Which of the following is a true statement about the role media plays in providing citizens with political knowledge quizlet?

Candidate Patterson's Platform (liberal)
opposes corporate tax cuts

supports stricter environmental protections

wants universal health care through improving the Affordable Care Act

Candidate Gonzalez's Platform (conservative)
opposes business regulation

supports tax cuts

supports banning abortions

Candidate Johnson's Platform (socialist)
supports the rights of workers to organize and form unions

supports universal basic income (UBI)

wants a single-payer health care system

Candidate Smith's Platform (libertarian)

opposes the Green New Deal and other climate change measures

supports the legalization of marijuana

supports access to safe, legal abortions

(Conservatives want fewer regulations on business and tax cuts, but they also support greater government regulation of abortion and controlled substances.

Candidate Patterson generally supports more government involvement but through reforms of the existing framework (e.g., reforming the Affordable Care Act rather than upending it

Socialists are the furthest "left" of the ideologies on this list.

Libertarians support limited government involvement in economic and social issues.).

Which of the following is correct regarding the effect of the marketplace of ideas on opinion formation?

Competing forces try to persuade as many people as possible, and few people resist modification of their beliefs.

Competing forces try to persuade as many people as possible, and most people resist modification of their beliefs.

Free thought is encouraged, and most people resist modification of their beliefs.

Free thought is encouraged, and few people resist modification of their beliefs.

"Any candidate using Facebook can put a campaign message promising one thing in front of one group of voters while simultaneously running an ad with a completely opposite message in front of a different group of voters. The ads themselves are not posted anywhere for the general public to see (this is what's known as 'dark advertising'), and chances are, no one will ever be the wiser. That undermines the very idea of a 'marketplace of ideas,' says Ann Ravel, a former member of the Federal Election Commission who has long advocated stricter regulations on digital campaigning. 'The way to have a robust democracy is for people to hear all these ideas and make decisions and discuss," Ravel said. 'With microtargeting, that is not happening.'" Julia Carrie Wong, "'It Might Work Too Well:' the Dark Art of Political Advertising Online," The Guardian, March 19, 2018.

Which of the following scenarios reflects the most direct effect of the practice described in the passage on the electoral process?

Other sets by this creator

Mass media: sources that provide information to the average citizen, such as newspapers, TV networks, radio stations, and websites.

Evolution of Mass Media:
Colonial America: Newspapers, Ben Franklin - Pennsylvania Gazette 1729
During/After Rev. War: newspaper became a place for political debates
1830s- Yellow Journalism and Muckrakers emerged (greatly influenced Spanish American War)
After WWI: New technology=Radio
Communications Act of 1934 creates FCC
1940s: Rise of TV as source of information
1990s: Use of internet for news surges and continues to surge

Major Types of News Sources Today: Newspapers, magazines, TV, Radio, Internet

What is the role of the media in political campaigns today quizlet?

How does the media play a role in the political process? media helps candidates win by infleuncing the people viewing them to vote for the candidate advertise.

What role does the media including social media play in the political process quizlet?

The media helps inform the public about current political issues and events; provide a forum through which candidates, politicians, and the public can debate policies and issues; and to act as a watchdog on the actions of the gov.

What role does the media play quizlet?

Because of its role as a gatekeeper, the media is largely responsible for deciding what issues society discusses in the public sphere. That means the media also determines which issues are on the public agenda.

In which type of government does the media play a large role quizlet?

The media is the primary source of political information for most people, so it plays a crucial role in democracy.

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