The dropping of the Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which ended World War ii Quizlet

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Toward Victory

Terms in this set (14)

Harry S. Truman

After FDR's unexpected death on April 12, 1945 VP Truman was suddenly thrust into the highest office in the country at a time when our country was in the middle of a war in Europe

island hopping

Allied strategy used during World War II to gain control of the Pacific Islands


World War II Japanese pilot trained to make a suicidal crash attack, usually upon a ship


deliberate attempt to kill or destroy an entire nation or group of people

war crimes

wartime act of cruelty and brutality that is judged to be beyond the accepted rules of war and human behavior

Why is D-Day important?

D- Day was important because on June 6 1944 155 thousand allied forces including Americans, British and Canadian troops cross the English channel landing on five beaches in Normandy to invade France. By day end 2500 Am soldiers died but the allies succeeded in their mission to overturn Nazi rule some 2 months later.

What was kamikaze warfare?

In kamikaze missions suicide piolits crashed their planes into American ships(Japanese).

Which people were killed in Nazi death camps?

6 million jews were murdered under the Nazis. Entire families from grandparents to infants were wiped out. Other groups were also victims including Poles, Slavs, Gypsies, Comunists and people with physical and mental disabilities.

What was D-Day? What did it accomplish?

In 1944 under the command of General Eisenhower the allies carefully panned the invasion of France. It was an operation of massive dementions involving thousands of ships and aircrafts. Troops lamded on five beaches at Normandy in western France. Four beaches the allied troops quickly overcame German opersition. On Omaha 2500 Am soldiers died fighting the germans. But in the end they succeeded in their mission.

What do you think might have happened if the D-Day landing had failed?

The Germans would have continued to control France and make it bery difficult for the allies to invade Germany from all sides.

Why did the United States decide to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

The US dropped the bomb because Truman knew it would destroy an entire city and it would save American lives because they would not have to go fight to take over the city. The Japanese had shown their firm resolve to not surrender so this was a last attempt to force their hand.

What other courses might the Americans have followed? Do you think the decision to drop the bomb was justified?

The Americans could have sent troops in but at what coast.

How did the allies win WW2?

1. victory in Europe
a. took over Italy
b. D-Day
c. Battle of the Bulge
d. Soviet union entered Germany from east~Germany collapses (pg 823)
2. victory in Pacific
a. island hopping
b. Japan is forced to surrender after two atomic bombs were dropped Hiroshima and Nagasaki

How many lives were lost in WW2?

60 million people including 400 thousand americans

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What was the result of dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki quizlet?

Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9). About two-thirds of Hiroshima was destroyed immediately; about 66,000 people were killed and 69,000 injured. About half of Nagasaki was destroyed immediately; about 39,000 people were killed and 25,000 injured.

What result did dropping an atomic bomb on Nagasaki bring about quizlet?

What result did dropping an atomic bomb on Nagasaki bring about? Japan stopped fighting against the Allies and signed a peace treaty ending the war.

What was the end result of the atomic bombs being dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

The two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of people, and their effects are still being felt today. By the end of 1945, the bombing had killed an estimated 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and a further 74,000 in Nagasaki.

Why did we drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki quizlet?

The U.S decided to drop the two bombs on Japan because Japan refused to surrender, causing the Pacific War to drag on. The U.S offered a unconditional surrender known as the 'Potsdam Declaration' and said if they didn't agree to it, they would face the Alternative of "Prompt and utter destruction" and Japan ignored it.

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