susi là gì - Nghĩa của từ susi

susi có nghĩa là

One of the coolest girls alive. Always fun to be around. Make great sisters and friends. Susies are usually funny, smart, nice and energetic. Crazy at times. Throws great parties and is overall one of the best. If you know one or have one as a sister consider yourself lucky!

Ví dụ

Jimmy: Who's that awesome girl?
Fred: I don't know, she must be a susie.

susi có nghĩa là

Susies are simply sweet. Girls with this name are classy, intelligent, adventurous, dreamers, hard working, selfless, driven, romantic and funny. Susies make the best guests because they're respectful of other peoples space.

Ví dụ

Jimmy: Who's that awesome girl?

susi có nghĩa là

Fred: I don't know, she must be a susie.

Ví dụ

Jimmy: Who's that awesome girl?

susi có nghĩa là

Fred: I don't know, she must be a susie.

Ví dụ

Jimmy: Who's that awesome girl?
Fred: I don't know, she must be a susie.

susi có nghĩa là

Susies are simply sweet. Girls with this name are classy, intelligent, adventurous, dreamers, hard working, selfless, driven, romantic and funny. Susies make the best guests because they're respectful of other peoples space.

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susi có nghĩa là

mother to son: Your new girlfriend is really lovely. She even helped me cook dinner. She must be a Susie.

Ví dụ

Susie is beautiful and intelligent girl with a great personality and huge booty. She is funny and sweet and did I mention gorgeous? Every guy wants her but she only belongs to one guy.

susi có nghĩa là

I want Susie Sexy girl with a good taste in music Have you seen her over there?
Yeah, she's Susi :D The sexyest Girl everrr damn how did she get so fine? Susie is a nickname for a girl. This girl usally is hot as hell and a farmers daughter. She is a very religious person with an amazing personality. She works hard, but plays harder. She's the life of the party. She's also a total country girl. She loves getting dirty and shooting targets. She can shoot better then most guys can! Susies get called hicks, rednecks, etc. all the time. She's very kind hearted, but can talk a little dirty around her friends;) she is overall an amazing beautiful country girl! Susie is the farmers daughter, of course! An abbreviation for Super-Symmetrical Quantum mechanics. Consider a QM system with Hamiltonian H and potential V(x) such that H |Ψ> = E |Ψ> We define a new Hamiltonian H1 in terms of potential V1(x) which is offset by the zero point energy so that: H1 |0> = 0 ie the enegy of the ground state of H1 is zero. We define this Hamiltonian in terms of generalized raising and lowering operators A and A dagger such that:
H1 = A_dag A = (p^2/2m) + V1(x) A = (ip/root(2m)) + W'(x)
Where W(x) is the super potential. The potential V1(x) can be constructed from the superpotential:
V1(x) = W'(x)^2 - (ћ/root(2m))W"(x) If we know the H1 ground state Ψ_0(x) then we can derive:
Ψ_0(x) ~ exp(-root(2m)W(x)/ћ)
Which can be used to find the superpotential W(x) From this superpotential we can derive the partnerpotential V2(x) where:
V2(x) = W'(x)^2 - (ћ/root(2m))W"(x)
which has associated Hamiltonian H2 = A A_dag = (p^2/2m) + V2(x)

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This partner potential may allow H2 to have an eigenspectrum which is easier to find. Once this is found we can go from the nth energy level of H2 to the (n+1)th level of H1 by simply applying the A_dag operator. This means we can find the first excited state of H1 by applying A_dag to the ground state of H2. Note: I wrote this while in class and the prof was talking about some really complex shit I wasn't paying attention to so now I'm fucked for the exam next week.

susi có nghĩa là

But sugondese amirite?

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At least we still got us a woodshed!

susi có nghĩa là

Guy one: Look at that physicist fuck over there doing SUSY.

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Guy two: Damn straight brother I hear SUSY sucks a lot.

susi có nghĩa là

Susie is one of the most kindest friends you’d ever meet, she is always funny and makes my negatives fly away. Whenever you need to cry on someone’s shoulder, susie will be there. Susie will make you happy, and she will comfort you. Susie will calm you down, relax you, make you laugh, and you’ll be fine. After you’ve had a bad day, go to susie, she’s your helper in hand. Having someone like susie is a dream come true. Susie is a great friend x

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Guy one: Hell yeah she does!

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