastly inferior to a desktop or laptop computer. Hence, an e-mail with XML tags will provide specific instructions to the device on how to appropriately display and format the content.

E-mail messages that can automatically initiate actions within an e-mail client and infrastructure hold the potential for great harm. For example, this would be an ideal way to transfer viruses or other damaging payloads between applications. Hence, vendors offering scanning and protection utilities will need to increase their capabilities to prevent against such negative occurrences.

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Using XML with SQL Server

In Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases, 2001


Extensible Markup Language, or XML, has met with immense popularity with the continually increasing need for dispersed systems to communicate in a growingly connected environment. Developed in 1996 and recorded by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1998, XML offers many advantages over complex and proprietary approaches to communication. True to its name of extensible, XML documents can be as simple as a single set of elements or as complex as necessary to accomplish nearly any task. Microsoft continues to make fundamental shifts in its technology architecture to support the processing, delivery, and use of XML, and many other organizations are quickly adopting it as an integral part of their solutions. With industry-standard support, extensible structure, and a low learning curve, XML will continue to increase its role and impact on technology solutions.

As one of the more publicized additions to SQL Server 2000, native XML support allows your organization to begin taking advantage of XML and prepare your applications for its increased use in the future. The addition of the FOR XML statement in T-SQL offers the straightforward delivery of XML-formatted result sets. Several new stored procedures are available for using XML documents as record sets in T-SQL. Client applications can take advantage of XML using the new extensions to ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) in version 2.6. SQL Server 2000’s support of HTTP access allows remote applications to retrieve and manipulate SQL Server data as XML over the Internet, with very little additional configuration.

This chapter provides an overview of XML, its components, and its structure. You will configure support for HTTP server access using IIS and query SQL Server using a Web browser. Advanced XML topics such as XPath statements and XML views will introduce you to real-world XML solutions and walk you through creating the necessary components to utilize XML in client and server applications.

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Enterprise Information Management

Fred A. Cummins, in Building the Agile Enterprise, 2009

Data Exchange

Service units don't do anything without exchanging data to submit and accept requests, return results, and potentially collaborate, receive event notices, or issue event notices. Shared services exchange data with multiple users.

Data exchanged with a service unit must be consistent for all users so that the service deals with all requests in the same way. The data models of records exchanged should be subsets of the ELDM. These subsets are often called views because they represent that subset of the ELDM data elements that is viewed by the participants in the exchange for the particular subject matter. This is similar to a display or a report that shows selected data elements from a database.

The data exchanged among service units are generally communicated by automated business processes. Requests to a service unit should be received by a business process and results should be returned by a business process. Requests for status of a process as well as receipt and publication of event notices involve exchange of data with business processes. Electronic business documents are created and managed by business processes and must be archived for future reference. Though some service units may have their business processes embedded in applications, it is important to understand that, for the most part, the exchanges of data between service units are essentially exchanges between business processes within the service units.

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) was recognized fairly early in the 1990s as a useful form of data interchange. It has several important characteristics:

XML documents (i.e., records) are somewhat self-documenting. Each element is tagged with a descriptive name.

The fields are variable in length, with special characters designating the beginning and ending so that the format remains valid, even if the length of a field changes, and text fields can take whatever space is required.

A receiving program can select fields of interest based on the tags and ignore any other fields that may have been added by the sender, so the receiver can continue to use documents that have been expanded for other purposes.

XML is used to specify the structure of XML documents (using XML Schema) so that shared specifications can be used for computational validation.

XML is also used to express the transformation of XML documents by using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) so that there is a standard, computer-interpreted language for document transformation.

XML is independent of the computing platform and computer languages used to send or receive it, so there is compatibility between diverse sending and receiving technologies.

XML can be exchanged using HTTP and HTTPS, protocols of the World Wide Web, so that existing ports are compatible and the data can pass through existing firewalls.

A widely accepted standard for electronic signatures is based on XML. Standards for encryption and signatures for XML documents are discussed in Chapter 6.

XML, along with XML Schema, XSLT, HTTP, HTTPS, and related standards, has been developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Though other forms such as electronic data interchange (EDI) are still widely used, XML has emerged as the preferred form for exchanging electronic documents between systems and enterprises. The flexibility of XML is a trade-off with the verbosity that increases communication overhead.

An example use of XML follows. This XML document is structured to contain a collection of customer orders—in the example there is only one order:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<Order orderID="103">

<Customer customerID="1234"/>



<Product productNo="223445"/>


100-watt speaker, Mahogany case


<Quantity> 2 </Quantity>

<UnitPrice> 235.95 </UnitPrice>



<Product productNo="234523"/>


CD Player, Mahogany case


<Quantity> 1 </Quantity>

<UnitPrice> 167.95 </UnitPrice>





The XML expressions are indented for readability. Each expression begins with <name> to identify the data element (where name is the name of the data element) and ends with </name> (a slash prefix) to specify the end of the data element. An element may contain a primitive value (that is, a data type that is not defined in terms of other data types), another element, or multiple elements. A primitive element may be expressed with both a name and value together, for example the Product element in the example, by ending the value segment with />, and other attributes can be expressed with the name such as at the beginning of the Order element in the example. <Orders> could contain multiple orders, but in this case only one order is shown, which starts with <Order> and ends with </Order>. Within the Order are elements for Customer and Order Items. The Customer element only specifies the customer ID. There are then two order items, each containing several order-item attributes. XML structures are specified with a specialized XML language called XML Schema so the format can be validated by a generalized computer program.

Application adapters provided by integration middleware should provide for transformation between the application internal representation of data and an appropriate XML representation.

In many cases, these XML documents capture work products and decisions for which people should be held accountable, and some of these represent legal agreements. These implications are discussed further in Chapter 6 on security.

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Distributed Systems

Richard John Anthony, in Systems Programming, 2016

6.11.3 Extensible Markup Language

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a standard, platform-independent markup language that defines format rules for encoding data. A main strength is that it provides an unambiguous way to represent structured data for use within applications, in particular as a format for storage and for communication in messages.

XML's portability across different platforms makes it ideal for representing data in distributed systems, overcoming heterogeneity. The XML is also extensible, which enables application-specific and application domain-specific variations of the basic language to be created, a classic example of which is the Chemical Markup Language (CML); this is used to describe complex molecular structures in a standardized and unambiguous document format. XML's characteristics have led to its popular use in many applications, as well as being the data representation method of choice in other protocols such as SOAP and Web services. A simple example of the use of XML to encode structured data is provided in Figure 6.46.

Figure 6.46. XML encoding in a simple application example.

Figure 6.46 illustrates how XML provides a simple way in which to encode complex data structures in an unambiguous way. The data representation format not only is easy to parse within a computer program but also is human-readable, which contributes to usability significantly. Compare, for example, with simpler formats that could be considered alternatives, such as a comma-separated file in which each data field is separated by a delimiter such as a comma and the position in the list denotes the meaning of each field; this is illustrated in Figure 6.47.

Figure 6.47. Comma-separated list format—for comparison with XML.

Figure 6.47 presents the same data as encoded in Figure 6.46, but in a simple comma-separated list format. In this example, the field delimiter is a comma and the row delimiter is a semicolon. The comma-separated list format serves to illustrate the relative benefits of XML. The comma-separated list format is more efficient, but XML has several advantages: (1) It preserves the structure of the data. (2) It names each field explicitly, which makes the format more readable. (3) It supports repetition of several data items of the same type within a single data record; for example, consider extending both the XML and comma-separated representations of the customer data to encode customers' phone numbers. The XML format can easily deal with situations where a customer has zero, one, or more phone numbers, because each entry is explicitly labeled. However, the comma-separated format uses position to represent meaning so repeating or omitted fields are not so simple to encode.

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Software Architectures and Tools for Computer Aided Process Engineering

J. Köller, ... T. Teague, in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2002 Process industry efforts to develop asynchronous XML standards

The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has recently emerged as an important Internet standard for electronic commerce and is introduced in more detail in Section At this point, suffice it to say that XML is an Internet standard file format for the common data file format software integration architecture shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Tightly coupled synchronous integration

However, by itself, XML is not sufficient to constitute a practical software integration architecture for the process industry. To achieve value and practical software integration architectures, the process industry still needs to reach consensus on a standard process industry XML vocabulary. Efforts in the process industry to develop XML standards have just begun to emerge. One of these efforts is aecXML [1]. aecXML was originally organized by Bentley Systems and now operates under the auspices of the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) [16]. The aecXML effort is largely oriented towards buildings and building construction projects, but does have a small Plant Working Group. The Plant Data XML effort [27], building on the previous ISO standards work on AP 231, is described further in Chapter 4.2.

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Which of the following statements is true of Extensible Markup Language XML?

Which statement about Extensible Markup Language (XML) is true? XML is not used to format Web pages, but to describe the data from which Web pages are created.

What does Extensible Markup Language XML describe?

What is XML (Extensible Markup Language)? XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used to describe data. The XML standard is a flexible way to create information formats and electronically share structured data via the public internet, as well as via corporate networks.

Which language is extensible Markup Language XML?

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language similar to HTML, but without predefined tags to use. Instead, you define your own tags designed specifically for your needs. This is a powerful way to store data in a format that can be stored, searched, and shared.

What is extensible markup language used for?

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is designed as a standard way to encode documents and data. It is similar to, but more universal than, HTML and is used on the Web but not tied to it: XML can be used to store application configuration, to output from auditing tools, and for many other tasks.

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