equity là gì - Nghĩa của từ equity

equity có nghĩa là

1. The value of the shares/stock issued by a company.

2. A branch of law that developed alongside the common law in order to fix some of the outright bullshit, injustice and unfairness present in the common law


1. This company doesn't have much equity, it must be financed through a lot of debt. If it doesn't produce enough cash flow from operations, they banks are coming to claim their interest and it's goind under.

2. Yo, did you hear how the common law courts tried to give the dude's house that he paid for to that skanky hoe just because her name was on the deed. Thank God that in Equity he was ruled to have some beneficial title in it. If the common law was the only system that existed, we'd all be anally raped in the snow and left to freeze.

equity có nghĩa là

Low rung position assigned to those in the investment banking world deemed shitty by the BSDs overseeing new recruit allocation. Future prospects scant. Popularized by Michael Lewis's Liar's Poker.


Yeah, I was sent to cover equities in Dallas ... might as well shoot myself now.

equity có nghĩa là

How ignorant people spell equality.


"Yo obama is the best he gonna give us all equity."
"Unfortunately those stocks wouldn't be worth much"
"Na man, he gonna make us the same."
"Oh, you mean equality, dumbass."

equity có nghĩa là

The money an online poker player loses by running to the bathroom to pee during a session. True pros combat this by pissing into Gatorade bottles while continuing to play.


Noob: "I really had to pee, so I sat out on all of my tables for one minute and ran to the bathroom." Pro: "You fish! Do you know how much piss equity you gave up by missing those 20 hands?!"

equity có nghĩa là

The amount of time and money a guy spends on trying to hook up with a girl at a bar or night club.


Example 1:
Dude1: How'd it go last night?
Dude2: Terrible! I spent 3 hours and $45 of bar equity into some chick at the club only to have her fat cockblocker friend suddenly drag her away drunkenly shouting, "We gotta go now! Bye, Bye!" Example 2:
Random bar ho: Hey Sexy! Wanna buy me a drink?
Guy: Uhhhh......
Wingman: (whispers) Wait, dude! You can't put any bar equity into a jersey girl. They can hold way too mch liqour and may drop you for some guido.

equity có nghĩa là

The work one invests in a business venture.


I may not have much capital, but I have a lot of sweat equity.

equity có nghĩa là


The amount of TV programming saved to a Tivo or Digital Video Recorder when the pause button is used--not to be confused with recorded TV programming which is saved on the Tivo or DVR indefinently. Equity only lasts up until the channel is changed or is 'spent' fast forwarding through commercials.

tivo dvr


I paused the TV 10 minutes ago and now I have enough equity so I probably won't have to sit through any commercials while I watch my favorite show. I can just fast forward right through them using my 10 minutes of equity.

equity có nghĩa là

Hipster Equity – hip-ster ek-wi-tee noun The cumulative value of an individual's style and preferences that contribute to their overall qualifications to be acceptable among the independent cultural elite (hipsters). One's Hipster Equity is positioned against another's to determine which is greater. Increases and decreases in Hipster Equity can only be determined by external entities.


1. You purchase an original My Bloody Valentine Loveless LP in VG+ condition. Hipster Equity +1. 2. You enter a Walmart for any reason. Hipster Equity -5.

equity có nghĩa là

NOUN pre-equity, is a reactionary theory to the prevailing view point amongst many within society, who maintain that. The value and worth of an individuals life within society, must be determined and thus measured exclusively in accordance with ones economical, materialistic and productive value to society. pre-equity theory, maintains that, If the life of an individual within society, is only to be valued thus limited only to ones materialistic thus economical worth..As opposed to the principle that, life ( All ) life is by essence on its own merits priceless. Then in a materialistic stand point, the value and worth of a persons life within society must be assessed and determined based upon the prodigious sums of resources and time that which has been invested in the raising, nurturing and ultimately educating a single individual from the time of Birth until ones reaching adulthood. Therefore, ones material value should not be assessed or determined based on any current or immediate monetary or economical standing or repute..But rather, that it should be ascertained and therefore evaluated upon a pre-equitable standing, thus established in a pass tense which was achieved over a long period of time.


Marks value and worth to society, can be determined based on the pre-equity value of all material and monetary costs that which was invested in his raising, nurturing and educating from the time of his birth to adulthood.

equity có nghĩa là

You are standing infront of the Oxygen Machine but you wont fix it


"oh no the Imposter did the Equity"

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