Operational and conceptual definition of terms example

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Updated: Jun 15th, 2022

What is conceptual definition in research? Find the answer here! This paper explains the meaning of operational and conceptual definitions in research with examples.

What Is Conceptual Definition in Research

The conceptual definition is “a working definition specifically assigned to a term or concept” (Bailey, Field, Froggatt & Krishnasamy, 2010). This method of definition is used in cases of disagreement or confusion on the meaning of a term. The definition usually presents the reader with an understanding of the term or concept and channels efforts in the development of actual measures. On the other hand, the operational definition describes the operations undertaken to measure the concept or terms in the conceptual definition (Bailey, Field, Froggatt & Krishnasamy, 2010).

Why Use Conceptual Definition in Research

In the research, variables should be defined using both ways. The working definition gives the reader the meaning of the terms and concepts used by the researcher. This helps the reader to have a clear understanding as he or she goes through the research. Also, the conceptual definition is mainly essential in research work as it helps the reader to understand the meaning of the researcher especially on the terms or concepts that may have different meanings or that may be conflicting (Bailey, Field, Froggatt & Krishnasamy, 2010).

The use of working or conceptual definition also helps in increasing the reliability of the research findings as different concepts may cross-serve each other. The definition thus helps the reader in the interpolation of the variables. On the other hand, the use of operational definition in a research paper to define the variables would help the reader in understanding the operations or steps used by the researcher in measuring the concepts.

The operational definition aims at specifying the exact events or activities that the researcher used in measuring the conceptual definitions that further increase the understanding of the reader of the research. The two methods of definition thus cannot complement each other in research work.


This paper explained the meaning of operational and conceptual definitions in research. The first section provided a definition of the term. The second section explained why conceptual definition should be used in research and compared it to the operational definition.


Bailey, C., Field D., Froggatt, K., & Krishnasamy, M. (2010).The nursing contribution to qualitative research in palliative care 1990-1999: A critical evaluation. Journal on Advanced Nursing, 40(1):48-60.

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Several quantitative studies seek to determine the cause of a particular phenomenon. Does a certain procedure cause stress? Does smoking cause lung cancer? The presumed cause is called the independent variable, and the presumed effect is called the dependent variable. Scientists and researchers use independent variables to determine certain traits or phenomena. The independent variable is independent of other variables. There are two ways to define variables – conceptually and operationally. 

Conceptual Variable

A conceptual variable is any construct/idea/variable that we can conceptualize but cannot completely measure. The conceptual definition is abstract, articulated in words, that facilitates understanding. They are the sort of definitions we see in dictionaries, and normally use them in everyday conversations to tell people what some term or phrase means. For example, if you look up the word anxiety in a dictionary, what does it say? It would probably say anxiety is a feeling of worry or nervousness or how someone would act if they’re anxious. Conceptual meanings are based on theoretical formulations, on a firm understanding of relevant literature, or on researchers’ clinical experience. It is something a researcher may conceptualize prior to performing a study. It is important in hypothesis building process.

Operational Variable

On the contrary, operational variable describes how the variable is being measured for a particular study. The operational definition can be vastly different among studies. An operational definition does not give any precise instructions as to what the fundamental characteristics of a concept are, but also describes how to define and measure a specific variable as it is used in your study. In other words, an operational definition is based on the observational characteristics of an object or phenomenon and determines what to do in order to identify these characteristics. An operational definition of a variable is the set of procedures used to measure or manipulate the variable. It is a clear, concise detailed definition of a measure when applied to data collection.

Difference between Conceptual and Operational Variable


 – There are different ways to define variables while creating a research study. The conceptual definition is abstract, articulated in words, that facilitates understanding. They are the sort of definitions we see in dictionaries, and normally use them in everyday conversations. An operational definition, on the contrary, is based on the observational characteristics of an object or phenomenon and determines what to do in order to identify these characteristics. Researchers use conceptual definitions to create operational definitions.


– A conceptual definition cannot be true or false, but it may or may not be useful for communication. A conceptual definition is subject to different interpretations, so it should be stated in clear and unequivocal terms to avoid different interpretations. For example, there could be two interpretations to how to define a drug – as medicinal or narcotic. An operational definition, on the other hand, gives precise indications about how to observe or even measure the characteristics under study. It can be very specific to the extent that they can be measured and reported without misinterpretation.


– Conceptual meanings are based on theoretical formulations, on a firm understanding of relevant literature, or on researchers’ clinical experience. Conceptual variables are often expressed in theoretical, qualitative or subjective terms. These are something that can be conceptualized but cannot be completely measured. Operational definition is a process which defines how a concept or variable is observed or measured. Conceptual variables are about abstract concepts whereas operational variables are concrete measures or procedures used to measure the concept in practice.

Conceptual Variable vs. Operational Variable: Comparison Chart


A conceptual definition provides the theoretical meaning of a variable and is often derived from a researcher’s definition of a related concept. The conceptual definition is abstract, articulated in words, that facilitates understanding but cannot be measured completely. Conceptual variables are often expressed in theoretical, qualitative or subjective terms. An operational definition, on the contrary, is derived from a set of procedures that indicate the existence or degree of existence of a variable. Operational definitions need to be independent of time and setting so that variables can be investigated at different times using the same operational definitions.

What are the similarities between conceptual and operational variable?

A conceptual definition describes what the concept means, while an operational definition describes how to measure it.

What is the difference between conceptual and operational variables?

Conceptual variables are often expressed in theoretical, qualitative or subjective terms whereas An operational definition can be very specific to the extent that they can be measured and reported without misinterpretation.

What is an operational variable?

An operational definition of a variable is the set of procedures used to measure or manipulate the variable. It specifies a way an idea can be measured and is much more concrete.

What are conceptual variables?

Conceptual variables represent some abstract construct or a vague idea or entity that you wish to measure. These are something you can conceptualize but cannot completely measure.

What is operational and conceptual?

Conceptual definition says what the concept means, while an operational definition says how to measure it.

What is an example of conceptual?

Conceptual meanings are based on theoretical formulations, on a firm understanding of relevant literature, or on researchers’ clinical experience. For example, in a study of anxiety, a conceptual definition describes how someone would act if they’re anxious. An operational definition describes how it would be measured.

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Sagar Khillar is a prolific content/article/blog writer working as a Senior Content Developer/Writer in a reputed client services firm based in India. He has that urge to research on versatile topics and develop high-quality content to make it the best read. Thanks to his passion for writing, he has over 7 years of professional experience in writing and editing services across a wide variety of print and electronic platforms.

Outside his professional life, Sagar loves to connect with people from different cultures and origin. You can say he is curious by nature. He believes everyone is a learning experience and it brings a certain excitement, kind of a curiosity to keep going. It may feel silly at first, but it loosens you up after a while and makes it easier for you to start conversations with total strangers – that’s what he said."


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Khillar, S. (2022, October 3). Difference Between Conceptual and Operational Variable. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. //www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-conceptual-and-operational-variable/.
Khillar, Sagar. "Difference Between Conceptual and Operational Variable." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 3 October, 2022, //www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-conceptual-and-operational-variable/.

What is operational definition of terms in research example?

Operational definition of terms refers to a detailed explanation of the technical terms and measurements used during data collection. This is done to standardize the data. Whenever data is being collected, it is necessary to clearly define how to collect the data.

What is conceptual definition and example?

A concept is a mental construct or a tool used to understand the world around us. An example of a concept would be intelligence, humor, motivation, desire. These terms have meaning, but they cannot be seen or observed directly. You cannot pick up intelligence, buy humor, or weigh either of these.

What is operational terms example?

a description of something in terms of the operations (procedures, actions, or processes) by which it could be observed and measured. For example, the operational definition of anxiety could be in terms of a test score, withdrawal from a situation, or activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

What is conceptual definition in research example?

Conceptual research is defined as a methodology wherein research is conducted by observing and analyzing already present information on a given topic. Conceptual research doesn't involve conducting any practical experiments. It is related to abstract concepts or ideas.

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