What is active voice and passive voice with examples?

What is active and passive voice and examples?

For example: Active voice: The cat was chasing the mouse. In this sentence, 'the cat' is the subject, 'was chasing' is the verb and 'the mouse' is the object. Passive voice: The mouse was being chased by the cat. In this sentence 'the mouse' has become the subject which is having something done to it by the cat.

What is passive voice with example?

A verb is in the passive voice when the subject of the sentence is acted on by the verb. For example, in “The ball was thrown by the pitcher,” the ball (the subject) receives the action of the verb, and was thrown is in the passive voice.

What is active voice grammar examples?

The active voice describes a sentence where the subject performs the action. For example, in the sentence “Laura complimented Allan,” Laura (the subject) is performing the verb (complimented) and Allan (the object) is receiving the action.

What is active or passive voice?

The active and passive voices are the two grammatical voices. Voice refers to the form of a verb that indicates when a subject acts or is the receiver of the action. When the subject performs the action it is active voice and when the subject receives the action it is passive voice.