multiplication là gì - Nghĩa của từ multiplication

multiplication có nghĩa là

Making more than one submission of a definition to Urban Dictionary. This is a device used by people in the hope that the more frequently they submit their definition the more likely it is to be accepted. If the definition contravenes the guidelines laid down by Urban Dictionary, volunteer editors will not accept it no matter how many times it is submitted. The practice of multiple submissions is also likely to backfire on them as even if the volunteer editor couldn’t decide on it the first time they saw it, seeing multiple times more is likely to piss them off so that they vote to keep it out, after all they’re only human. So if you are going to submit a definition, do yourself a favour, submit it only once and if it is rejected, check it against Urban Dictionary guidelines, correct it and resubmit and it just might get accepted.


Making multiple submissions to Urban Dictionary slows things down and may actually reduce the chances of your definition being accepted.

multiplication có nghĩa là

So your fuckin' this chick, right? And you've been with her a few times, so you say, "you know what really turns me on? Sex by a window." And she's like, "okay."
So you start fuckin' her from behind so she's looking out the window, and you slip out a few times, but it's cool, because you get right back in each time. Then in a closet or somewhere, you got a friend erect and all ready to go. So he comes up right beside you and when you slip out this time he slides right in, and she doesn't notice that it's not you. You quietly leave the room and run outside, infront of the the window and walk away; make sure the bitch sees you though.


Megan cheated on me so me and Rob gave her the multiplicity.

multiplication có nghĩa là

A person with multiple personalities -- many minds in one body.

See multividual.


There are several online communities run by multiples.

multiplication có nghĩa là

So your fuckin' this chick, right? And you've been with her a few times and you say, "you know what really turns me on? Sex by a window." And she's like, "okay."
So you start fuckin' her from behind so she's looking out the window, and you slip out a few times, but it's cool, because you get right back in. Then in a closet or somewhere, you got a friend all ready to go. So he comes up right beside you and when you slip out this time he slides right in, and she doesn't notice. You quietly leave the room and run outside, infront of the the window and walk away; make sure the bitch sees you though.


That bitch teethed my dick, so me and Bob did the multiplicity on her. She flipped out.

multiplication có nghĩa là

The syndrome of having to shit multiple times in a day.


Friend 1: I gotta take a shit. Friend 2: You just took one an hour ago. Friend 1: I know I have multiple shitosis.

multiplication có nghĩa là

Also known as Multiple Systems; Related to Otherkin: People who describe themselves as multiple systems (also known as multiples, multiplicity, plurals, alts, and many other names) take the idea of headmates one step further by believing that they actually have multiple people who make up their multiple personalities. So a person who describes themselves as a multiple system will likely refer to themselves as "they" because they believe they are multiple people. When they are acting as the personality of one of their headmates, they call this "fronting". Some multiple systems will have headmates who are animals, otherkin people, and, of course, fictional characters. There are also people who believe they have galaxies, nebulae, universes, and other space shit, either in their "headspace" or as an otherkin. So some people will believe they are actually galaxies.


From what we’ve observed on tumblr in the multiplicity community, we’ve noticed that systems whose body or core/host is FAAB (female assigned at birth) tend to have a majority of male headmates, and then the majority of those male headmates tend to be queer in some way.

multiplication có nghĩa là

More than two


Patrick is a retard and thought multiple meant more than one.

multiplication có nghĩa là

repeatedly scoring points in a manner that is so awesome one might say "it was orgasmic"


Kimberly had multiple scoregasms in that sand volleyball game.

multiplication có nghĩa là

The word used when maths teachers have had enough and want to shake it all up a bit, so they change the spelling of multiplier to multipler. Often used when doing percentages and interest.


"You times it by the Multipler"

multiplication có nghĩa là

The (shitty) stuff you learn in third grade but in life it's only fractions. The only fun of it is when you don't need it. The hardest problem to ever exist is 12x12. The one I liked most was 9s. Hate me... In other words, it's occasionally used since most things are fractions and terrible division, for example, 1 divided by 2 is 0.5.


9 yr old fortnite player jim: omg TOM what is x cuz my brain is rotted from FORTNITE
Tom, literally 9: do i need to read the essay? Multiplication is a way of doing repeated addition, for example, 5x3. You are putting 5 three times, therefore 5+5+5=15. It's a faster way of doing addition and is usually needed when making or designing a house. Here is an example of area: 10 ft x 9 ft = 90 sq ft. The example given is area. There is array, a very similar way. ?
- - - - - -
- - The example of array given is 6x3=?

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