Objection hearsay nghĩa là gì

View Full Version : M�nh hỏi " Objection Your Honour" v� " On their grey"


08-08-2008, 12:24 PM

M�nh lục tung từ điển v� google r�i m� ko thấy
Ai biết chỉ cho m�nh với:
Objection Your Honour
Hai cụm từ n�y nghĩa l� chi v�y?
Thanks nhiều nhiều
( PS: "on their prey" đ� t�m thấy)


09-08-2008, 04:19 AM

M�nh lục tung từ điển v� google r�i m� ko thấy
Ai biết chỉ cho m�nh với:
Objection Your Honour
Hai cụm từ n�y nghĩa l� chi v�y?
Thanks nhiều nhiều
( PS: "on their prey" đ� t�m thấy)
Objection, Your Honour = Thưa Quan T�a, ch�ng t�i xin phản đối.
Đ�y l� một phrase quen thuộc của Luật Sư trong một phi�n t�a khi nghe thấy phe b�n kia c�o buộc hay n�i ra những điều bất lợi cho phe m�nh. Luật sư n�i c�u đ� để y�u cầu Quan t�a bắt phe kia phải ngưng n�i về điều đ�. Quan t�a t�y theo trường hợp, hay t�y cảm nhận m� sẽ đồng � hay kh�ng.
- Nếu đồng � với sự phản đối của Luật sư, th� Judge sẽ n�i: Sustained. (phe kia phải ngưng, hoặc phải n�i sang chuyện kh�c)
- Nếu kh�ng đồng � với sự phản đối của Luật sư, th� Judge sẽ n�i: Overruled. (phe kia được n�i tiếp về điều đ�)


09-08-2008, 02:06 PM

thanks a lot, hbae787, I got it

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The defamation trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is being streamed live on YouTube and other outlets, meaning millions of people are ditching regular TV and tuning in.

Depp is suing Heard, his ex-wife, for $50m (£42m) over an article she wrote in The Washington Post in 2018, in which she described herself as a “public figure representing domestic abuse”. She then counter-sued him for $100m (£80m).

Many details from the trial are grim. The former couple, who were married from 2015 to 2016, both accuse the other of being physically violent during the relationship. They each deny the other’s claims.

However, there was a moment of light relief in Fairfax County Circuit Court on Monday when Heard’s lawyer accidentally objected to his own question.

The attorney was questioning Ben King, Depp’s house manager, during Monday’s session.

He was recalling an incident in which Depp’s finger was partially severed in 2015. Depp claims this happened when Heard threw two bottles of vodka at him, while Heard’s lawyers say he injured the finger himself.

Her representative asks Mr King: “You didn’t know what could cause damage to Mr Depp’s hand while you were there on 8 March, correct?”

Mr King begins to answer, but Heard’s lawyer quickly interjects with “objection, hearsay”.

“But you asked the question,” Judge Penney Azcarate responds.

This prompts laughter from Depp and his team, while the actress’s lawyer stumbles before moving on.

What is a ‘hearsay’ objection?

“Hearsay” is broadly defined as testimony or documents that quote people who are not present in court.

When the person being quoted is not present, establishing credibility becomes impossible, as does cross-examination.

For this reason hearsay evidence is inadmissible in court.

Gerald Oginski, a New York malpractice lawyer, explains on his website: “When a witness is testifying and is asked a question about a conversation he overheard or participated in, he may say, ‘John told me that the driver went through a red light and caused the accident’.

“The moment he says ‘John told me…’ the attorneys know and the judge knows that what he is about to say next is a comment from someone who is not currently in the courtroom and may not be called to testify at trial. That’s known as ‘hearsay’.

“The judge will rightfully stop a witness from telling the jury about anything he overheard from someone who is not in court and not planning to testify about those comments.”

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How can I watch the Johnny Depp – Amber Heard trial?

The trial is being streamed live on YouTube by the following outlets:

  • Sky News
  • Law & Crime Network
  • Court TV

You can also watch it live on the Law & Crime Network and Court TV websites.

The trial resumes at 10am from Fairfax, Virginia, and runs until 5pm each weekday.

That means it starts at 3pm in the UK, and finishes at 10pm.

This is the third week of the trial, which is expected to last a total of five to six weeks.