spad là gì - Nghĩa của từ spad

spad có nghĩa là

Signal passed at danger (SPAD), in British railway terminology, describes an event where a train has run beyond its allocated signal block without authority, as indicated by a lineside signal showing danger (typically a red light). It is a term primarily used within the British Railway Industry, although it can be applied worldwide.

Ví dụ

There have been three SPADs on the District Line in the past year.

spad có nghĩa là

suck penis all day ( Just like the word "pnad" Pwn noobs all day)

Ví dụ

There have been three SPADs on the District Line in the past year.

spad có nghĩa là

suck penis all day ( Just like the word "pnad" Pwn noobs all day) See that kid over there? Yeah hes a spad!!! Acronym of Signal Passed At Danger: when the choo-choo train enters the tunnel of love whilst ignoring the red warning signs at the entrance.

Ví dụ

There have been three SPADs on the District Line in the past year.

spad có nghĩa là

suck penis all day ( Just like the word "pnad" Pwn noobs all day)

Ví dụ

There have been three SPADs on the District Line in the past year.

spad có nghĩa là

suck penis all day ( Just like the word "pnad" Pwn noobs all day)

Ví dụ

See that kid over there? Yeah hes a spad!!!

spad có nghĩa là

Acronym of Signal Passed At Danger: when the choo-choo train enters the tunnel of love whilst ignoring the red warning signs at the entrance.

Ví dụ

I wish that spad in the front row would shut-up so I could enjoy the game!

spad có nghĩa là

See also red rooter.

Ví dụ

"Well, I 'ad vis bird round ve back of KFC up against ve bins, and she was well up fer it, so in I goes, gave her wat for, got 'ome, took a slash & realised I'd SPAD-ded, ve dirty bitch!"

spad có nghĩa là

When you shit and piss at some ones home and then ditch them. SHIT PISS AND DITCH

Ví dụ


spad có nghĩa là

N. poerson who fails miserably, after the type of r/c airplane commonly known to crash and stick up like a fencepost in the ground

Ví dụ

"He failed the test again. What a spad." A 'sports dad'. The kind that yells at his own kids at sporting events to do better, run faster, etc. Or worse, yells at his kids' teammates or the kids on the opposing team. The male version of a spom. I wish that spad in the front row would shut-up so I could enjoy the game! SPAD, sum1 funny, daft, mad, crazy. also u can use spadtastic which is sumthing great. my friend jumping in the nearest biggest puddle in the rain cos she is a spad, me having a mad 10mins like puttin a grass skirt on my head and chasing ppl around the house. Thou its spadtastic cos its so much fun.

spad có nghĩa là

A minnesotan word which means someone is annoying and irritating

Ví dụ

Bro stop being such a spad

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