In what direction will price and quantity move as a result of a demand shift?

When supply and demand both shift, either price or quantity will be indeterminate. When supply and demand move in the same direction, price is indeterminate. That is because an increase in supply decrease price while an increase in demand will increase price. Since the price axis moves in both directions, the net effect is based on which shift is stronger. Since that cannot be known, the price will be indeterminate. Since both shifts increase equilibrium quantity, the quantity will definitely increase. 

Similarly, when supply and demand move in opposite directions, quantity is indeterminate because one shift will increase quantity and the other will decrease quantity. 

The key to figuring out the impact of double shifts is to graph out both shifts and see what happens to the equilibrium price and quantity with each shift. If the shifts conflict, that axis is indeterminate.

Chapter 3 Outline II. THE EFFECTS OF CHANGES IN DEMAND AND SUPPLY ON EQUILIBRIUM PRICE AND QUANTITYA. Change in Demand1. A change in demand will cause equilibrium price and output to change in thesame direction.a. A decrease in demand will cause a reduction in the equilibrium price and quantity of a good.1. The decrease in demand causes excess supply to develop at the initial price.a. Excess supply will cause price to fall, and as price falls producers are willing to supply less of the good, thereby decreasing output.b. An increase in demand will cause an increase in the equilibrium price and quantity of a good.1. The increase in demand causes excess demand to develop at the initial price.a. Excess demand will cause the price to rise, and as price rises producers are willing to sell more, thereby increasing output.B. Change in Supply1. A change in supply will cause equilibrium price and output to change inopposite directions.a. An increase in supply will cause a reduction in the equilibrium price and an inase in the equilibrium quantity of a good.1. The increase in supply creates an excess supply at the initial price.a. Excess supply causes the price to fall and quantity demanded to increase.b. An dcrease in supply will cause an increase in the equilibrium price and a decrease in the equilibrium quantity of a good.1. The decrease in supply creates an excess demand at the initial price.a. Excess demand causes the price to rise and quantity demanded to decrease.C. Changes in Demand and Supply1. If demand and supply change in opposite directions, then the change in theequilibrium price can be determined, but the change in the equilibrium. output cannot.a. A decrease in demand and an increase in supply will cause a fall in equilibrium price, but the effect on equilibrium quantity cannot be determined.1. For any quantity, consumers now place a lower value on the good, and producers are willing to accept a lower price; therefore, price will fall. The effect on output will depend on the relative size of the two changes.b. An increase in demand and a decrease in supply will cause an increase in equilibrium price, but the effect on equilibrium quantity cannot be detennined.1. For any quantity, consumers now place a higher value on the good,and producers must have a higher price in order to supply the good; therefore, price will increase. The effect on output will depend on the relative size of the two changes.2. If demand and supply change in the same direction, the change in the equilibrium output can be determined, but the change in the equilibrium price cannot.a. If both demand and supply increase, there will be an increase in the equilibrium output, but the effect on price cannot be determined.1. If both demand and supply increase, consumers wish to buy more and firms wish to supply more so output will increase. However, since consumers place a higher value on each unit, but producers are willing to supply each unit at a lower price, the effect on price will depend on the relative size of the two changes.b. If both demand and supply decrease, there will be a decrease in the equilibrium output, but the effect on price cannot be determined.1. If both demand and supply decrease, consumers wish to buy less andfirms wish to supply less, so output will fall. However, since consumers place a lower value on each unit, but producers are willing to supply each unit only at higher prices, the effect on price will depend on the relative size of the two changes.

A shift in the demand curve occurs when a determinant of demand other than price changes. It occurs when demand for goods and services changes even though the price didn't.

To understand this, you must first understand what the demand curve does. It plots the demand schedule. That is a chart that details exactly how many units will be bought at each price. It's guided by the law of demand which says people will buy fewer units as the price increases. That's as long as nothing else changes, an economic principle known as ceteris paribus. That means all determinants of demand other than price must stay the same.

Factors That Cause a Demand Curve to Shift

According to the law of demand, the quantity demanded of a good increases or decreases based on a decrease or increase in its price. A shift in the demand curve is the unusual circumstance when the price remains the same but at least one of the other five determinants of demand change. Those determinants are:

  1. Income of the buyers
  2. Consumer trends and tastes
  3. Expectations of future price, supply, and needs
  4. The price of related goods. These can be substitutes, such as beef versus chicken. They can also be complementary, such as beef and Worcestershire sauce.
  5. The number of potential buyers (applies to aggregate demand only)

A shift in the demand curve for an item has both short-term and long-term impact on its price and quantity demanded. For example, when incomes rise, people can buy more of everything they want. In the short-term, the price will remain the same, and the quantity sold will increase.

The same effect occurs if consumer trends or tastes change. If people switch to electric vehicles, they will buy less gas even if the price of gas remains the same.


A shift in demand curve is different from movement along the demand curve. The latter depicts changes to quantity demanded based on change in price.

Demand Curve Shifts Left

The demand curve shifts to the left if the determinant causes demand to drop. That means less of the good or service is demanded. That happens during a recession when buyers' incomes drop. They will buy less of everything, even though the price is the same.

For example, consider the following demand and supply chart for a product. If originally at price P, quantity Q was demanded, once the demand curve shifts to the left at the same price P, lower quantity Q1 will be demanded.

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Over the long run, demand and supply forces adjust to arrive at a new equilibrium. If there are no changes to the supply of that item, ultimately left shift in the demand curve will force a decrease in prices and the demand and supply will intersect at an equilibrium E1. The new equilibrium would have a lower price P1, although the quality demanded (Q2) would be higher than the temporary increase at Q1 but lower than the original at Q.

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Demand Curve Shifts Right

The curve shifts to the right if the determinant causes demand to increase. This means more of the good or service are demanded even though there's no change in price. When the economy is booming, buyers' incomes will rise. They'll buy more of everything, even though the price hasn't changed. 

For example, consider the following demand and supply chart for a product. If originally at price P, quantity Q was demanded, once the demand curve shifts to the right at the same price P, more quantity (Q1) will be demanded.

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If there are no changes to the supply of that item, ultimately a right shift in the demand curve will force an increase in prices and the demand and supply will intersect at an equilibrium E1. The new equilibrium would have a higher price P1, although the quality demanded (Q2) would be lower than the temporary increase at Q1 but higher than the original at Q.

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How Demand Determinants Shift the Curve

Here are examples of how the five determinants of demand other than price can shift the demand curve.

  1. Income of the buyers: If you get a raise, you're more likely to buy more of both steak and chicken, even if their prices don't change. That shifts the demand curves for both to the right.
  2. Consumer trends: During the mad cow disease scare, consumers preferred chicken over beef. Even though the price of beef hadn't changed, the quantity demanded was lower. That shifted the demand curve to the left.
  3. Expectations of future price: When people expect prices to rise in the future, they will stock up now, even though the price hasn't even changed. That shifts the demand curve to the right. For this reason, the Federal Reserve sets up an expectation of mild inflation. Its target inflation rate is 2%. 
  4. The price of related goods: If the price of beef rises, you'll buy more chicken even though its price didn't change. The increase in the price of a substitute, beef, shifts the demand curve to the right for chicken. The opposite occurs with the demand for Worcestershire sauce, a complementary product. Its demand curve will shift to the left. You are less likely to buy it, even though the price didn't change, since you have less beef to put it on. 
  5. The number of potential buyers: This factor affects aggregate demand only. When there's a flood of new consumers in a market, they will naturally buy more product at the same price. That shifts the demand curve to the right. An example of that can be that work-from-home restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic made it easier for many Americans to relocate. As a result, a lot of people moved from cities to suburban areas or locations where homeownership seemed more affordable. That combined with with near-zero interest rates led to a huge demand for suburban housing.

Key Takeaways

  • When there is movement only along the demand curve, this means price is the only factor that is changing
  • When the entire demand curve shifts, it signals that other determinants of demand, excluding price, have changed
  • Aside from price, other determinants of demand that affect the demand schedule or chart are: income, consumer tastes, expectations, price of related goods, and number of buyers.
  • Shift of the demand curve to the right indicates an increase in demand at the same price because a factor, such as consumer trend or taste, has risen for it
  • A shift to the left displays a decrease in demand at the same price because another factor, such as number of buyers, has slumped

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between a movement and a shift in the demand curve?

Demand curve movement refers to changes in price that affect the quantity demanded. A demand curve shift refers to fundamental changes in the balance of supply and demand that alter the quantity demanded at the same price. For example, you may be willing to buy 10 apples at $1. If the grocery store drops the price to $0.75, then that demand curve movement means you might buy 15 apples instead of 10. If you get a raise at work, that demand curve shift may mean you're willing to buy 15 apples at $1 and 20 apples at $0.75.

Why is the demand curve downward sloping?

The demand curve slopes downward because more consumers would be willing or able to afford goods or services the closer their prices get to $0. This is the basic law of demand. As the price drops, it becomes easier to entice consumers to try a good or service. That's why coupons and free trial promotions work so well at attracting new customers.

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  1. N. Gregory Mankiw. "Study Guide for Mankiw's Principles of Macroeconomics," Page 55. Cengage Learning, 2015.

  2. Wolfram Schlenker, and Sofia B. Villas-Boas. “Consumer and Market Responses to Mad Cow Disease,” via American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91, no. 4 (2009).

  3. U.S. Federal Reserve. "Why Does the Federal Reserve Aim for Inflation of 2 Percent Over the Longer Run?"

  4. U.S. Congress joint Economic Committee. "The Economics of Inflation and the Risks of Ballooning Government Spending."

    What happens to price and quantity when demand shifts to the right?

    A rightward shift in demand would increase the quantity demanded at all prices compared to the original demand curve. For example, at a price of $40, the quantity demanded would increase from 40 units to 60 units. A helpful hint to remember that more demand shifts the demand curve to the right.

    In which direction will the demand curve shift?

    The demand curve will move downward from the left to the right, which expresses the law of demand—as the price of a given commodity increases, the quantity demanded decreases, all else being equal.

    When price and quantity move the same direction?

    Answer and Explanation: According to the law of supply, the supply curve shows a positive relationship between the quantity supplied of a product and its own price. Thus, both price and quantity will move in the same direction.

    What is the result of the shift in demand?

    Consequently, a positive change in demand amid constant supply shifts the demand curve to the right, the result being an increase in price and quantity. Alternatively, a negative change in demand shifts the curve left, leading price and quantity to both fall.

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