How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

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How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook


1,031 solutions

How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

United States History: Beginnings to 1877

1st EditionDeborah Gray White, William Deverell

1,228 solutions

How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

American Anthem: Modern American History, California Edition

1st EditionDeborah Gray White, Edward L. Ayers, Jesús F. de la Teja, Robert D. Schulzinger

1,314 solutions

How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

United States History: Reconstruction to the Present, Tennessee Edition

1st EditionAlan Taylor, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner, Michael Roberts, Peter B. Levy

859 solutions

Recommended textbook solutions

How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

The Americans: Reconstruction to the 21st Century, California Edition

1st EditionGerald A. Danzer, J. Jorge Klor de Alva, Larry S. Krieger, Louis E. Wilson, Nancy Woloch

614 solutions

How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook


1,031 solutions

How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

United States History: Beginnings to 1877

1st EditionDeborah Gray White, William Deverell

1,228 solutions

How did the 2nd industrial revolution differ from the original industrial revolution quizlet?

United States History

1st EditionAlan Taylor, Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner, Peter B. Levy, Randy Roberts

1,406 solutions

- began in GB
- technological, socioeconomic, and cultural
1. the use of new basic materials, chiefly iron and steel
2.the use of new energy sources, including both fuels and motive power, such as coal, the steam engine, electricity, petroleum, and the internal-combustion engine
3. the invention of new machines, such as the spinning jenny and the power loom that permitted increased production with a smaller expenditure of human energy
4.a new organization of work known as the factory system, which entailed increased division of labour and specialization of function
5. important developments in transportation and communication, including the steam locomotive, steamship, automobile, airplane, telegraph, and radio
6. increasing application of science to industry. These technological changes made possible a tremendously increased use of natural resources and the mass production of manufactured goods.

There were also many new developments in nonindustrial spheres, including the following
1. agricultural improvements that made possible the provision of food for a larger nonagricultural population
2. economic changes that resulted in a wider distribution of wealth, the decline of land as a source of wealth in the face of rising industrial production, and increased international trade
3. political changes reflecting the shift in economic power, as well as new state policies corresponding to the needs of an industrialized society
4. sweeping social changes, including the growth of cities, the development of working-class movements, and the emergence of new patterns of authority, and 5. cultural transformations of a broad order. Workers acquired new and distinctive skills, and their relation to their tasks shifted; instead of being craftsmen working with hand tools, they became machine operators, subject to factory discipline.

Finally, there was a psychological change: confidence in the ability to use resources and to master nature was heightened

How did the second industrial revolution differ from the first industrial revolution?

While the First Industrial Revolution centered on textile manufacturing and the innovation of the steam engine, the Second Industrial Revolution focused instead on steel production, the automobile and advances in electricity. Discoveries in the field of electricity improved communication technologies.

Which change characterized one difference between the first and the second industrial revolutions quizlet?

- 5) What were the major differences between the first and second industrial revolutions? The major differences between the first and second IR were more organized, better outcome for the working class, and goods became more unique.

What was the second industrial revolution quizlet?

Terms in this set (10) Secondary Industrial Revolution was a period between 1870-1900 that was developed by the Trans-Mississippi Expansion and available railroads that opened up the country further west which allowed markets to expand and monopolies to form.

What were the main products of the second industrial revolution quizlet?

The Second Industrial Revolution brought new inventions and innovations in technology including the Steel Mills, Refrigerator, Electric Light, Typewriter, Telephone, Skyscrapers, Elevator, Phonograph, Motion Pictures, Washing Machine, Automobile, Diesel Engine and the Airplane.