pledge allegiance là gì - Nghĩa của từ pledge allegiance

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

A type of brainwashing invented by the government of the United States and crammed down your throat by schools since preschool. Translated into simpler terms, the pledge means this:

"I promise my complete loyalty to the flag of the United States, and to the government of the United States, which is a country in which everybody believes in and is ruled by 'God' and human rights are honored, with freedom and due process of law for everybody."

Although it promises human rights, there is no evidence of this elsewhere in the country, and half of the people who recite it every day probably do not know what it means. They just say it because they were told to, like good little subordinates.


Yolanda: "Have you recited the pledge of allegiance today?"
Richard: "No. I do not believe in such foolish brainwashing."
Yolanda: "This is not brainwashing"
Richard: "Uh oh, they have already infected you. Now you must be destroyed."

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

That irritating moment in the morning of every school day when we are forced to worship a peice of cloth in the classroom.


"I pledge allegiance to the cloth hanging in the classroom, and to the brainwashin for which it stands, one nation under canada and above mexico." My pledge of allegiance.

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

Daily address read throughout public schools in America every morning. Used to be just fine and dandy until President Eisenhower added 'under God' in 1954 to spite the communists.

Now that 'under God' is a clear violation of the Establishment Clause of the federal Constitution, as defined by the Supreme Court in Engel v. Vitale, people push to remove the words from the Pledge. Others, such as fundamentalist Christians, claim we are a country of God. Whatever. THIS IS NOT A THEOCRACY.


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

Daily address read in public schools. Instated by Congress. Later, Congress adds "under God" to the Pledge. Somehow fundamentalist Christians believe Congress passing a law respecting an establishment of religion doesn't violate the whole "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" thing.


America was founded on God and not freedom. If you disagree, I invite you to move out of our great theocracy.

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

The Pledge of Allegiance is a form of indoctrination invented by the U.S. government and is crammed down the throats of young children who don’t know what it means. Translated into layman’s terms it means: “I promise my complete loyalty to the flag of the United States and to the government of the United States, which is a country in which everybody believes and is ruled by the views of the Christian god and where human rights are honored, with freedom and due process of law for everybody.”


The first amendment was violated when they added ‘under god’ to the pledge of allegiance.

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

A word that means the same thing as promise, pinky swear, swear on my life, ect. what you tell someone when you want to assert sincerity regarding a promise.


"Do you promise to meet me at the mall at 2 o'clock, Pledge allegiance ok?" "Ok,ok, I pledge allegiance." (or,) "What happened to you? you said you would not leave me alone at the party, but you did! "Did I pledge allegiance?" "Um, no. But..." "But nothing. Did I pledge allegiance?" "No..," "Alrighty then."

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

The key to the destruction of the multiverse, having the capability to eradicate all life forms in every single dimension in every single timeline. More powerful than any line starting with “ur.” Only been used once before in history, but was denied by an uno reverse card.


Ryan: Did you eat the rest of the cereal
Robert: Yeah why
Ryan: *slowly brings his hands together, closing his eyes while making an upside down triangle with his fingers*
Robert: U-ur mom gay!
Ryan: *opens his eyes, they’re now glowing* No u
Robert: *falls to his knees* Don-
Ryan: Ur pledge of allegiance and star spangled speeches a hedge of queer sieges and dudes without penis
Robert: NO- #*{£

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

when you're too cool to pledge allegiance to the flag alone


i pledge allegiance to the swag mothafuckaaa!

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

The satanic ritual that Americans do.


"Oh, we have to say the Pledge of Allegiance in a few minutes"

pledge allegiance có nghĩa là

I pledge allegiance to the boys, of the United Club of the Hard Hats, and to the bitch for which we detest, we stand against the Bucket Hat club, they may think that they are stronger, but we are... the Hard Hats... And we will fuck them up, FOR THE BOYSSSSS!!


Every morning instead of doing the pledge of allegiance, us boys say the Hard Hat pledge of allegiance instead, FUCK THE BUCKET HAT GIRLS!

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