mumbo là gì - Nghĩa của từ mumbo

mumbo có nghĩa là

A reddish-orange sauce made from the unknown. Typically found in carry-outs in D.C. Goes well on chicken wings, french fries and when a lil' bit drips on your fried rice

Ví dụ

"Let me get six wings with mumbo sauce"
Chinese Lady: " You wan sal, peppa, ketcha, mumbo sauce on ya french fry"

mumbo có nghĩa là

-A fake fact that might sound impressive

-A fact that sounds good but has no heft behind it

Ví dụ

"Let me get six wings with mumbo sauce"
Chinese Lady: " You wan sal, peppa, ketcha, mumbo sauce on ya french fry"

mumbo có nghĩa là

-A fake fact that might sound impressive

Ví dụ

"Let me get six wings with mumbo sauce"

mumbo có nghĩa là

Chinese Lady: " You wan sal, peppa, ketcha, mumbo sauce on ya french fry" -A fake fact that might sound impressive

-A fact that sounds good but has no heft behind it "You don't believe in this mumbo jumbo do you?"

Ví dụ

"Let me get six wings with mumbo sauce"
Chinese Lady: " You wan sal, peppa, ketcha, mumbo sauce on ya french fry" -A fake fact that might sound impressive

-A fact that sounds good but has no heft behind it

mumbo có nghĩa là

"You don't believe in this mumbo jumbo do you?"
- The Saint (1997) Mumbo Jumbo is a legendary minecraft youtuber, he is known for his experience in minecraft Redstone.He has built legendary things.

Ví dụ

The sentence Mumbo Jumbo is a name 1. Nonsense; Gibberish; Makes no sense

mumbo có nghĩa là

2. A lie

Ví dụ

All I got from the car dealer was some mumbo jumbo about the warranty...sounded like BS to me.

mumbo có nghĩa là

3. A British youtuber that does mostly minecraft videos

Ví dụ

You don't really believe all that mumbo jumbo, do you? I can't believe all these people just talking mumbo jumbo. Hey look, Mumbo Jumbo just uploaded another video! 1. Nonsense; Gibberish. Something that's unintellible, incomprehensible or makes no sense, often made so to confuse.

mumbo có nghĩa là

2. A lie propagated by superstition or deception. Bloody explorers, ponce off to Mumbo Jumbo land, come home with a tropical disease, a suntan and a bag of brown lumpy things, and Bob's your uncle, everyone's got a picture of them in lavatory.

- Edmund Blackadder An adjective modifier for the noun "jumbo". All I got from the car dealer was some mumbo jumbo about the warranty...sounded like BS to me. A trunk-like object that comes out of a human's neck, similar to an elephant's trunk, except EXTREMELY long. Extremely painful to grow back once detatched. Also used at power plants to generate electricity. Guy: "YOU JUST STEPPED ON MY MUMBO AND IT FELL OFF! OWWW!" *grows back instantly, a very painful experience*
Girl: "I'm sorry! But you should probably buy a mumbo bag."
Guy: "A mumbo bag?! What is that?"

Ví dụ

Girl: "You wrap up your mumbo and put it in your bag! See, I have one. I got my mumbo bag right after my first detatchment."

mumbo có nghĩa là

Guy: "Sweet! Well, I need to go take my detatched mumbo to the power plant."

Ví dụ

Girl: "Ok! Well, good to see that your mumbo grew back nicely. Bye!"

mumbo có nghĩa là

There were two guys going on a safari in the jungle. They are suddenly surrounded by natives.

Ví dụ

Native: You trespass land.
The trespassers are taken to the chief.