valley là gì - Nghĩa của từ valley

valley có nghĩa là

noun. short for "The San Fernando Valley", an section of the City of Los Angeles, touching the north/west border of LA county. population 2.5mil (approx).

the closer to the edges of the valley you get (the hills), the nicer (more expensive) the property is. the closer to the center of the valley you get (Reseda, Van Nuys, etc), the more ghetto it gets.

The valley used to be agricultural (1930-50's) then became a suburb, then more recently has become more industrial and is becoming more urban.

Home to the largest Porn industry in the world (see chatsworth), the worlds most used road (the 101 freeway) and so much more. The valley is said to be where the excessive use of the word "like" first originated, but the rest of teen america seems to have picked that up now too.

see also "SFV" or "818"


L.A. people constantly bad mouth the valley, but every time it tries to become it's own city, they vote that shit down, cus they know how much they need the bundles of money the SFV brings in to keep their over-populated schools, over-used roads and everything else running

the valley is about 100x better than the OC. in the valley you're never more than 10mins from a chill smoking spot (the hills). most of the OC doesnt even have hills.

valley có nghĩa là

The Valley:
A place where it is impossible to go anywhere without running into someone you know. The girls are the sluttiest. Make one phone call, and you can have any drug within ten minutes. The drinking age is fifteen. Parties every weekend. No such thing as relationships. Everyone is in a gang or a crew. Trends come fast, and go even faster. Most importantly, it's what I call home.


The valley is a horrible place that I love & call my home.

valley có nghĩa là

depending on where you go, you can find a run-down shack with 11 hispanic kids living alone, right next to a gated mansion worth $3 million. every night someone is running from the cops,being followed by a helicopter. ambulances are constantly blaring, and if you listen carefully, you can hear gunshots in the distance. and even though its so dangerous to live here, houses are expensive as all hell. one never knows what to expect when you live around here.


it may not be new york city, but its certainly interesting.

valley có nghĩa là

A SoCal term that was popular in the 80's-90's. The Valley is short for the region comprising the San Fernando Valley.

A way of speaking, consistently using the words: like, totally, dude, dudette.


Hey dude are you from the valley?

I'm totally from the valley.

valley có nghĩa là

a quaint suburban sort of place, the valley is thought to be tacky and boring by the snobs who live over the hill, but those of us who live here know there's more to life than spending daddy's money on drugs and designer jeans. we take complete credit for the extreme usage of the word "like" that seems to have overrun the teen nation.


1) Like, yeah, I was driving the 405 in traffic, and all I could think was, "Thank goodness I live in the valley!"

valley có nghĩa là

The area between a woman's breasts


She has two great big hills separated by a fruitful valley.

valley có nghĩa là

Someone from a non-coastal city, such as San Jose, but likes to visit the nearby coastal city, such as Santa Cruz. They are hated severely by the locals, and we all wish they would just go away and stop crowding our beaches. When driving by the beach during summer or weekends, the phrase "fuckin valleys" can be heard frequently.


Valley Bug Out.

Fuck the Valleys.

valley có nghĩa là

Someone who lives in the CA vallies(for example tracy) who come to the coast and tries to surf


Look at the valley trying to surf!

valley có nghĩa là

DEFINITION: A person who does not live in a coastal community, lives inland, but does visit the coast on occassion. Most often used to describe such a person when they are on the beach, or a tourist (also see kook or barney).

IDENTIFICATION AND USAGE: Valleys usually stick out like a sore thumb. Sometimes they wear hawaiian shirts or other clothes they think a surfer would wear (but no surfer wears that kind of poser stuff so they stick out). If you see someone littering on the beach, chances are it's a valley. Old people and people that have their crap together usually don't get labeled 'valley' even if they are from out of town. The term is usually only used to describe meatheads or gangsters with their bimbo girlfriends sitting around their boombox listening to atrocious valley music and boogie boarding. However, if you fit the description of kook, and are from the valley, you are definately a valley, no matter how nice you are. On occassion, the term can be used against an entire family, but only if the dad is a maggot, the wife is a bimbo, and the kids are total brats. However, young children are usually are exempt. If you see someone being rescued by a lifeguard, or if the coast guard helicopter has to come and save someone, it's usually to pick up some valley. Most locals can either swim or know better.


When I was surfing today there were so many valleys in my way trying to boogie board I decided to come in and go home before I lost it and kicked someone's ass.

valley có nghĩa là

describes a girl/woman that is abnormally large and wide (like a valley)


1) ho, that chick is so valley!