What is the best medium of communication that you use?


Gavin Meikle, Head Of Learning And Founder Of Inter-Activ

Have you ever been caught out as a result of choosing the wrong medium for your communication? Recently an HR consultant friend told me about a client who has sacked somebody by text message with unpleasant and expensive consequences, and this got me thinking.

Today we are spoilt for choice when it comes to communications media. When I first started working the main options available to me were just three.

- Face to face

- Telephone (Land-line only!- Yes I am that old)

- Written i.e. letters, memos and paper newsletters

Nowadays we have so many more options to choose from including:

- Personal emails

- E-newsletters

- Websites

- Blogs

- Video and Conference calling

- Webinars

- Text (SMS)

- Personal Messaging

- Social Media - Linkedin, Facebook, Twittter etc.

But have all of these new tools really improved our ability to communicate effectively or have they just made it more difficult to choose?

So what do we mean by effective communication? For the purposes of this article I’ve defined it as “the transfer of information from a “sender” to a receiver” in such a way that the receiver has the same understanding of the meaning and importance of that information as the sender intended”.

Whilst part of our communication is the content i.e. what we actually say or write and another part is the way we say it, in this article I'll be focusing in on the appropriateness and effectiveness of medium used to transmit the message.

To choose the best medium we need to ask ourselves a few simple questions.

1. What’s my message and what do I want the other person to do as a result of receiving it?

2. Who am I communicating with?

3. How “rich “ is the information I am communicating ie. how much information do I need to pass on? (for more information on richness theory check out this wikipedia article)

4. How likely is it that the receiver will need to ask clarifying questions?

5. How sensitive or personal is the message?

Our challenge is that most of us are time poor and so we tend to reach for the quickest or easiest method of communication without considering whether it is really the most effective one.

Coming back to my example at the start of this article. Texting someone to say they have been sacked was grossly inappropriate. Clearly a face to face meeting was the appropriate (and ultimately less costly) solution.

So next time you are considering sending an email or a text, stop and think. Ask yourself is this really the best option? How else could I communicate this information that might be more effective?

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Modern technology provides business professionals with a variety of communication options to stay in touch and share information with colleagues. Different people respond better to different forms of communication. Assessing your colleagues and making a determination about the most mediums of business communication to use can help you streamline the flow of information and guard against potential miscommunications.

Verbal Communication

Some colleagues prefer to communicate face-to-face in a meeting, by telephone or in a conversational setting. People who are more verbal in their interpersonal interactions prefer this type of direct contact to electronic options. According to Fremont College, face-to-face interaction is most desirable as it builds trust.

While this is an effective means of communication, be sure to document key elements of conversations relating to work, agreements or project planning to ensure everyone is following the same directives and has the same set of information when communicating verbally. Summarize the main elements of a conversation in an email or memo and share it with your colleague to verify you have the information correct.

Electronic Communication

Electronic communication through email, instant messages and text messages is beneficial when communicating with telecommuters and work-at-home professionals, as well as with colleagues in different offices. Not only is it a quick and efficient means of communication, but you can copy other recipients, forward information, send attachments and have a time and date stamped “paper” trail to document the exchange of information. This ensures people are on the same page in regard to project planning and gives you a written account of exchanges in the event of a discrepancy.

Written Communication

Written communication is a good tool for disseminating mass amounts of information or detailed information that contains graphs, charts and statistics. This is especially useful when it comes to communicating information used for reference purposes, like directories or reports. Written communication is also an appropriate communication channel to use to distribute information used in presentations, meetings and seminars, so a speaker can reference page numbers, graphics and attachments for discussion.

Effect of Poor Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of an effective and efficient workplace, according to HR Technologist. The communication mediums in the workplace you choose for collaborating with colleagues should be based not only on your co-workers’ preferences, but on the urgency of the matter at hand. Poor or ineffectual communication has the potential to result in miscommunication, misperception, late delivery of projects and missed opportunities.

What is the medium use of communication?

A medium in communication is a system or channel through which a speaker or writer addresses their audience. It's an outlet that a sender uses to express meaning to their audience, and it can include written, verbal or nonverbal elements.

What are the 5 medium of communication?

Five Types of Communication.
Verbal Communication. Verbal communication occurs when we engage in speaking with others. ... .
Non-Verbal Communication. What we do while we speak often says more than the actual words. ... .
Written Communication. ... .
Listening. ... .
Visual Communication..

What are the 4 mediums of communication?

4 Types of Communication: Verbal, Non-verbal, Written, Visual.

Why social media is the best medium?

It is often easier and more convenient to access information, provide information and communicate via social media. Tutors and students can be connected to each other and can make good use of these platforms for the benefit of their learning and teaching. Social media is the go to medium for people to interact.