Does 2023 match require OET?

  • First iteration - general
  • Second iteration - general
  • Provincial criteria
  • Summary of MCC examination requirements
  • AFMC motion

First iteration - general

Updated September 28, 2022

2023 Cycle Information

First iteration

To participate in the first iteration of the R-1 match, you must be a medical student or graduate who has obtained, or is in the process of obtaining, a medical degree by July 1 of the match year from an institution that meets one of the following criteria:

  • A Liaison Committee on Medical Education/Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (LCME/CACMS) accredited school;
  • A school of osteopathic medicine; or
  • An international medical school listed with the World Directory of Medical Schools (World Directory) published by the Foundation for the Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) and the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).

You must also be a Canadian citizen or hold a valid Canadian permanent resident card. Note that you will be required to enter your Medical Identification Number for Canada (MINC) in your application.

International medical graduates and graduates of osteopathic medical schools*

If you are an international medical graduate who is attending or has graduated from a school listed with the World Directory, or who is attending or has graduated from a school of osteopathic medicine, you must also have:

  • Written and passed, or be scheduled to write the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Examination by September 2022
  • Written and passed, or be scheduled to write the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam Part Iby November 2022*

Note: This requirement will grant you access to participate in a CaRMS match but does not automatically make you eligible within all provinces. Provincial eligibility updates are submitted periodically throughout the match year. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they meet the requirements. If provincial eligibility changes after you have registered to participate to a match and you are no longer eligible, please contact .

Postgraduate training

Only applicants without previous Canadian or US postgraduate training** are eligible to attain a position through CaRMS in the first iteration. If you have previous Canadian or US postgraduate training or plan to participate only in the second iteration of the match, please review the second iteration eligibility information.

* See the “Summary of MCC examination requirements” for each province’s requirements and exceptions
** Preliminary training in the US is considered accredited postgraduate training for the purposes of R-1 match first iteration eligibility. Applicants with previous preliminary training in the US are therefore not eligible to participate in the first iteration.

Second iteration - general

Updated September 28, 2022

2023 Cycle Information

Second iteration

To participate in the second iteration of the R-1 match, you must be a medical student or graduate who has obtained, or is in the process of obtaining, a medical degree by July 1 of the match year from an institution that meets one of the following criteria:

  • A Liaison Committee on Medical Education/Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (LCME/CACMS)accredited school;
  • A school of osteopathic medicine; or
  • An international medical school listed with the World Directory of Medical Schools published by the Foundation for the Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) and the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).

The second iteration is open to eligible applicants who fit one or more of the following categories:

  • Applicants who submitted a rank order list for the first iteration but went unmatched.
  • Applicants who participated in the first iteration but later withdrew participation.
  • Applicants who did not participate in any way in the first iteration.
  • Applicants who are only eligible for the second iteration based on the provincial criteria and previous postgraduate training.

Please note that to participate in the second iteration you must be a Canadian citizen or hold a valid Canadian permanent resident card. Note that you will be required to enter your Medical Identification Number for Canada (MINC) in your application.

International medical graduates and graduates of osteopathic medical schools*

If you are an international medical graduate who is attending or has graduated from a school listed with the World Directory, or who is attending or has graduated from a school of osteopathic medicine, you must have:

  • Written and passed, or be scheduled to write the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Examination by September 2022**
  • Written and passed or be scheduled to write the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam Part I by November 2022 or February 2023**.

* Basic eligibility to be allowed to participate in the R-1 match. See the Summary of MCC examination requirements for each province’s requirements and exceptions.

** Results for the February 2023 MCCQEI will not be available before the rank order list period opens. Programs may not review applications which do not have the MCCQEI results at the opening of file review

Provincial criteria

Provincial criteria

Summary of MCC examination requirements

Updated on September 23, 2022

For detailed information regarding Medical Council of Canada (MCC) examinations, please consult the MCC website. Exam-related questions should be directed to the MCC.

First iteration

Examination Requirements


Is the NAC required for International medical graduates (IMGs) and for United States Osteopathic Medical Graduates for the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match? Is the MCCQE Part I required for International medical graduates (IMGs) and for United States Osteopathic Medical Graduates for the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match? Will the province accept the MCCEE instead of the MCCQE Part I for the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match? Will the province accept the MCCQE Part II instead of NAC for the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match? Are there any other exceptions?
Newfoundland and Labrador Yes or LMCC Yes No Yes or LMCC No
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Yes Yes***  No No Yes*** 
Québec Yes or LMCC Yes* No Yes or LMCC Yes**
Ontario Yes Yes No Yes No
Manitoba Yes Yes No No No
Saskatchewan Yes Yes No No No
Alberta Yes Yes No No No
British Columbia Yes Yes No No No

 * Graduates with the diploma of doctor of osteopathy awarded by a school of osteopathic medicine situated in the United States providing that the school is accredited by the commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation of the American Osteopathic Association do not have to obtain the recognition of the equivalence of the medical diploma by the CMQ. These graduates do not require the MCCQE Part I, the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) or the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) in order to apply.
** Candidates who have already received recognition of the equivalence of the medical diploma from the CMQ.
*** If applying to any Family Medicine – IMG programs, a pass in the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam part 1 OR one of the equivalent exceptions (as defined by the regulatory health authority listed below) is required for a postgraduate training licence.  

  • ALL of the United States Medical Licensing Examinations: (USMLE) Step 1, USMLE – Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS); or 
  • For Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) candidates only, the COMLEX (The Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States).  

Second iteration

Examination Requirements


Is the NAC required for International medical graduates (IMGs) and for United States Osteopathic Medical Graduates for the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match? Is the MCCQE Part I required for International medical graduates (IMGs) and for United States Osteopathic Medical Graduates for the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match? Will the province accept the MCCEE instead of the MCCQE Part I for the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match? Will the province accept the MCCQE Part II instead of NAC for the 2023 R-1 Main Residency Match? In second iteration are applicants that were matched prior to 2023 who were not required to take the MCCQE Part I, now required? In second iteration are applicants that were matched prior to 2023 who were not required to take the NAC, now required?
Newfoundland and Labrador Yes or LMCC Yes No Yes or LMCC No No
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Yes Yes*****  No Yes or LMCC  Yes No*
Québec Yes or LMCC*** Yes*** No Yes or LMCC N/A**** N/A****
Ontario Yes Yes No Yes No No
Manitoba Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Saskatchewan Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Alberta Yes Yes No No Yes No
British Columbia Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

*for IMGs currently in training already licensed in Canada.
**Applicants must have passed the MCCEE or USMLE 1 & 2.
***Graduates with the diploma of doctor of osteopathy awarded by a school of osteopathic medicine situated in the United States providing that the school is accredited by the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation of the American Osteopathic Association do not have to obtain the recognition of the equivalence of the medical diploma by the CMQ. These graduates do not require the MCCQE Part I, the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC), or the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) in order to apply.
****Please note: The examinations are not the only conditions that must be met in Quebec. Please consult the CMQ website for more details.
*****If applying to any Family Medicine – IMG programs, a pass in the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam part 1 OR one of the equivalent exceptions (as defined by the regulatory health authority listed below) is required for a postgraduate training licence.  

  • ALL of the United States Medical Licensing Examinations: (USMLE) Step 1, USMLE – Step 2 Clinical Knowledge (CK), USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills (CS); or 
  • For Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) candidates only, the COMLEX (The Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States).  

AFMC motion

The Association of Faculties of Medicine (AFMC) is the academic partnership of Canada’s Faculties of Medicine and is the national voice for academic medicine in Canada. The resolutions outlined below partially inform the eligibility criteria for the match.

AFMC motion

Since Canadian medical schools are the principal source of the physician workforce for Canada

Be it resolved by the AFMC Board of Directors:

  • That all graduates of Canadian medical schools be assured access to a residency position in Canada to complete training necessary to enter practice,
  • That access to postgraduate training organized by the Residency Match in Canada be through a defined and transparent process for eligible graduates of LCME/CACMS accredited medical schools and also for eligible graduates of international medical schools,
  • That these processes must be defined by July 1 of the calendar year to ensure proper implementation can occur,
  • That we affirm that eligibility for a postgraduate training program is determined by each Canadian medical school,
  • That participation in the first iteration of the Canadian Residency Match be restricted to eligible graduates of LCME/CACMS accredited schools or international medical schools, who have had no previous RCPSC/CFPC/ACGME accredited postgraduate training.

Approved by AFMC Board, May 2nd, 2006.
London, Ontario

Is OET needed for match 2023?

Applicants with a test venue in their country should plan to take OET on paper or OET on computer at a physical test center to ensure that they test in time to meet Pathways requirements for participation in the 2023 Match.

When should I take OET for 2023?

Important Upcoming Dates:.
Take OET before December 2022..
Release OET scores to ECFMG before January 31st, 2023..
Submit Pathway application before January 31st, 2023..

When can I apply for 2023 match?

If you believe you are eligible to apply to a Pathway, complete and submit your Application for Pathways for ECFMG Certification for 2023 Match. Your application must be submitted by January 31, 2023.

How many years is the validity of OET?

OET certificates are valid for two years. If you are taking the PLAB test, your certificate must be valid on the day you sit PLAB part 1. If you are applying for registration with a licence to practise, it must be valid when we approve your application.

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