What is the main contrasting view between classical management approaches and behavioral management?


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What is the main contrasting view between classical management and behavioral management approaches and who contributed most of it?

Classical management theory and Behavioral management theory are two different theories of management. Classical theory mainly focuses on how to perform task efficiently and how the business goals achieved effectively. On the other hand behavioral management considers employees as assets.

How are the classical viewpoint and behavioral viewpoint different?

The classical perspective focuses on direct inputs to efficiency, while the behavioral perspective examines indirect inputs too.

What is the difference between classical and behavioral perspective in management can a manager use both classical and behavioral perspectives concurrently?

Yes, a manager can use both classical and behavioral perspectives at the same time. In the classical perspective, a manager seeks to increase the employees' efficiency, whereas a manager tries to motivate employees towards working in the behavioral perspective.

What is the classical view of management?

The classical management theory believes that employees are strongly motivated by their physical needs and monetary incentives. Organizations that implement this management style often incorporate regular opportunities for employees to be rewarded for their productivity with incentives.

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