Establish oneself in the profession là gì

Nghĩa của từ to establish oneself

trong Từ điển tiếng Anh - Tiếng Việt

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-ổn định cuộc sống
-sinh cơ lập nghiệp

establish (oneself, someone, or something) as (something)

(redirected from establish oneself as)

Political Savvy & Leadership Effectiveness

Do you think of yourself as “politically savvy” at work?

Research has found that politically savvy people have better career prospects, are seen as more promotable, and are less likely to have derailed careers. People who bumble through the political realities — or avoid or ignore them — are missing opportunities, connections, and resources.

Organizational politics is a sometimes controversial and hotly debated topic. Many managers in large organizations lament the fact that they must even acknowledge its existence, much less engage in political behavior in order to get ahead. They question the ethics of behaving in ways that may feel inauthentic, manipulative, and ultimately self-serving. Some will ultimately embrace politics as a necessary evil, while others will refuse to play the game entirely, despite the likely negative impact on their careers.

While the term political skill, or political savvy, generally elicits more negative than positive perceptions, it isn’t inherently a bad thing.

The first step in overcoming any lack of political skill is to accept office politics as a natural, neutral part of work life. Politics is neither good nor bad. In fact, political skill is a necessity, and when used appropriately, leaders can use their political savvy to create positive outcomes for themselves and others.

We define political savvy as the ability to maximize and leverage relationships in order to achieve organizational, team, and individual goals.

Leaders with political savvy can use their political skills to successfully meet their organization’s leadership challenges and to improve the performance and productivity of their teams. Possessing political skill will enhance a leader’s effectiveness at work, improve their team’s performance, and improve their own chances of career advancement.

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