How to beat 4 1 2 3 formation top eleven năm 2024

Here I am going to provide you guys the “Top Eleven counter Formation with Tactics”. Following Red hilighted text is opponent formation and the green hilighted text is the formation that you should use to beat opponent.

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For example, 3N-5-2F is

2Forwards (slightly behind Stricker position)

5 in the midfield (ML-MC-MC-MC-MR)


For example, 3W-3N-2W-1 is

1 Stricker

2 Wide players (AML-AMR)

3 MC


\>>comment me down below if any confusion<<

How to beat Attacking, Strong and Aggressive Opponents?

SL NO OPPONENT’S FORMATION YOUR FORMATION (OFFENSIVE) YOUR FORMATION (NEUTRAL) YOUR FORMATION (DEFENSIVE) 1 3N-5-2 F 3-1-3N-2W-1 4-3N-2W-1 3-2-2-2-1 B 2 3W-5-2 F 3-1-3N-2N-1 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 3 3N-5-1-1 3-1-3N-1-2 4-1-2-1-2 ND 3N-2W-2N-1-2 4 3W-5-1-1 3-1-3N-2W-1 4-1-2-1-2 ND 3N-2W-2N-1-2 5 3W-4-3 3-5-2 V 4-2-2-2 H 3N-2W-3N-2 6 3N-4-3 3-5-2 F 4-3N-2W-1, 4-4-2 C 5-4-1 F 7 3W-1-4-2 3-4-1-2 4-1-2-1-2 ND 3N-2W-2N-1-2 8 3W-1-4-1-1 3-5-2 V 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 9 3N-1-4-2 3-5-1-1 V 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 10 3N-5-2 V 3-1-3N-3 4-3N-2W-1, 4-2-2-2 H 3-2-2-2-1 B 11 3W-5-2 V 3-1-3N-1-2 4-2-2-2 H, 4-3N-1-2 3-2-2-2-1 B 12 3W-2N-3W-2 3W-5-2 F 4-4-2 C 5-4-1 F 13 3N-2(DMC/MC)-3W-2 3-1-4-2 4-1-2-1-2 ND, 4-4-2 3-2-2-2-1 B 14 3W-2(DMC/MC)-3W-2 3-1-4-2 4-4-2, 4-3-3 3-2-2-2-1 B 15 3N-3(DMC/MC)-2W-2 3-1-3N-2W-1 4-3N-2W-1 3-2-2-2-1 B 16 3W-2-3W-1-1 ML 3N-1-4-2 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 17 3W-2N-2W-1-2 3W-5-2 V 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 18 3W-2N-2N-2W-1 3-4-1-2 4-4-2 C 3N-2W-3N-2 19 3N-2N-1-2W-2 3-1-3W-1-2 4-4-2 C 3-2-2-2-1 B 20 3N-1-2-1-3 3-1-3N-1-2 4-1-3N-2, 4-5-1 V 3W-3N-3W-1 21 3W-1-5-1 3-3N-3W-1 4-3N-2W-1 3-2-2-2-1 B 22 3W-1-3W-2N-1 3-5-2 V 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 23 3N-1-3W-2N-1 3-5-1-1 V 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 24 3W-1-3W-1-2 3N-5-2 F 4-4-2 C 3-2N-3-1-1 ET 25 3N-1-3W-1-2 D 3-5-1-1 V 4-5-1 V, 4-4-2, 4-1-2W-1-2 3N-3W-2N-1-1 26 3N-1-4-1-1 3-1-3-1-2 4-1-2-1-2 ND 5-3-2 F 27 3W-1-3N-1-2 3-5-2 V 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 28 3N-4-1-2 3-1-3N-2W-1 4-1-2-1-2 ND 3N-2W-2N-1-2 29 3W-4-1-2 3-1-3N-1-2 4-1-2-1-2 ND 3N-2W-2N-1-2

How to Beat Balanced / Neutral Opponents?

SL NO OPPONENT’S FORMATION YOUR FORMATION (OFFENSIVE) YOUR FORMATION (NEUTRAL) YOUR FORMATION (DEFENSIVE) 1 4-5-1 F 3-5-2 F, 3-5-2 V 4-1-4-1 3N-2W-3N-1-1 2 4-5-1 V 3-3-1-3, 3W-1-2-3W-1 4-3N-3, 4-3N-2W-1 3N-2W-3N-2 3 4-4-2 C 3N-4-1-2 4-3W-1-2 3-2-2-2-1 B 4 4-1(DMC)-2-3 3-1-4-2 4-1-4-1 5-3N-2 5 4-1-2-1-2 ND 3N-5-2 V 4-5-1 V 3N-3W-2-1-1 6 4-1-2-1-2 WD 3-5-2 F 4-3W-1-2 3N-2W-3N-1-1 7 4-1-2-2(AMC)-1 3W-2N-1-3W-1 4-2(DMC)-2-2 H 3W-2N-3W-1-1 8 4-1-1-2W-2 3N-2N-1-2W-2 4-2-3-1 3N-3W-2-2 9 4-1-1-2N-2 3W-2N-2-2W-1 4-5-1 V 4-3W-2(MC)-1 10 4-2N-1-2N-1 3N-1-4-1-1 4-1-3-2 3W-2N-3N-1-1 11 4-2N-1-2W-1 3W-1-4-1-1 4-4-2 C 5-2-2(AML-AMR)-1 12 4-3W-3 3-5-1-1 V 4-5-1 V, 4-4-2 C 5-4-1 F 13 4-3N-3 3-4-1-2 4-1-4-1 5-3N-2 14 4-1-3N-2 3-1-3N-2W-1 4-3N-2W-1 3-2-2-2-1 B 15 4-1-3N-1-1 3N-5-2 V 4-5-1 V 3N-3W-2-1-1 16 4-1-3W-2 3-1-4-2 4-5-1 V, 4-4-2 C 3-2-2-2-1 B 17 4-1-3W-1-1 3-1-4-1-1 4-4-1-1 5-1(DMC)-2-2 18 4-2(DMC)-3W-1 3-1-3-2W-1 4-1-4-1 3-2-2-2-1 B 19 4-2-3N(AMC)-1 3-1-4-2 4-4-2 C 3W-2N-3W-1-1, 3W-2N-3W-2 20 4-2-3W-1 3-1-3W-1-2 4-4-2 C 5-3W-2 21 4-3N-1-2 3-1-3N-2W-1 4-3N-2W-1, 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 22 4-3W-1-2 3N-1-4-2 4-1-4-1 3-2-3-1-1 23 4-3W-2N-1 XT 3-1-5-1 4-5-1 F 3W-2N)-3N-1-1 ET 24 4-3N-2N-1 3-1-4-1-1 4-1-3W-1-1 3W-2N-3W-1-1 ML 25 4-3N-2W-1 3-1-4-1-1 4-4-1-1 3N-2W-3N-1-1 26 4-2-2-2 H 3N-4-3, 3N-4-1-2 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 27 4-1(DMC)-2(MC)-3 3-1-4-1-1 4-1-4-1 5-1-3N-1 28 4-1-2(AMC)-3 3-1-4-2 4-1-3W-2 5-1-3W-1 29 4-2-1-3 3-1-3N-2W-1 4-3N-2W-1, 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 30 4-1-4-1 3-5-2 V 4-3N-2W-1, 4-5-1 V 3-2-2-2-1 B 31 4-4-1-1 3-5-2 F 4-5-1 V 3W-2N-3W-1-1

How to Beat Defensive / Bus-Parked Formation?

SL NO OPPONENT’S FORMATION YOUR FORMATION (OFFENSIVE) YOUR FORMATION (NEUTRAL) YOUR FORMATION (DEFENSIVE) 1 5-4-1 F 3-5-2 Flat 4-4-2 C 3W-3N-3W-1 2 5-3N-2 3N-4-1-2 4-4-2 C 3N-3W-2-2 3 5-3W-2 3N-4-1-2 4-4-2 C 3N-2W-3W-1-1 4 5-1-3N-1 3N-5-2 V 4-1-3-1-1 3N-3W-3W-1 5 5-1-3W-1 3N-5-2 V 4-5-1 F 3N-2W-3W-2 6 5-1-2N-1-1 3N-5-2 V 4-1-3-2 3N-2W-2N-2W-1 7 5-1-2W-1-1 3N-5-2 V 4-1-3-2 3N-2W-2N-2W-1 8 5-2-2W-1 3W-1-2-3W-1 4-4-2 C 3N-2W-3N-2 9 5-2W-2N-1 3W-2-2W-1-2 4-2-2-2 H 3W-2-3W-1-1 10 5-2-2N-1 3N-1-3W-1-2, 3N-1-3W-3 4-2-2-1-1 3W-2-3W-2 11 5-2-1-2 3N-1-4-2 4-1-2N-1-2 3N-3W-2-1-1 12 5-1-1-1-2 3N-1-3W-1-2 4-3N-3 F, 4-2-2-2 H 3N-2W-2N-1-2 13 3N-2W-3N-2 3-5-2 F 4-5-1 F, 4-1-2-1-2 ND 5-4-1 F 14 3N-2W-2-1-2 3-4-1-2 4-4-2, 4-1-2-1-2 ND 3W-3N-3W-1 15 3-2-2-2-1 B 3-4-1-2 4-2-2-2, 4-3N-2W-1 3N-3W-2N-1-1

Opponent Formation

Counter Formation

How to Beat 4-4-2 Classic Formation ST-ST ML-MC-MC-MR DL-DC-DC-DR

4-4-2 is one of the balance and common formation in Football, which is strong in midfield and width as well. But its midfield is not as much strong as its width. So, 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond can counter this formation.

4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond


Team Mentality: Attacking

Focus Pass: Through the Middle

Passing Style: Short pass

Force Counter-Attacks: OFF

Marking Style: Zonal

Play Offside Trap: OFF

How to Beat 4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond ST-ST AMC MC-MC DMC DL-DC-DC-DR

4-1-2-1-2 Narrow Diamond is an attacking formation through the middle, so its both flanks are weaker therefore we can attack this formation through both flanks. So, 3-1-2-2-2 can counter this formation.




Team Mentality: Attacking

Focus Pass: Through both flanks

Passing Style: Mixed passes

Force Counter-Attacks: No

Pressing Style: High press

Play Offside Trap: OFF

Tackling: Normal

Marking Style: Zonal

***Forward attacking arrow to AML and AMR***

4-5-1 V-style


Team Mentality: Defensive

Focus Pass: Through both flanks

Passing Style: Mixed passes

Force Counter-Attacks: No

Pressing Style: Low press

Play Offside Trap: ON

Tackling: Normal

Marking Style: Zonal

***Forward attacking arrow to AML and AMR***

How to Beat 4-1-2-2-1 V-Style ST AML-AMR MC-MC DMC DL-DC-DC-DR


Team Mentality: Defensive/Hard Defensive

Focus Pass: Mixed/Middle

Passing Style: Mixed/Long

Force Counter-Attacks: ON

Pressing Style: HIGH

Tackling Style: Normal

Marking Style: Zonal

Play Offside Trap: OFF

4-2-2-2 Hexagon


Team Mentality: Normal

Focus Pass: Down Both Flanks

Passing Style: Mixed

Force Counter-Attacks: ON

Pressing Style: LOW

Tackling Style: Normal

Marking Style: Zonal

Play Offside Trap: OFF

***Forward Arrow to (DL,DR,AML,AMR)***



***Forward Arrow to (Both MC,AMC,AML,AMR)***

***Backward Arrow to (Both DMC)***

Team Mentality: Hard Defending

Focus Pass: Mixed

Passing Style: Long

Force Counter-Attacks: OFF

Pressing Style: LOW

Tackling Style: Easy

Marking Style: Zonal

Play Offside Trap: ON

Use this Tactics if your squad is weaker than the opponent



Team Mentality: Normal

Focus Pass: Down Both Flanks

Passing Style: Short

Force Counter-Attacks: ON

Pressing Style: LOW

Tackling Style: Easy

Marking Style: Zonal

Play Offside Trap: ON

How to Beat 4-2-3-1 ST AML-AMC-AMR MC-MC DL-DC-DC-DR



***Defensive arrow to 3DC, ML and MR***

Team Mentality: Defensive Mentality

Focus Pass: Through both flanks

Passing Style: Long

Force Counter-Attacks: ON

Pressing Style: Low press

Play Offside Trap: OFF

Marking Style: Zonal

Tackling Style: Easy



Team Mentality: Hard Defence

Focus Pass: Down both flanks

Passing Style: Short

Force Counter-Attacks: OFF

Pressing Style: Low press

Play Offside Trap: ON

Marking Style: Zonal

Tackling Style: Hard

How to Beat 4-1-4-1 ST ML-MC-MC-MR DMC DL-DC-DC-DR



Team Mentality: Attacking

Focus Pass: Down Both Flanks

Passing Style: Long

Force Counter-Attacks: ON

Pressing Style: High

Tackling Style: Hard

Marking Style: Man-On-Man

Play Offside Trap: OFF

***Forward Arrow to (AML,AMR)***

How to Beat 4-3-1-2 ST-ST AMC MC-MC-MC DL-DC-DC-DR



Team Mentality: Hard Attacking

Focus Pass: Through the Middle

Passing Style: Long

Force Counter-Attacks: Yes

Pressing Style: Low press

Play Offside Trap: OFF

Marking Style: Zonal

How to Beat 4-3-3 ST-ST-ST MC-MC-MC DL-DC-DC-DR



Team Mentality: Defensive

Focus Pass: Mixed

Passing Style: Long

Force Counter-Attacks: Yes

Pressing Style: High

Tackling Style: Normal

Marking Style: Man-On-Man

Play Offside Trap: ON

How to Beat 4-1-2-2-1 ST AMC-AMC MC-MC DMC DL-DC-DC-DR



Team Mentality: Hard Defending

Focus Pass: Mixed

Passing Style: Long

Force Counter-Attacks: Yes

Pressing Style: Low press

Play Offside Trap: ON

Tackling Style: Normal

Marking Style: Zonal

***Defensive Arrow to Both DMC***

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4-2-3-1(One of the most balance formation on top eleven Football Manager Game. By the help of this formation you can win any game even your opponent is stronger than you. This formation help you to score more goals even it is Counter Attacking formation.) View more for tactics.

Counter Opponents

Here I am going to provide you guys the “Top Eleven counter Formation with Tactics”. Following Red hilighted text is opponent formation and the green hilighted text is the formation that you should use to beat opponent.

Tips and Tricks

Training tips, Token Tips, Formation Tips. youth academy tips & many more available here. Different player position need different training drills. Here are the training tips for all individual players.

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Tips and Tricks

In Top Eleven football Manager player’s playstyle defines an individual player’s playing style. There are different playing styles in the game such as Box-to-Box, Mezzala, Regista, False Wingers, Target Man, Full Back, Wing Back, Stopper, Sweeper keeper, Poacher, etc.

What is the best formation to beat 4 2 1 3?

Suggested Counter Formations.






How to beat 4

How to Counter 4-3-1-2 Formation? Exploit the flanks: As mentioned earlier, the diamond shape in midfield can leave the flanks exposed. By attacking down the wings and getting behind the opposition full-backs, a team can create scoring opportunities and put pressure on the opposition defense.null4-3-1-2 Formation - › academy › 4-3-1-2-formationnull

What is the best formation in Top Eleven?

Though its usage in the modern game has declined, the 4-4-2's usefulness is still relevant, especially in Top Eleven. With two STs and four midfielders, it's possible to attack and defend in a lot of different ways.nullWhat's the best formation in Top Eleven at the moment? › top-eleven › best-formationnull

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