hacks là gì - Nghĩa của từ hacks

hacks có nghĩa là


1. To program a computer in a clever, virtuosic, and wizardly manner. Ordinary computer jockeys merely write programs; hacking is the domain of digital poets. Hacking is a subtle and arguably mystical art, equal parts wit and technical ability, that is rarely appreciated by non-hackers. See hacker.

2. To break into computer systems with malicious intent. This sense of the term is the one that is most commonly heard in the media, although sense 1 is much more faithful to its original meaning. Contrary to popular misconception, this sort of hacking rarely requires cleverness or exceptional technical ability; most so-called "black hat" hackers rely on brute force techniques or exploit known weaknesses and the incompetence of system administrators.

3. To jury-rig or improvise something inelegant but effective, usually as a temporary solution to a problem. See noun sense 2.


1. A clever or elegant technical accomplishment, especially one with a playful or prankish bent. A clever routine in a computer program, especially one which uses tools for purposes other than those for which they were intended, might be considered a hack. Students at technical universities, such as MIT, are famous for performing elaborate hacks, such as disassembling the dean's car and then reassembling it inside his house, or turning a fourteen-story building into a giant Tetris game by placing computer-controlled lighting panels in its windows.

2. A temporary, jury-rigged solution, especially in the fields of computer programming and engineering: the technical equivalent of chewing gum and duct tape. Compare to kludge.

3. A cheap, mediocre, or second-rate practitioner, especially in the fields of journalism and literature: a charlatan or incompetent.


v1. I stayed up all night hacking, and when I finally looked out the window, it was 8am.

v2. Some script kiddie hacked into the web server and trashed the database.

v3. I didn't have time to do things properly, so I just hacked together something that worked.

n1. A computerized bartender that automatically mixes your drinks and debits your account? Now THAT'S a hack.

n2. This subroutine is just a hack; I'm going to go back and put some real code in later.

n3. That two-bit pulp writer? Ah, he's nothing but a hack.

hacks có nghĩa là

a clever solution to a tricky problem


to hack is to mod or change something in an extrodinary way

hacks có nghĩa là

Hacked is supposed to mean unauthorized access to computers and computer networks, but not any more, now it means to post 'Hilarious' statuses on somebodies Facebook profile.


Idiot: "I totally hacked Joe's Facebook the other day!"
Normal Person: "Really, you hacked it? How?"
Idiot: "He left himself logged in and I posted a status."
Normal Person: "That's not hacking."

hacks có nghĩa là

Hacking is the gaining of access(wanted or unwanted) to a computer and viewing, copying, or creating data(leaving a trace) without the intention of destroying data or maliciously harming the computer.

This represents the Good Guys most of the time for they are the ones who search for these exploits to prevent crackers use a method called cracking(opposite of hacking).

Hacking and hackers are commonly mistaken to be the bad guys most of the time. Crackers are the ones who screw things over as far as creating virus, cracks, spyware, and destroying data.

Cracker - Person who gains unauthorized access to a computer with the intention of causing damage.

Cracking - Method by which a person who gains unauthorized access to a computer with the intention of causing damage.

Hacker - Person who gains authorized/unauthorized access to a computer WITHOUT the intention of causing damage.

Spyware - A Program that was created by a person(most frequently a cracker) to watch the computer and it's actions and report the details to the origional maker.

Virus - A maliciously made program that is used to destroy data, or hurt the performance of the computer. Makes copies of itself and sends it to more people.


Subject A : A hacker killed my computer! All my reports are gone and it's due tomarrow!

Subject B : Dude, if you lost all your data, that's probably a cracker that broke into your comp.

Subject A : I'm white you numbskull.

Subject B : No, a cracker destroys your data. A hacker looks at your data.

Subject A : Does it look like I care?

hacks có nghĩa là

An event that is unexpected and favors a particular person especially in competetion. Also, when some one uses a video game glitch, expolit or trainer to give them an advatage


i won a million dollars in the lotto


(in video games)
he is shooting backwards


hacks có nghĩa là

A huge series of anime and games that is based on an MMORPG called "The World." The .hack titles consist of, in order of the 'timeline'...

.hack//SIGN ...an anime
.hack//LIMINALITY ...an anime
.hack//INFECTION ...the first game in the series
.hack//MUTATION ...the second game
.hack//OUTBREAK ...the third game
.hack//QUARINTINE ...the final game


The world of .hack could certainly be coming to us in another five years or so, when virtual reality is harnessed completely.

hacks có nghĩa là

- An individual that unintentionally makes life difficult for others. - A troll that has somehow justified their actions and doesn't think they're actually trolling. - Someone that doesn't take responsibility for their actions and it negatively affects the group. - A joke of a person


Mike - "Yo did Chris put in money for the restaurant bill?"
John - "He said he didn't have to because he only bought a soda"
Mike - "He's a hack" Chris - "Did John throw up in the bathroom and not clean it up?"
Gabe - "I'm not sure but if so that was a hack move"

hacks có nghĩa là

informal To proceed or continue on an arduous task


" I heard jim could barely walk after that fight last night" " Yea, we all thought he would make it through in one piece, but he couldn't hack it"

hacks có nghĩa là

A cheat that bypasses any restriction codes in most video games. Only noobs use hacks because they find the game un-fair (although deep inside they just naturally suck at the game) or un-fun. So they decide to spice it up a bit by pissing the fuck out of people by always getting headshots and enabling invulnerability.


MegaKilla: Admin dood, that faceboot guy is hacking! Admin: How can you tell he has hacks? MegaKilla: He keeps getting headshots, he can't die, and never runs out of ammo! Admin: Ban hammer ready!

hacks có nghĩa là

Skills; such as in video games; computer skills; mostly technology related.


"Dude you changed your grades?"
"Most def dude I've got mad hacks."

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