Which of the following are major drivers of unethical strategies and business behavior quizlet?

A belief in ethical relativism leads to the conclusion that

A. because ethical standards are subjective, it is perfectly appropriate for each company to define and implement its own ethical principles of right and wrong as concerns the use of underage labor and the payment of bribes and kickbacks.

B. ethical standards are determined objectively (rather than subjectively).

C. whether the payment of bribes/kickbacks should be deemed ethical or unethical depends on the moral standards, values, beliefs, convictions, and business norms that prevail in particular cultures, societies, countries, or circumstances.

D. ethical standards are objective and universal; thus, whether the use of underage labor and the payment of bribes and kickbacks should be deemed ethical or unethical definitely is not dependent on the moral standards, values, beliefs, convictions, and business norms that prevail in particular cultures, societies, countries, or circumstances.

E. standards of right and wrong are governed by what is legal in a given country; thus, whether the use of underage labor and the payment of bribes and kickbacks is ethical or unethical is governed by local law.

Unconcerned or non issue approach- top is worst of the four and they get better down the bullets
Do what is legal; do what we can get away with- very reactive to concept or idea

Damage control approach
Prevent adverse publicity; use window dressing (develop things in a way that if something happens they say it shouldn't happen because of a code of ethics or something like that.

Compliance approach
Put a compliance system in place to control ethical behavior. Example: nike outsource manufacturing, ears ago they were getting into trouble because of this because they were outsourcing from countries that were known for child labor. Over time they go n and grade each manufacturer they use and they have to meet the standards nike has set and if they are not, they don't manufacture from them.

Ethical culture approach
Use culture and peer pressure to control ethical behavior.

What are the drivers of unethical behavior?

Some of the drivers of unethical managerial behavior include: Profit – Some managers engage in unethical business behaviors for financial gain beyond their compensation. Or, they engage in this behavior to increase their financial gain, as in promotions or bonuses.

Which of the following is not among the major drivers of unethical managerial Behaviour?

which one of the following is not among the major drivers of unethical managerial behavior? Poor economic conditions that make it difficult for companies to earn a fair profit unless they engage in unethical behavior.

What is the case for why business strategies should be ethical?

Employees make better decisions in less time when business ethics are a guiding principle. This increases productivity and overall employee morale. When employees work in a way that is based on honesty and integrity, the whole organization benefits.

Which of the following is most likely to be morally valid from the perspective of ethical relativism quizlet?

Which of the following is most likely to be morally valid from the perspective of ethical relativism? go beyond meeting society's expectations for ethical strategies and business behavior by fostering social benefit and balancing the interests of all.

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