may it be là gì - Nghĩa của từ may it be

may it be có nghĩa là

This is a person that is beautiful inside and out. May tends to be shy when you first meet her but when you get to know her, she starts showing her true colours! In addition to this, she is hard-working and is the most resilient and bravest person you'll ever meet. Mays are mostly the cutest out of the crowd and she'll always brighten up your day. She is very passionate and competitive when it comes to competitions and she will always be their for you, go and know a May!


Person 1: Who's that? She's so gorgeous! Person 2: Oh, that's May! She is isn't she,

may it be có nghĩa là

Usually an Asian girl from Vietnam that is beautiful, hott, and everyone loves to be around her. Most likely she was name after the gorgeous Mai flower blossom. She knows everyone and everyone know her. She's a simple person to understand and can always be caught in a lie. Always easy to forgive and doesn't like to hold grudges because she has a somewhat positive outlook on life. Mai LOVES to LAUGH and makes the people around her laugh. She has her dreams and goals even though she might not share them, because she is shy about certain topics. Mai wants to find a true wonderful love one day and will not be fully satisfied with her life until she has found that. You will often find Mai to be a bit of a flirt because it comes naturally to her even if she doesn't have feelings for that person. She always wants what she cant have and in the end will eventually get what she wants.


Boy: I really like Mai, shes so fun to talk to
Boy2: I know shes pretty cute man, you should ask her out

may it be có nghĩa là

May is a kind, funny, and a very intelligent girl. A lot of the time she's insensitive to people around her and her surroundings. She can be stubborn and she gets moody/upset very easily. But if u get to know her well she's very creative and makes you smile and laugh. She is one of the most amazing people you could have as a friend but time to time she might get frustrating and may seem bossy. She gets jealous very easily because she cares about a lot of her friends.


She is so May

may it be có nghĩa là

May is a name that is generally for girls. They are really attractive, nice, loving, trustworthy, generous and will do anything for friends and family. They are big-hearted and good kissers. They might not be your average type of girl, but they are unqiuely awesome in their own way. Mays are great girlfriends and will love you to the very end. Mays tend to be a little shy when you first meet them, but when you get to know them they are the happiest and exciting people you would ever meet. They love to do lots of fun things with people and hate the thought of being bored.


Friend 1: " Hey! Do you know my friend May?"
Friend 2: " No. Why?"
Friend 1: " I'll introduce you to her. She's really awesome once you get to know her!"

may it be có nghĩa là

A girl who is usually quiet, but if you become closer to her she can be real strange(in a good way). She is probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet and you can always depend on her. And even though life is full of hardships, she still goes through it with a smile on her face. She is admirable, kind, and strong and anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend.


some boy: That girl is so sweet, I think I'll get to know her better. Mai's best friend: That girl happens to be my best friend, Mai, and she's not allowed to have a boyfriend until she's married. some boy: What? Says who? Mai's best friend: SAYS ME! /strangles the boy

may it be có nghĩa là

A shy girl but when you get to know her she's crazy, awesome, and nice. But don't get in a fight with her, it might be bad. A mays is also very sensitive and pretty. And she's her daddy's little angel.


"Hey mays" - "Hi.." - "your very pretty" - "thanks!"

may it be có nghĩa là

May, a very beautiful girl with a strong character. She is very kind, helpful and attentive. She can make any day better. She has a good sense of humor. If you are one of her friends, you are very lucky and if you are her boyfriend thene you are really really lucky. She is really romantic and you can spend hours talking to her without getting bored


What's that shining in the street?
Ooh it's May!

may it be có nghĩa là

A super hot asian chick who is ultra funny. Everybody loves Mai! Mai is probably one of the most beautiful girls that you will ever meet, on the inside and outside. Mai is extremely talented in many ways, likely to be famous when she is older. Mai has lots of friends because of her stunning looks and amazing personality, boys would be lucky to win over a Mai. Mai is an amazing friend, great kisser, beautiful and talented. Mai is just perfect! You would be lucky to have a Mai in your life.


"Oh my god! Mai looks so pretty today, as always!" "I know, she's so perfect, I just want to be her!"

may it be có nghĩa là

Quite possibly the dumbest phrase ever. As if there could, in some other scenario, be some unknown third outcome other than the aforementioned two.


Person: "He's going to be accepted into Yale."

Moron: "That may or may not be the case."

may it be có nghĩa là

Used to say I (they) have without directly saying it.


I may or may not have had sex with her last night

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