What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?

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  • Theme B: Computer hardware and software
  • Basic knowledge of computer hardware
  • Basic knowledge of computer software
  • System software
  • Operating systems
  • Video Is a set of programs that coordinates all the activities among computer or mobile device hardware. [Step-by-step Guide]

Theme B: Computer hardware and software

Basic knowledge of computer hardware

Hardware – any physical device or device used in or with a computer system (anything you can see and touch). External hardware

  • External hardware device (peripheral) – any hardware device located outside of the computer.
  • Input Device – a hardware item used to input information into the computer for processing.
  • For example: keyboard, mouse, trackpad (or trackpad), touch screen, joystick, microphone, highlighter, webcam, voice input, etc.
    What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?
    What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?
  • Output device – a piece of hardware that receives information from the computer.
  • For example: monitors, printers, scanners, speakers, screens (tablets, smartphones, etc.), projectors, headphones, etc.
What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?
What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?
What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?

Internal hardware

  • Internal hardware device (or internal hardware components) – any hardware located inside a computer.
  • For example: CPU, hard disk, ROM, RAM, etc.

Basic knowledge of computer software


  • Software – a set of instructions or programs that tell the computer what to do or how to perform a particular task (computer software that runs on hardware).
  • Main types of software – system software and application software.

Application software

What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?
  • Application software – a computer program that provides the user with tools to accomplish a specific task.
  • Examples of application software: word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, database management, Internet browser, email program, media player, accounting, pronunciation, translation, export office, business, etc.

System software

What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?

System software – it is designed to run the hardware and application software of the computer and provides the computer system to be used. It serves as the interface between hardware, application software and the user.

  • The main functions of system software – system resource allocation, storage space management, file storage and retrieval, security, etc.
  • The main types of system software – operating systems, device drivers, utility software, programming software, etc.

Operating System (OS) – software that controls and coordinates computer hardware devices and runs other software and applications on the computer. It is the main part of the system software and the computer would not work without it.

  • Main functions of an operating system – starting the computer, managing system resources (CPU, memory, storage devices, printer, etc.), managing files, managing input and output, executing and providing services for application software, etc.
  • Operating system examples: Microsoft Windows, Apple iOS, Android OS, macOS, Linux, etc.

Device driver – software program designed to control a particular hardware device connected to a computer.

  • The main purpose of the device driver – it acts as a translator between the hardware device and the operating systems or applications that use it.
  • It tells the computer how to communicate with the device by translating operating system instructions into a language a device can understand in order to perform the necessary task.
  • Examples of device drivers: printer driver, display driver, USB driver, sound card driver, motherboard driver, ROM driver, etc.

Utility Software – a type of system software that helps install, analyze, configure, harden, maintain a computer and perform a very specific task (e.g. antivirus software, software backup, memory checker, screen saver, etc. ).

Operating systems

When a brand-new computer rolls off the factory assembly line, there is nothing it can do. Hardware needs software to run it. Are we talking about application software like a word processor or a spreadsheet? Partiel. 

What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?

Nhưng một goi phần mềm ứng dụng không giao tiếp trực tiếp với phần cứng. Như trong hình 1, giữa phần mềm ứng dụng và phần cứng là giao diện phần mềm –  hệ điều hành  . Hệ điều hành là một tập hợp các chương trình nằm giữa phần mềm ứng dụng và phần cứng máy tính. Về mặt khái niệm, phần mềm hệ điều hành là trung gian giữa phần cứng và phần mềm ứng dụng. Ngẫu Nhisen, Thuật Ngữ Phần Mềm Hệ Thống đôi Khi ượược Sử Dụng Thay Thế Cho Hệ điều Hành, Nhưng Phần Mềm Hệ Thống Có Nghĩa there Tất Cả Các Chương Trình Lien Quan ếến Việc điều Phối Các Hoạt ộộng Của Máy Tính. Phần Mềm Hệ Thống Không Bao Gồm Hệ điều Hornh, Nhưng Nó Cũng Bao Gồm Phần Mềm Bios (Xem Chương CPU), Trình điều Khiển Vụ Chương Trình Dịch Vụ, Mà Chúng Ta Sẽ Thảo Luận Ngắn Gọn Trong Chương Này (Xem Hình 2) .

What is the program that is loaded into the computer and coordinates all the activities among computer hardware devices?

Note that we said that an operating system is a set of programs. The most important program in the operating system, the program that manages the operating system, is the watchdog program, which largely stays in memory and is therefore called the resident program. The supervisor controls the entire operating system and loads other operating system programs (called non-storage) into memory from the storage drive only when needed.

The operating system has three main functions: (1) manages the computer’s resources, such as the CPU, memory, disk drives, and printers, (2) configures the user interface, and (3) performs and provides services. for software applications. However, keep in mind that much of the operating system’s work is hidden from the user; Most of the necessary tasks are done behind the scenes. In particular, the first function listed, which manages the resources of the computer, is carried out without the knowledge of the user. Additionally, all input and output operations, although invoked by an application program, are actually performed by the operating system. Although many operating system functions are hidden, you’ll know when you’re using an application package, which requires you to call-call-to-action from the operating system. So,

Operating systems for mainframes and other mainframes are even more complicated because they have to keep up with multiple programs from multiple users running in the same amount of time. Although some personal computer operating systems — most commonly found in business or academic environments — can support multiple programs and users, most only care about a single user. We begin by focusing on the interaction between a single user and the operating system of a personal computer.

Operating systems for personal computers: overview
If you browse software offerings in a retail store, you will usually see software grouped by computer, whether IBM (i.e. IBM compatible) or Macintosh, for which the software can be purchased. But the difference is really better than the difference between computers: software applications – word processors, spreadsheets, games, etc. – are really distinguished by the operating system on which the software can run.

In general, an application program can run on only one operating system. Just like you can’t put a Nissan engine in a Ford truck, you can’t get a version of WordPerfect designed to run on an IBM machine and run on an Apple Macintosh. The reason for this is that personal computers from IBM and others like them have Intel-compatible processors and often use Microsoft’s operating system, called MS-DOS (for Microsoft’s disk operating system) on older computers and Windows95 or Windows98 on more modern computers. Computers released since 2000 usually come with Windows ME (Millennium Edition) or Windows2000. Macintoshes use a completely different operating system, called the Macintosh operating system, produced by Apple. Over 75% of personal computers use some version of Windows as their operating system.

Users are not required to purchase the operating system; they want computers and application software to make them useful. However, since the operating system determines what software is available for a given computer, many users observe the large volume of software available for MS-DOS machines and purchase their computers accordingly. Others prefer the user-friendly style of the Macintosh operating system and choose Macs for this reason.

Although the operating systems are different, many of their basic functions are similar. We’ll show some basic operating system functions by looking at MS-DOS.

Back to MS-DOS
Most users today have computers with hard drives. When the computer is turned on, the operating system is loaded from the hard disk into the computer’s memory, so it is always ready to use. The process of loading the operating system into memory is called booting or starting the system. The word boot is used because, figuratively speaking, the operating system boots its own boot system. When the computer is turned on, a small program (in ROM read only memory) automatically extracts the basic operating system components from the hard drive. From now on, we will refer to MS-DOS by its commonly used abbreviation, DOS, which rhymes with boss.

The actual observable result when starting DOS is that the characters C> (or possibly C:\>) appear on the screen. C refers to the drive; The > is a prompt, a signal that the system is prompting you to do something. At this point, you need to provide some instructions to the computer. You probably only need to type a certain number of letters for the application software to take the lead. But it can be more complicated than that because C> is actually a direct communication signal between the user and the operating system.

Although the prompt is the only visible result of system startup, DOS also provides the underlying software that coordinates the computer’s hardware components and a set of programs that allow you to perform many system tasks that you need to. carry out. To run a certain DOS program, the user must issue a command, a name for a particular DOS program. Whole books have been written about DOS commands, but we’ll only look at a few that people use for common operations. Some of the typical tasks you can perform with DOS commands are preparing (formatting) the new disk for use, listing files on the disk, copying files from one disk to another, and deleting files from the disk. .

Microsoft Windows: Overview
Microsoft Windows started as a shell. Windows uses a colorful graphical interface which, among other things, facilitates access to the operating system. The feature that makes Windows so easy to use is the graphical user interface (GUI is pronounced “goo-ee”), in which the user works with on-screen images called icons and with menus but not with the keyboard. They are called   drop-down menus  because they seem to roll out like a window shadow from the original selection. On the other hand, certain menus called pop-up menus come from a selection at the bottom of the screen. Additionally, icons and menus encourage pointing and clicking with the mouse, an approach that can make using the computer both quick and easy.

To improve ease of use, Windows is often configured so that the colored Windows screen is the first thing users see when they turn on the computer. DOS is still around in Windows, but users don’t need to see C> in their day-to-day operations. The user points and clicks between a series of narrow choices until the desired software is reached.

While the screen layout and user interaction are the clearest evidence of the change, Windows introduces even more fundamental changes. To better understand these changes, it would be helpful to compare traditional mainframe operating systems with Windows.

Along with adding a user-friendly GUI, the Windows operating system has added another important feature to DOS –   multitasking .. Multitasking occurs when a computer runs multiple programs at the same time. PCs running the DOS operating system can only run one program at a time. A Windows computer can have multiple programs (for example, a browser, a word processor, and some instances of instant messaging) running at the same time. When programs run at the same time, they are said to run   concurrently   .

As we have learned, personal computers have only one processor that processes one instruction at a time. Computers using the shellless MS-DOS operating system are not limited to one user at a time, but also to one program at a time. For example, if a user is using a word processing program to write financial statements and wants to access certain figures from a spreadsheet, he will have to go through a series of complicated steps: quit the word processor word processor, type and use, then exit the spreadsheet, then re-enter the word processing program to complete the report. It’s wasteful in two ways: (1) the CPU is often idle because only one program is running at a time, and (2) the user must switch between programs inappropriately. .

Multitasking allows multiple programs to be active at the same time, even if the CPU immediately executes only one instruction for one of the active programs. The operating system manages the instructions to be sent to the CPU. Because computers are so fast, the operating system can convert programs to run on the processor so quickly that the user cannot tell. For example, it’s what allows your computer to “listen” for incoming instant messages while you use your word processor to write articles.

Operating System Operation

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Is a computer program that coordinates all the activities of computer hardware?

Operating system (OS) – a software that controls and coordinates the computer hardware devices and runs other software and applications on a computer. It is the main part of system software and a computer will not function without it.

Which program coordinates and manages all the jobs of a computer?

The operating system's job The operating system (OS) manages all of the software and hardware on the computer.

What is the program that gets loaded when you switch on the computer?

BIOS. (basic input/output system) It is a program a personal computer's microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on.

How do you call the type of software that coordinates the activities and functions of hardware and software?

System software. System software coordinates the activities and functions of the hardware and software. In addition, it controls the operations of the computer hardware and provides an environment or platform for all the other types of software to work in.