Valueerror attempted relative import beyond top-level package

It seems there are already quite some questions here about relative import in python 3, but after going through many of them I still didn't find the answer for my issue. so here is the question.

I have a package shown below package/ A/ test_A/

and I have a single line in from ..A import foo

now, I am in the folder of package, and I run python -m test_A.test

I got message "ValueError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package"

but if I am in the parent folder of package, e.g., I run: cd .. python -m package.test_A.test

everything is fine.

Now my question is: when I am in the folder of package, and I run the module inside the test_A sub-package as test_A.test, based on my understanding, ..A goes up only one level, which is still within the package folder, why it gives message saying from ..A import foo

1. What is exactly the reason that causes this error message?

When working with packages and attempting to perform relative imports, you might encounter an error that says “ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package.”

Knowingly, Python is a versatile programming language which offers a modular approach to code organization through the use of packages and modules.

In this article, we will explore the causes of this error and provide effective solutions to resolve it.

But before proceeding to the error itself, let’s briefly discuss Python packages and modules.

What is Python Packages and Modules?

In Python, a package is a directory that contains multiple Python modules and an file. Modules, on the other hand, are individual Python files that contain code.

Additionally, Packages provide a way to organize related modules under a common namespace, making it easier to manage large-scale projects.

The “ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package” error occurs when you attempt to perform a relative import that goes beyond the top-level package.

It usually happens due to one of the following scenarios:

  • The error may occur if the package structure is not set up correctly.
  • Mistakes in writing import statements can trigger the error.
  • The error may arise when executing the script from an incorrect context.

Actually, these specific scenarios are crucial in resolving the error. This time let’s explore some troubleshooting to tackle this error.

Importerror Attempted relative import beyond top-level package – Solutions

Generally here are the solutions you can try to fix the error.

Modifying the import statements

If the error arises due to incorrect import statements, modify them accordingly.

Double-check the spelling and syntax of the import statements, ensuring they accurately reference the desired modules or packages.

Adjusting the package structure

In case the error is caused by an improper package structure, consider rearranging the packages and modules.

Ensure that each package has an __init.py__ file, and the relative import paths are correctly aligned with the package structure.

For example: main_package/ sub_package/ from main_package import module

Utilizing absolute imports

To avoid the complexities of relative imports, consider utilizing absolute imports.

Precisely, use the full path from the project’s root directory to import the desired modules or packages.

This approach provides explicitness and reduces the chances of encountering the “ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package” error.

For example, if you have a package structure like this: main_package/ sub_package/

Inside, instead of using a relative import like: from ..sub_package import module

You can use an absolute import like: from main_package.sub_package import module

Running the script as a module

When executing a script that uses relative imports, run it as a module instead of executing it as a standalone file.

By executing it as a module, you ensure that the correct execution context is established, and the relative imports can be resolved successfully.

For example, instead of running: ❌ python ✅ python -m my_package.my_script

Tips to minimize Importerror

In order to minimize the occurrence of the “ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package” error, consider the following best practices:

📌 Using explicit import paths

Whenever possible, use absolute imports to make the code more explicit and self-contained. 📌 Organizing packages and modules effectively

Maintain a clean and well-structured package hierarchy to avoid confusion and potential import issues. 📌 Properly setting the execution context

Pay attention to the execution context when running scripts with relative imports. Ensure the execution context aligns with the expected relative import paths.

Anyway besides this error, we also have here fixed errors that might help you when you encounter them.

  • Importerror no module named pkg_resources
  • Importerror: cannot import name ‘parse_rule’ from ‘werkzeug.routing’


To recap, “ImportError: attempted relative import beyond top-level package” can be resolved by paying attention to package structure, import statements, and execution context to effectively resolve the error and enhance the maintainability of your code.

Besides that, by comprehending the causes and implementing the solutions discussed in this article, you can overcome this error and ensure the smooth execution of your Python scripts.

How to solve attempted relative import with no known parent package?

Possible Solutions.

Use an absolute import instead of a relative import..

Ensure that the module you are trying to import is in a package and has a proper package structure..

Make sure that the module you are trying to import is accessible from the current working directory or from the Python module search path..

What is the top level module in Python?

“Top-level code” is the first user-specified Python module that starts running. It's “top-level” because it imports all other modules that the program needs. Sometimes “top-level code” is called an entry point to the application.

How to import module from parent directory Python?

To import a module from the parent directory, you can use the sys. path module to add the parent directory to Python's path. After adding the parent directory, you can import the module using the import statement.

Why do I get import error in Python?

This error generally occurs when a class cannot be imported due to one of the following reasons: The imported class is in a circular dependency. The imported class is unavailable or was not created. The imported class name is misspelled.

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